Does anyone have daily persistent headache all day, every day?

Posted by mikaylar @mikaylar, Nov 16, 2023

Docs cannot figure it out. Dizziness too.

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I'm so sorry you are having headaches with dizziness. Have you seen headache specialist or Ear/nose throat specialist as of yet?

I used to have chonic daily headaches. Early in life, my migraines were cyclic with "female" cycles, becoming daily in my 20's . After many years of not being treated sufficiently, I refered myself to an endocrinologist and was diagnosed with Hashimotos Autoimmune thyroid disease and hypothyroidism. Starting treatment with levothyroxine helped to reduce the severity and frequency of headache pain. Years later with increasing migraine severity and frequency (no meds helped), I began to have a different type of nightly extremely severe headache in the middle of the night that was unbearable. I visited a Headache specialist in North Carolina and soon after a move, in San Fran; I was still very sick and visited headache specialist in early 2020 at Mayo clinic. Under preventative treatments from my Mayo physician, I now have migraines that respond to acute treatment about 4 episodes per month, and noctural MILD headaches maybe 5 times per month. My life is much improved, and I am very seldom having severe GI symptoms with either type of headache or feeling nauseated and in terrible pain daily.

Dizziness is a conceran for many reasons. If you feel you are severely dehydrated or at increased risk for a fall or falling asleep driving--or might be experiencing inner earissues--please do see a physician (if not already done). I hope you can find someone to help who can offer some options for relief. It can be very depressing and debilitating.


mikaylar @mikaylaregen I just remembered: I have a relative with vestibular migraines that had headaches and extreme dizziness. Has your MD evaluated you for VM?? Here is a discussion on this site by a patient with VM:


How are you being treated with meds, etc?


Is your headache pain located at the temple area, or one or both sides of your head? If so, has your Dr considered temporal arteritis?


Is your headache pain located at the temple area, or one or both sides of your head? If so, has your Dr considered temporal arteritis?

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No, it's global. Tension headache they think since my neck is invoved.


Yes, I do. It's torture. I cannot take ibuprofen or much Tylenol because my liver enzymes spike. So I take sumitriptan when I just can't stand it any more.
You're not alone.


This is awful for all of us. No meds have worked for me.


First, the obvious - do you have migraines?
Are you taking daily medication for such headaches? Tylenol, Advil, triptans and the like?
You could be experiencing "rebound headaches"...which will show up every day if you are in a cycle of taking headache pain medication daily. The brain gets "use" to pain relief and then wants more when a pain medication is not there - so you take more pain medication and the cycle goes on and on.
Could this be anxiety? Depression? Anxiety/depression literally affects everything in the body and daily headaches is certainly one of its manifestations. Dizziness goes along with that also. Any problems with your inner ear? Dizzy for sure, if so. Sinus condition? Seasonal allergies? Or allergies in the home? Living in an area with poor air quality? All of which cause headaches.
Are you under the care of a headache specialist/neurologist? If not - find one. Under a lot of stress? If so, find ways to de-stress, de-stress and de-stress!! Any head injury recently? It could even be years ago...a traumatic brain injury can show up at ANY time. I am proof of that...which morphed into an awful ongoing migraine condition. Are you drinking plenty of water? Dehydration could be the culprit. Skipping meals...low blood sugar? Headaches for sure.
Have you had a CT scan/MRI to rule out anything significant in the brain? My sense is all is well.
Use migraine sunglasses watching TV...your eyes might be sensitive to any kind of perfumes either.
Are you sleeping well? Lack of sleep is a recipe for any and all medical issues...headaches one of them. Naps might be beneficial for you. A sleep machine might help relax you trying to fall asleep, i.e. nature sounds, etc.
Blood pressure normal and stable? Spikes in blood pressure can cause headaches.
And lastly, sometimes the brain chemicals - for whatever reason - the neurotransmitters, are out of whack and such transmitters send pain signals to your blood vessels causing dilation which results in head pain.
A good neurologist can help you...and even such specialists, if they are being honest, will admit so much is unknown about the brain even in 2023. Do as much research as you can. There is the National Headache Foundation which has a wealth of information as well as the World Migraine Summit which has annual presentations by the top headache specialists in the country. 2024 is the next summit and it's free.
Do you have headaches tools in place? Ice cap, neck wrap, sunglasses, peppermint aromatherapy is excellent for headaches, the only "smell" I use. Ginger or peppermint tea to sip? Do you go to a spa for a headache relief treatment/massage? Works wonders - unfortunately doesn't last but it's great while it does. Use all the de-stressing tools you can muster up and use them daily...guided imagery, yoga, meditation, walks, prayer, mantras, inspirational readings. It's a battle. You need "weapons".
I more than feel for you as I am there with you. I get it. I wish you well!

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