Just diagnosed with atypical complex hyperplasia after uterine biopsy

Posted by amt1105 @amt1105, Nov 14, 2023

I’m 53 and have not gone through menopause. I went to my yearly gyno visit, and I got a bad Pap test back. Gyno did a cervical biopsy which was negative and and endometrial biopsy which came back with the atypical complex hyperplasia. I had a transvaginal scan done, uterus is 5.7mm, myometrium was normal, no masses were found, only 3 fibroids which I knew were there. Normal pap last year and normal TVUS back in March of this year. I have been reading so much online and it’s so confusing. Is this cancer? I go to my specialist tomorrow to hopefully find out next steps which I hope is a complete hysterectomy. I had a partial done five years ago. I’m just looking for some help I haven’t been able to sleep or eat in weeks.

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I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this...

It's great that you are seeing the specialist tomorrow. He/she should have some answers for you. I'm not a medical person, so I can't say.

Try to get some sleep tonight (easier said than done!) so that you are in good shape and alert for the appointment. Maybe thinking that "what will be, will be" might help you get some sleep tonight, or a version of the serenity prayer.

Sorry that this is such a lame reply, but it's the best I've got. Hopefully, someone with more experience will see your post soon.

Peace and good luck. Keep us posted here.


@amt1105 I can imagine how frightening this is for you and why you are not sleeping. I am tagging members of our Gynecological Cancers support group, @meandmsjones @d2a4w6n @grace58 who have been diagnosed the same as you. While we wait for them to come here and post their experiences and support here is another Discussion in our group on Atypical Complex Hyperplasia:


Is you appointment with the specialist today? What did you find out from your appointment?


I have extreme anxiety issues and with that comes overthinking everything. Ever since I found out I have been obsessively looking for answers online. I’m thankful I was able to get into the Specialist today hopefully he will answer all of my questions for me.


Everything you read online says this is pre-cancerous, is that really the case?


@amt1105 I am like you. I « overthink » and I’ve had to learn skills to rein in that tendency. This is what I do when I’m faced with medical appointments and procedures that send me into anticipatory anxiety. I walk. I remind myself to breathe. I have a favorite prayer and as I breathe in I sing the first line of the prayer. As I breathe out I sing the second line of the prayer. I live in the far north close to the Canadian border and I’m surrounded by woods. I look out the window, morning or night, at the trees, the sky, and the birds.

Have you written your questions? I go to my appointments prepared with a list because sometimes I get so nervous I cannot remember what I wanted to ask. I also have someone with me (my partner) so there are an « extra pair of ears » to hear what I might have missed. And I very much need the emotional support. He will take notes because sometimes I forget to write or cannot write because I’m being examined by the doctor.

Will you let me know what you learn from the specialist today?


Thank you Helen, yes I wrote down a bunch of questions to ask. I’m on m way to the appt now with my husband who has been a huge support to me through this whole process. I couldn’t do it without him. I do pray and try to calm myself down. Thoughts and emotions tend to take over tough and I can’t seem to shut it down. At night it is the worse. I too live in a densely wooden area on a lake in Northern NJ. I try to get out in nature but this has been so consuming I can’t seem to break the cycle. I thank you so very much for taking time out of your day to talk with me, for me talking helps. ❤️


Thank you Helen, yes I wrote down a bunch of questions to ask. I’m on m way to the appt now with my husband who has been a huge support to me through this whole process. I couldn’t do it without him. I do pray and try to calm myself down. Thoughts and emotions tend to take over tough and I can’t seem to shut it down. At night it is the worse. I too live in a densely wooden area on a lake in Northern NJ. I try to get out in nature but this has been so consuming I can’t seem to break the cycle. I thank you so very much for taking time out of your day to talk with me, for me talking helps. ❤️

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Hi amt1105,
Good luck at your appointment.
Since you mentioned that you pray, I'll venture to offer this:
Put your trust in the Lord for He is good. His mercy endures forever.
Thy will be done. (This little prayer got me through an entire hospitalization.)
Hugs to you and your wonderful husband!


Thank you Helen, yes I wrote down a bunch of questions to ask. I’m on m way to the appt now with my husband who has been a huge support to me through this whole process. I couldn’t do it without him. I do pray and try to calm myself down. Thoughts and emotions tend to take over tough and I can’t seem to shut it down. At night it is the worse. I too live in a densely wooden area on a lake in Northern NJ. I try to get out in nature but this has been so consuming I can’t seem to break the cycle. I thank you so very much for taking time out of your day to talk with me, for me talking helps. ❤️

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@amt1105 I’m wondering what you found out from the specialist that you saw on November 15. Did you leave the appointment with a plan?


@amt1105 I’m wondering what you found out from the specialist that you saw on November 15. Did you leave the appointment with a plan?

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Yes surgery tomorrow for complete hysterectomy, what’s left from my partial hysterectomy from 5 years ago. My surgeon will be doing laproscopic surgery. MRI results showed I have adenomyosis, 1 small polyp. Endometrium normal, no thickening 2mm, no evidence of myometrial invasion or extra uterine invasion. No adnexal masses found. No evidence of extra uterine disease. As you can imagine, I was crazy looking all of this up and what it exactly means. I’m eager to have this surgery done. Thank you so very much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.

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