Treatment for Prostate Cancer Metastasized to Bones

Posted by cal77 @cal77, Aug 27, 2023

4 months ago diagnosed with Prostate Cancer that has Metasized into Bones. So far, just getting Hormone Treatment...Eligard and Erleada....Feeling so tired...Is this normal? Is there any other treatment available?

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Which is better Chemo or 177LU?

One is one set every 3 weeks 177 is 6 injections spread out

FEEDBACK NEEDED QUICKLY please low load bone mets in spine but Xtandi not working as much after 9 months

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If you are talking about Pluvicto(Lutetium 177) vs chemotherapy you have to have chemotherapy first and either fail it or not be able to tolerate it before they will give you Pluvicto.


I actually had quad therapy since they added the Carboplatin. I am now a few months past that. My post scans still showed the spots but they were smaller. He was unsure whether it was still active cancer or just the so called scar tissue of dead cancer cells. We could have just stopped and waited for another scan in a few months to see or hit it with a 5th. medication. He recommended the latter and gave me the choice and I chose to continue with the Pluvicto. I have completed 2 of the 6 doses. They will do a scan immediately prior to the 4th.dose then based on that scan we’ll decide whether to proceed with 5 and 6. If the scans show the cancer is gone or if it shows the Pluvicto is not working then I’ll probably not receive the 5th and 6th doses.

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Urgent Are you having any of those nasty side effects listed as most common Bleeding gums Blood in urine stool etct?
Is 177 better than chemo and is so why?
Why did you chooses this 177 over chemo
Is it killing the bone tumors?
What's is your PSA tests look like as you go with the injections
Can one still travel by air between injections?
Lots of question but I am very concerned and sleepless in Mississauga
I am offered a clinical blind trial One side chemo, the other 177 with lots of scans and test 1 1/2 hours away versus straight chemo 15 minutes from my home where I go now but not part of the trial The Xtandi I am on is slowly not working PSA 9.3 last Jan down to 1.7 with Xtandi and now up to 4.5


If you are talking about Pluvicto(Lutetium 177) vs chemotherapy you have to have chemotherapy first and either fail it or not be able to tolerate it before they will give you Pluvicto.

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The Princess Margaret Hospital is looking at me on a clinical trial One branch Chemo the other 177 random selection L177 $10K a shot free but 1 1/2 hours away versus straight chemo locally

Questions Urgent Are people having any of those nasty side effects listed as most common Bleeding gums Blood in urine stool etct?
Is 177 better than chemo and is so why?
Why did they chooses this 177 over chemo
Is it killing the bone tumors?
What's is ones PSA tests look like as you go with the injections
Can one still travel by air between injections?
Lots of question but I am very concerned and sleepless in Mississauga


Urgent Are you having any of those nasty side effects listed as most common Bleeding gums Blood in urine stool etct?
Is 177 better than chemo and is so why?
Why did you chooses this 177 over chemo
Is it killing the bone tumors?
What's is your PSA tests look like as you go with the injections
Can one still travel by air between injections?
Lots of question but I am very concerned and sleepless in Mississauga
I am offered a clinical blind trial One side chemo, the other 177 with lots of scans and test 1 1/2 hours away versus straight chemo 15 minutes from my home where I go now but not part of the trial The Xtandi I am on is slowly not working PSA 9.3 last Jan down to 1.7 with Xtandi and now up to 4.5

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I’ve had no significant side effects from either. Nausea and fatigue but nothing extreme. Too early to comment on effectiveness since I’m still in the middle of it.


I’ve had no significant side effects from either. Nausea and fatigue but nothing extreme. Too early to comment on effectiveness since I’m still in the middle of it.

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Good going Would you have chosen chemo over 177 knowing anything different now


I’ve had no significant side effects from either. Nausea and fatigue but nothing extreme. Too early to comment on effectiveness since I’m still in the middle of it.

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are there lots of test scans and blood work meeting in between i would have a 2 hour journey both ways


are there lots of test scans and blood work meeting in between i would have a 2 hour journey both ways

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Too early for me to comment on one versus the other. Receiving Pluvicto is easier,, less medications involved and it’s only every six weeks versus chemo every three weeks.


Too early for me to comment on one versus the other. Receiving Pluvicto is easier,, less medications involved and it’s only every six weeks versus chemo every three weeks.

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Do they do CT scans and nuclear scans after every injection Bloodwork how often

Any side effects so far


Do they do CT scans and nuclear scans after every injection Bloodwork how often

Any side effects so far

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They do blood work before treatment and a special scan the day after treatment. In-between treatments at the 3 week mark they want blood work done but you can have that done locally and fax it to them. I’ve had some increased fatigue with it a little nausea for a week or so after.


They do blood work before treatment and a special scan the day after treatment. In-between treatments at the 3 week mark they want blood work done but you can have that done locally and fax it to them. I’ve had some increased fatigue with it a little nausea for a week or so after.

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They have not done my PSMA scan for eligibility yet and clinical trial closing soon They say branch of trial is random If chemo I would stay local hospital and not do trial. I see you can travel 3 days after and if flying must notify TFSA
Did they talk survival with you and what was said?
This if interesting I am Stage 4 in bones L2 T10 11 moving up T 76 7 but very small load But 2,3 x 2,3 in upper chest bone L1 was radiated out in 2020
Where is yours ?
Of great interest

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