Ankylosis Spondylitis

Posted by candybeason45 @candybeason45, Nov 18, 2023

About 4 months ago I had blood work done with my primary Dr and my sed rate was 32 & he recommended I go see a rheumatologist. I went to see the one I had before and she believed I may have Ankylosis Spondylitis but wasn't 100% sure. I hurt in my hips so bad for the last 3 yrs & no one could ever find the reason why. I just had a CT scan done & it showed Multilevel degenerative disc disease & SI joints are Sclerotic. When I researched that it said ankylosis Spondylitis so I'm wondering if she was right! I see her again in a few weeks but when she suspected me of having it she started me on Humira injections. I have such severe pain in my hips, mostly left side and lower left back pain that stops me in my tracks. Anyone else have Ankylosis Spondylitis

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Hi @candybeason45, according to Mayo Clinic, Ankylosing Spondylitis ( is diagnosed through a physical exam and imaging studies (X-ray, MRI). There are no specific lab tests to identify ankylosing spondylitis. Certain blood tests can check for markers of inflammation, but inflammation can be caused by many different health problems.

I'd like to invite fellow members @basslakebabe19 @oldkarl @jlf2 @janicemjackson and @kavardell who may be able to share how they were diagnosed.

You may also be interested in these discussions:
– ankylosing spondylitis:
– Ankylosing Spondylitis + Osteoporosis:


Hi @candybeason45, according to Mayo Clinic, Ankylosing Spondylitis ( is diagnosed through a physical exam and imaging studies (X-ray, MRI). There are no specific lab tests to identify ankylosing spondylitis. Certain blood tests can check for markers of inflammation, but inflammation can be caused by many different health problems.

I'd like to invite fellow members @basslakebabe19 @oldkarl @jlf2 @janicemjackson and @kavardell who may be able to share how they were diagnosed.

You may also be interested in these discussions:
– ankylosing spondylitis:
– Ankylosing Spondylitis + Osteoporosis:

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I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease years ago and the ankylosing-spondylitiswas part of the diagnosis. In these later years osteoporosis. I am 83 years old and have developed a screaming sciatic nerve~~~have really been suffering these most recent weeks. I did have spinal fusions back when the initial diagnosis was made and that was 1994 and again in 2000. Then about 4 years ago I required neck fusion and if this doesn't sound like an ignorant fool~~~The neck fusion in MY estimation has created severe posture and head lowering. I have been to a Neurologist but they just add Lyrica on top fo Gabapentin and my balance suffers from the meds. Oh, well,~~~I am just too old to have another surgical procedure but I surely do wish I could get from an ongoing and constant headache.
Janice Jackson


I had back pain for years, and in 2005 and 2007, had both hips replaced. Back was showing degenerative disc disease, but no further recommendations except exercise and chiropractor, along with diclofinac and stomach meds for that issue. Fast forward to 2022, when trying on a new chiropractor, he told me I needed to see a rheumatologist. Ta Da! You have AS and your back and neck are partially fused! I appreciate having a diagnosis, but wish that other doctors would have listened to me and possibly made the referral earlier.
Started Humira last week to hopefully stop the progression of this disease. Got myself a new friend too, to help me sleep.


My new friend is an Ankylosaurus squishmallo, but jpeg is too big to post.


Have your rheumatologist or other doc check for HLA B27 gene. Those with the gene are at higher risk of AS, along with many other autoimmune symptoms.


My new friend is an Ankylosaurus squishmallo, but jpeg is too big to post.

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@phxjana Welcome to the autoimmune discussion group. I see that you’ve been on Connect for sometime, but this is your first time posting. And your little friend made me laugh! I wonder whoever came up with squishmallos and gave them such great names? They are adorable.
How long have you been ‘defrosting’ in AZ?


Almost 10 is amazing how cold the desert gets at night starting about this time of year 🙂
We moved for my husband's autoimmune issues (CML), as the cold makes his condition worse.


I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease years ago and the ankylosing-spondylitiswas part of the diagnosis. In these later years osteoporosis. I am 83 years old and have developed a screaming sciatic nerve~~~have really been suffering these most recent weeks. I did have spinal fusions back when the initial diagnosis was made and that was 1994 and again in 2000. Then about 4 years ago I required neck fusion and if this doesn't sound like an ignorant fool~~~The neck fusion in MY estimation has created severe posture and head lowering. I have been to a Neurologist but they just add Lyrica on top fo Gabapentin and my balance suffers from the meds. Oh, well,~~~I am just too old to have another surgical procedure but I surely do wish I could get from an ongoing and constant headache.
Janice Jackson

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I agree with @hlab27, have them check for the gene, and if you have the ability to try physical therapy, aqua has worked wonders for me. Even the exercises they gave me for my partially fused neck helps me a lot!


I agree with @hlab27, have them check for the gene, and if you have the ability to try physical therapy, aqua has worked wonders for me. Even the exercises they gave me for my partially fused neck helps me a lot!

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I have done so much physical therapy it hasn't ever helped me with anything but make me hurt worse at times. I will definitely ask my Dr if she can check me for that gene for sure!


I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease years ago and the ankylosing-spondylitiswas part of the diagnosis. In these later years osteoporosis. I am 83 years old and have developed a screaming sciatic nerve~~~have really been suffering these most recent weeks. I did have spinal fusions back when the initial diagnosis was made and that was 1994 and again in 2000. Then about 4 years ago I required neck fusion and if this doesn't sound like an ignorant fool~~~The neck fusion in MY estimation has created severe posture and head lowering. I have been to a Neurologist but they just add Lyrica on top fo Gabapentin and my balance suffers from the meds. Oh, well,~~~I am just too old to have another surgical procedure but I surely do wish I could get from an ongoing and constant headache.
Janice Jackson

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I will definitely keep you in my prayers! I would hate to have to go thru all that. My left hip hurts so bad and if I'm not moving I get stuff when I get up and its hard to move for a minute. The pain in my lower back on same slide hurts most days sometimes all day like yesterday. I just want some relief.

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