Electrical shocks throughout my body.

Posted by KidWithShocks @braedenl2202, Nov 13, 2019

Hello. I’m not sure if anyone knows what I am talking about but I am hoping that someone does because I am beginning to feel crazy. Every day, I have an electrical sensation feeling throughout my entire body. The only way I can describe it to people is that it feels like I am being shocked by a light switch throughout my entire body. It is very painful, however only lasts from around 5-20 minutes, 1-5 times a day. It’s starting to scare me because my doctor looked at me like I was crazy, and my nurses chuckled when they heard my symptoms. I am going to a neurologist but they cannot fit me in for another month. It’s very painful for me and it has started to come with a red, splotchy rash from my neck down to my legs. If anyone has any idea what this could be and what I can do to surprise the pain, I would really appreciate the advice. And also if anyone else deals with this please tell me because I really am starting to think I am crazy. Thank you!

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I believe I've posted before, but for those new to discussion I understand how hard it is to get a diagnosis because this is not a visual disease and can have dozens of reasons causing these internal sensations.

I'm free of these sensations today but it took over 5 years to figure it out. In my case it was just under the skin- stinging, zapping, tasering sensations and in my case all over: checks, feet, limbs, torso- simply everywhere. They would last for a second or 2 and another would pop up at a different location within 15 seconds. They were worse at night making sleep difficult, getting only a few hours each night. I entertained my self at night planning my suicide- one that would be successful after one try, pain free and not leave a mess for my husband to clean up. I wrote entire scripts in my mind. During the day there are distractions, but at night you just lay there suffering, begging for sleep, wondering where the next zap would be.
I had neurological body scans, nothing showed up.

At the point of suicide from lack of sleep and suffering my Family Practice doctor got me into an allergist and I got the 5 Day Extended Patch Test. I have tested positive to over a dozen common everyday elements (this is not the simple allergen test for enviromentals like pollen, dust and mold). This is a 5 day test involving your entire back torso covered with test patches. I eliminated my allergic contacts- one of my major offenders was to an element in memory foam which contains an element from rubber, MBT. One year earlier I bought a mattress containing memory foam. I was sleeping on a mattress off gassing though my skin and into my bloodstream a common allergen. Six months after all known allergic contact removal I improved, but I still had the internal skin issues, just less severe. I began getting a Cortico-Steroid injection, Kenalog-40 annually. It would control my elevated histamines for 9 months, wonderful. The sensations were gone for about 9 months. The dermatolgist only wanted to give it to me once a year because steroids have many negative side effects like hair loss and others. Nine months to the day after the injections the sensations would begin again and gradually worsen. Waiting for a new shot was hard. I had these shots for 3 years. Steroids are only a treatment, they do not solve the cause.

My breakthough on part of the cause and the reason I have rid myself of the horrible misery of these internal electrical sensations is because I gave up processed sugar. I read The Yeast Connection Handbook by William Crooke, Md. He bases many diseases on the yeast colonies, mainly living in the colon, which crave their favorite source of food processed sugar. The yeast discharge their waste for which some passes though our thinning intestinal lining( these sentations started for me in my mid 60's) and into our bloodstream raising our histamine levels. Histamines believe this yeast waste is poison and raise up an army of histamines trying to eliminate this waste raising our internal inflamation. Mind you I had no visible yeast symptoms on my body or yeast issues in my vagina giving off discharge or typical yeast symptoms.

I began the 3 month detox suggested in the Crooke diet in Oct of 2018 three months before I was due for another Kenalog 40 shot just when my symptoms were ramping up again. The detox period, it is brutal, extremely limiting and you will crave sugar while the yeast colonies are dying out. You can eat all the meat and veggies you want, similar to a Keto diet and you will loose weight and feel hungry all the time. His simple short book is written for the layperson to understand with simple hand drawn diagrams as to what is happening in your body in which your brain is being controlled by yeast craving sugar. Once the colonies starve out, some yeast remains of course and ready to amass again when you give it the food it craves and needs. It takes time for your brain will get rewired to stop craving sugar. It's truly comparable to detoxing from cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs. Mind you I have never been overweight or ate desserts daily. I had such success after three months I kept it up for a total of 4 months. After that I followed the maintanence plan for a year and now today the only food I will not eat and never will again is processed sugar. I'm back eating several servings of fruit daily and I also eat carbs. It takes over a year for the major sugar craving to lesson and probably 4 years to not care when you see cake or a cookie. My mouth no longer floods with saliva thinking of a sugary food. Trust me saliva will squirt out of your mouth just thinking about a processed sugar food. As I mentioned Crooke will explain the control yeast has on your brain. It's not your stomach telling you to eat sugar it's your brain. My Kenalog 40 shot was due in December 2018, but I didn't need it, all sensations gone. I've been free of these electrical shocks now for 5 years, zero steroids!

