Small indeterminate kidney lesion - Very Nervous

Posted by am1974 @am1974, Nov 14, 2023

Hello All: I am new here. Just had Abdominal CT Sscan due to right side cramp/discomfort and it found a 11mm indeterminate lesion on right kidney. I am in the process of getting an MRI as recommended by the reading radiologist. I am very nervous and just wanted to know your thoughts or any helpful guidance or insight. Thank you so much in advance.

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Years ago something was identified on one of my husband’s kidneys during a scan (for something else). Words like kidney stone, cyst, calcified mass were thrown around. A doctor (urologist I think) said “it is something, but nothing to worry about”. Now years later it still gets scanned every few years to monitor that there have been no changes in size or shape. No treatment of any kind was required and it is still “something but nothing”.


Years ago something was identified on one of my husband’s kidneys during a scan (for something else). Words like kidney stone, cyst, calcified mass were thrown around. A doctor (urologist I think) said “it is something, but nothing to worry about”. Now years later it still gets scanned every few years to monitor that there have been no changes in size or shape. No treatment of any kind was required and it is still “something but nothing”.

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Cheryl, thank you for your response. I’m glad your husband is okay. I appreciate you sharing his experience.


Cheryl, thank you for your response. I’m glad your husband is okay. I appreciate you sharing his experience.

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I started my journey on September 29. By accident a 4cm lesion was found on my kidney. I am in the process of deciding what doctor and location I will go for surgery. Most physicians will follow what they call
“National Comprehensive Cancer Network “ (NCCN) guidelines, this is the “go to” ways different cancers, lesions, masses are treated. As you will notice on this site we may all have variances in how we are treated. That is why they call it “the practice” of medicine. Stay healthy in mind and body. Do what the doctors say, trust them and enjoy each day you are given. Blessings.


I started my journey on September 29. By accident a 4cm lesion was found on my kidney. I am in the process of deciding what doctor and location I will go for surgery. Most physicians will follow what they call
“National Comprehensive Cancer Network “ (NCCN) guidelines, this is the “go to” ways different cancers, lesions, masses are treated. As you will notice on this site we may all have variances in how we are treated. That is why they call it “the practice” of medicine. Stay healthy in mind and body. Do what the doctors say, trust them and enjoy each day you are given. Blessings.

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Thanks for your response, dougr19. I appreciate you sharing your experience and I’m sure you are going to be fine.


Thanks for your response, dougr19. I appreciate you sharing your experience and I’m sure you are going to be fine.

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Hi there
Coincidently, I too was told about a 4 cm mass on Sept 28. I'm in Canada & personally found that I had to be my own advocate. I was initially told that a consult would take 2 to 3 months to schedule followed by surgery in Feb/March. The stress associated with sit back and wait attitude is the most stressful aspect of this journey.


Irkah, thank you for your response. I totally agree about waiting and stress. I’m sure you’ll be OK. I appreciate you sharing your experience. We are all in this together.


Hi @am1974 , it took 4 yrs for my drs to keep doing ultrasound , mri and ct scan alternately in that period of time to observe if the mass would grow or not. Unfortunately, it did and had to remove my left kidney after those years. This is the best place to be in bc we are all supporting each others conditions, fears and the unknown to us only to be enlighten by well informed resource persons. Stay calm, be proactive.
We are all in this with you.


belabaliw, thanks for your response. I certainly appreciate you sharing your experience and kind words. I hope you are doing well.


I have a small "hypodensity" on one kidney that was identified on a CT scan I had a few months ago for inguinal lymphadenopathy. Radiology report said it was too small to be clinically significant, whatever that means. The mass size was not quantified in the report. My Primary Care Physician (PCP) said these are fairly common and wasn't concerned enough to recommend any followup. But, I suppose that if your radiologist recommends an MRI, that's a good plan to follow. A caveat - my experience with MRI: I had one and found out I was claustrophobic when I freaked out after I got shoved into the tube. Had to abort and get a repeat w/ a lorazepam to keep me calm, which went much more smoothly. Also, they typically take a lot longer than a CT scan and you have to remain very still. So, again, may want to take a happy pill.

Good luck!


I have a small "hypodensity" on one kidney that was identified on a CT scan I had a few months ago for inguinal lymphadenopathy. Radiology report said it was too small to be clinically significant, whatever that means. The mass size was not quantified in the report. My Primary Care Physician (PCP) said these are fairly common and wasn't concerned enough to recommend any followup. But, I suppose that if your radiologist recommends an MRI, that's a good plan to follow. A caveat - my experience with MRI: I had one and found out I was claustrophobic when I freaked out after I got shoved into the tube. Had to abort and get a repeat w/ a lorazepam to keep me calm, which went much more smoothly. Also, they typically take a lot longer than a CT scan and you have to remain very still. So, again, may want to take a happy pill.

Good luck!

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Thanks itchyd. I am claustrophobic as well and I’ve thought about that. I think there are other MRI machines in my area such an open MRI and stand up MRI, which do not use those traditional MRI cylinders. Thank you for responding and sharing your experience. I hope you are well.

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