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Bipolar Rage. Can't stop. Everyone's mad at me.

Mental Health | Last Active: Dec 13, 2023 | Replies (18)

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No healthcare provider should ever yell at a patient!

If the patient is dangerous then the provider should take the necessary steps to protect everyone involved, including the patient.

A medical provider who can not control their own emotions is far more dangerous than the wounded souls they are supposed to help.

First they told me I was depressed but I accomplished too much to be depressed.

So they diagnosed me with bipolar disorder.

Then I was “energetically suicidal” so they shocked my brain and gave me more drugs and labeled me “treatment resistant”.

For fifteen years I watched everything and everyone be stripped from my life.

When I finally snapped they put me in prison.

When I took control of my own life and told them what I wanted they dismissed me.

Four months latter I take no medication have started a new company, am trying to reconnect and make amends to my ex-wife and children

and I am some kind of miracle.

No, I can read!

Apparently none of the countless number of providers I trusted can.

I made the tragic mistake of not educating myself on what was going on with me.

The tragedy visited on my wife and children could all have been avoided with a simple Google search.

The tragedy that was the last fifteen years of my life would never had to happened if even one person, most of all me, had the humility to just say “I don’t know, maybe I will look this up”

I no longer accept what any provider tells me. I do my own research and then “I” decide.

If I am going to suffer at least I will know who to blame.

I hope you find the peace you deserve.

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Replies to "No healthcare provider should ever yell at a patient! If the patient is dangerous then the..."

I am so sorry you lost your family and have been through so much. I agree that doing research and educating oneself is invaluable and critical. Like you, I distrust most doctors and people in general, but I have found a few who have my back. I sincerely hope that you find peace as well.