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"Dysregulated" immune system?

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Nov 17, 2023 | Replies (20)

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My symptoms are not as severe, but I have psoriasis, occasional eczema/rashes, depression, and weight gain. I developed uveitis in one eye earlier this year after it recurred my eye dr. referred me to a rheumatologist. Except for slightly elevated CRP all the lab work was normal. About 7 years ago i had chronic diarrhea for 2 1/2 months. I lost about 25 lbs. Gastroenterologist ran stool cultures , all the various blood work, etc. Nothing was abnormal except an extremely high CRP. It resolved on its own. The only explanation they had was perhaps i had an infection that my body cleared and this was the reaction. My rheumatologist told me that even with the tests being negative she thinks there is an autoimmune component to the uveitis. The eye dr. Put me on a 3 month taper of eye drops to see if it comes back. My taper ends in a few weeks.

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Replies to "My symptoms are not as severe, but I have psoriasis, occasional eczema/rashes, depression, and weight gain...."

@walk4life It sounds like your doctor has you on the right track medication wise. Does you eye feel any better? I included this Mayo Clinic site because it talks more about causes of uveitis. Did the doctors talk about a relationship with your other conditions?
Is your psoriasis well-treated?

If the Something Autoimmuney Club had a theme song, it might be the new song I made up a few weeks ago about diarrhea! I only wish I could attach an audio file for you to get the full effect! To be honest, it’s really only two lines, but I think with some group effort, it could be a whole song.

p.s. terrible gastroenteritis (which is a much fancier term for diarrhea every single hour for about 3 days until there is literally nothing left inside you) was definitely a turning point for me about 4 years ago I think? I got a whiff of hepatitis - which can happen when whatever virus/bacteria is inflaming your guts. And someone ran an ANA, which was only 1:80 at that time. I got more symptomatic within a year and my ANA was 1:320 on repeat about 10 months later. Did the GI bug *cause* it? Probably not in an A causes B kind of way, but it might have been one of the many things that tipped my immune system towards dysregulation. Diarrhea!