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Bad absence seizures withdrawing from Aptiom

Epilepsy & Seizures | Last Active: Nov 16, 2023 | Replies (11)

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Mine is on the left side, but it’s creeping to the right. Mine is on my hippocampus. They think it is the Aptiom causing the seizure. With Aptiom I didn’t have a seizure from February until this one. I am alone all day while my husband is at work, so I actually might have had some other seizures. This one was extremely different though. It affected my entire body. My neck and teeth are even hurting. I will definitely give it 3 months. Thank you for giving me that info. What exactly is medical cannabis?

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Replies to "Mine is on the left side, but it’s creeping to the right. Mine is on my..."

Hi Zippy,
I am really sorry for all the hard experiences you have been going through. I truly wish you get better and find some peace!
Medical cannabis or medical marijuana is a natural medication that comes from the plant medical sativa. It is not the same as pot. Here is a link with more information: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/medical-marijuana/art-20137855#:~:text=Medical%20marijuana%20is%20a%20term,)%20and%20cannabidiol%20(CBD).
I have had very few side-effects with it, just a bit of somnolence after lunch that I solved with a yoga nidra practice, feeling renewed after it. Up to now, this has been the best medicine I have tried for my epilepsy. In the US, it is sold under the name of Epidiolex. Unfortunately, there is still much prejudice against this natural medicine. Not many doctors are yet acquainted with it and how it works. There are also many obstacles created by Big Pharma.
About medications that all of a sudden stop working, I have heard from some with epilepsy having this experience, unfortunately.
You said that your lesion is also on the left side. How did your memory feel after the laser ablation surgery? Did you notice many changes?
Because of my drug-resistant epilepsy, I have been investigating and diving more and more into integrative medicine solutions. There is a well-known neurologist in the States with such an approach, called Dr. David Perlmutter. He has a very interesting Newsletter. I have also watched some of his presentations at the Alzheimer's World Summit (my mother has Alzheimer's) and enjoyed much what he said (his father died from Alzheimer's).
In one of his newsletters, he mentions Epilepsy & Gluten Sensibility. Check this link: https://www.drperlmutter.com/epilepsy-gluten-sensitivity/. If I were in the States (I am in São Paulo, Brazil), I would try to get an appointment with this neurologist and neuroscientist.
"When we think that everything seems to be going wrong in life, it is often when we are on the right path!". I have explained those thoughts better in this post: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/does-it-ever-get-better/?pg=2.
Have faith!
Chris (Santosha)