I may be a rare case but this costs you no money to try, ( for 25 cents I bought a used paperback at the city library) but if you don't have self control or disciple don't even try. I had to brain wash myself. I made up a jingle I repeated every time I though of eating processed sugar foods which I still had in my house because of my family.

When will you learn,
it's going to make you burn.

Pain is a serious motivator!


Did you ever find out what it was bc I am experiencing the same thing only the stinging static electrical sensation last all day it's almost as if it has liquid static in it my body is broke out from my neck down to my feet look like I've got into a major mosquito infestation but that's not what happened I'm broke out on my arms my chest my stomach my legs and my hair stays staticky on the end

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"Electrical shocks" caught my attention. I don't have them throughout my body, but I do get them frequently in the R side of my head, at the temple area, always the same area. After the shocks, it leaves the temple area very sore and tender to toucch. Sometimes, after the shock, it is swollen, like a bulging vein?? I have told two different neurologists about this, but they aren't interested. I have a brain aneurysm on the R side and I keep wondering if it could be related to that. I know that aneurysms aren't supposed to have symptoms, but in lieu of a Dx, it does keep me wondering. I had one in front of another Mayo Dr one day and she was concerned and wanted to take me to the Mayo ER. She said my eyes were "bouncing around" while I was experiencing the shock? Anyone else have anything like this?


Hi everyone.... ever since a really bad case of shingles about 6 years ago it in my eye, ear, mouth and they seem to think down my spinal cord has caused so many neuro problems. I find winter is worse... maybe this is something you can test, Fibromyalgia is another thing that can cause this and so i am on 25mg of Endep... it helps you sleep at night and is a slow release that you don't notice during the day.. i started on half a pill for a couple of years. I still get them but mainly in my legs. Haven't found a cure as yet but maybe talk to your doctor and ask if you have had a couple of bouts of shingles and didnt realise that it could have started a reaction of what i also call electric shocks under the skin
cheers and take care from Australia


Omg yes! I get this quite frequently and I have no idea why and mine usually last a minimum of an hour or all day and it hurts so bad.


Gabapentin and tylenol can help with the pain of electric shocks. Doctors don't seem to know what else to do for it. It can be very painful - lasts from 5 to 20 minutes at least for times a day.


Omg yes! I get this quite frequently and I have no idea why and mine usually last a minimum of an hour or all day and it hurts so bad.

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Yes it hurts very bad!
Sometimes it makes me yell in pain,which makes my dog run away from me.
She doesn’t like when I moan either.


Gabapentin and tylenol can help with the pain of electric shocks. Doctors don't seem to know what else to do for it. It can be very painful - lasts from 5 to 20 minutes at least for times a day.

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Gabapentin did nothing for me.
IBUPROFEN worked best,but takes a little while to kick in.
That’s why I take it every 5-6 hrs to get ahead of an episode.


My husband has the electric shocks. He also has Parkinson's. He gets very hot with the shocks and sweats. We use ice packs to cool him down and turn on a fan. We have to keep the windows open so he can breathe.

His neurologist does not know what to do except give him more pills. He is already on 25 pills and 5 supplements. It is too bad that medicine has side effects which makes it difficult to figure out which medicines cause problems.

We can deal with the Parkinson's but the electric shocks are just so painful. We did try cannibis without the TCP but it did not work that well for him. So I am wondering what else we could try as no one should have to live with this pain.


I have bolts and pins in my back and I go through the same situation as you

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