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Thank you for your comments on those of us who find narcotics helpful. I have been taking them for many years responsibly with the care a very forward-thinking well-trained pain management doctor. He is trying his best to deal with all the regulations and does a lot to help minimize the hassle for his patients who have shown him they are responsible and trustworthy with these medications. I never feel like I am being treated like a drug-addict. Without these medications my career (I am a professor at a major University) would have ended years ago because I would not have been able to keep teaching and being on my feet for all these years. I encourage people to find a good pain management doctor who shows them the respect and trust and care that they deserve. My pain management doctor also does many different things and recognizes that pain management medicine is not a one size fits all practice. He uses injections, nutrition, spinal cord stimulation, supplements, and many new and cutting edge techniques. He also refers to other doctors and practitioners who he thinks may be helpful. He is very available to me and his office is extremely responsive. His care kept me out of a surgery that I think I would have regretted many many years ago. This is what we all deserve and while I have terrible pain almost every day which increases as I get older, I know that I can continue the search that we all are on for what works for us with the help of a caring and knowledgeable doctor. It took me a long time to find him. When I began my search, he was probably still in medical school. I guess my message is don't give up on finding good pain management people. And speak up in defense of those of us who use narcotic medications responsibly. We need to advocate for ourselves.

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Replies to "Thank you for your comments on those of us who find narcotics helpful. I have been..."

I agree.My rheumatologist knows the pain I have ,she prescribes 90 pills at a time.I once asked another Dr.years ago and he limited me ,so I fired him, lol, and started with Dr. I have now .I would say look for a rheumatologist that knows about chronic pain.Linda

If like to add a follow up to the above post of mine.I hope this is the correct format.When I lived in another part of Calif.,I was concerned about the Percoden I was on ,my rheumatologist told me the amount I was on ,onkly 3a day would not make me addicted it took alot more then this a day.Previously I was on Vicoden ,same thing ,so I wouldn't be to concerned.In my opinion a rheumatologist knows more about fibromyalgia but other Dr.s are starting to be educated on this Good luck

from a paranoid point of view: i do not think most of the doctors give enough time to the patient to consider a proper way of treatment for the individual. and we are all individuals. were is the time? to me, most doctors are considering the money aspect. the more time spent on the patient, the less patients to be seen so the less money comes into the coffers. sometimes the attitude is so blatant it shows. but then what can they do? they are waiting for the pharmacuetical companies and the research companies to give them more answers to use for their patients. BUT ONE MORE VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE IS "THEY DO NOT SPEND THE TIME TO SEE IF THE DIFFERENT MEDICATIONS PRESCRIBED TO THEIR PATIENTS BY OTHER DOCTORS COMPLICATE OR DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER. THERE IS SO MUCH TO BE CONSIDERED AND EVALUATED. WHERE IS THE GUIDENCE FOR THE DOCTORS TO FOLLOW? oh well, only trying to help us and the doctors. careingly, peach

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