Has anybody out there ever had the Lamotrigine itch?

Posted by itchyd @itchyd, Sep 18, 2023

Has anybody out there ever had the Lamotrigine itch?

I have these occasional weird episodes where I feel like the skin on my face and arms is being gently rubbed with a very fine grit sandpaper and my ears, nose, eyelids and jawline have random sensations like fine pin pricks or ants crawling around.

When an episode is coming on, the hair on my scalp and arms stands up like it's being exposed to a static charge and I feel a faint adrenaline response like you get when you've just been threatened or received really bad news.

It's definitely not Stevens-Johnson syndrome: no rash, fever,etc.

A while back, I surfed up a Lamotrigine user forum where people had similar complaints, but I haven't been able to find it again.

My shrink thinks I'm nuts.

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I came across this board while searching for what could possibly cause this same problem. I’ve been titrating up to an effective dose for the past few weeks while slowing coming off keppra. Currently I’m at 75mg twice a day Lamictal and 500mgs Keppra. I’ve been awake for the past 2 hours scratching. From my scalp down to my ankles. No rash, mild redness where I’m scratching but that’s all.


Orry to hear of your discomfort. I'm not familiar w/ Keppra but I see that "itch" is one of its potential side effects. You don't say how long you've been on Keppra or what your steady state dosage was (1000mg/day ?). I'm assuming that its been a while and that the itch is a new development. My doc put me on 10mg/day Cetirizine, which is an antihistamine, that has helped me tremendously. I'm currently at 200mg/day Lamotrigine with no other meds except the occasional lorazipam for nerves. Maybe your itch is a result of a drug combination reaction? How much longer will you be taking Keppra?

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