Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


I've been on this before, also hip knee etc. I have chronic pain from multiple surgeries on right knee because of infection. Now have fused leg akso hip dysplasia hip fracture back problems. Anyway I just found site for the American Chronic Pain Association. Didnt even know one existed. Just got an email with good information. You may want to check it out. Hang in there!

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@lnpngrf1234 Hi, Lisa. I have never been on movantik, so I can give you all manner of advice which would be worthless. But just a note about opioids. All opioids give me either terrible headaches just behind the eyes, or hallucinations. I had neck surgery, and someone gave me a shot of something. I knew I went to sleep in Corvallis OR, but then I started to come around in a jail in Butte Montana, having torn the restraint straps, or something. If I keep the dosage down, I can take tramadol as the heavyweight PK. But with the tramadol the other pain does not usually stop.


I've been on this before, also hip knee etc. I have chronic pain from multiple surgeries on right knee because of infection. Now have fused leg akso hip dysplasia hip fracture back problems. Anyway I just found site for the American Chronic Pain Association. Didnt even know one existed. Just got an email with good information. You may want to check it out. Hang in there!

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Thanks for the funny story, sounded like a Louie Lamor,
I have been on fentanyl for years.
But Doc,wanted to guinea pig me out on some pills which aren't supposed to have codeine in them..
But it gives me bone pain, which I have had for 22 years, after 1st n 2ndneck break..2015 two more failed surgeries on new ,neck break..n back.injuries.
Thanks for listening..r reading.


I am Luana Stowe rehabilitation from back surgery and addiction to oxycodone

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Hi luana very pretty name.
I can't take pills,they make me sick, I hope u are getting better.


I am Luana Stowe rehabilitation from back surgery and addiction to oxycodone

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Hello @lulu63 and @lnpngrf1234, welcome to Connect and your already encouraging words to one-another. If you are replying by email, I reccomend routinely clicking on VIEW & REPLY as it will bring you to the website and it is easier to see the discussions and members posts in the correct order.

@lulu63, you mentioned having some complications with back surgeries. You may find the following conversations worthwhile to read through and meet the other members of the discussion group:

- Chronic back pain for years,
- Surgical solutions to chronic back pain,

@lnpngrf1234, you mentioned your issues with pain meds and mentioned neck surgeries. If you don't mind, are the neck surgeries the biggest culprit to your pain and what brought you to Connect?


I am Luana Stowe rehabilitation from back surgery and addiction to oxycodone

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My spinal cord is impinged under plate,
Severe nerve damage, I'm numb from head to toes.


Hi my name is Jim and I have had servere chronic pain for over 10 years now. When we saw the ads on TV of how great the Mayo Clinic was, how they take the time to spend with its patients to diagnose the true problems and how caring they are to its patients, we knew that this was the place I needed to be. I am so tired of being in pain all day and all night that my wife and I decided that this is were we are going to move so to be close to the Mayo Clinic.

We are here, we sold our house, we moved to sunny Jacksonville, FL. It has been a year now and I would love to share my experiece now in what the Mayo Clinic can do for you.


Please tell us what has happened? Have they helped a good deal?


Hi my name is Jim and I have had servere chronic pain for over 10 years now. When we saw the ads on TV of how great the Mayo Clinic was, how they take the time to spend with its patients to diagnose the true problems and how caring they are to its patients, we knew that this was the place I needed to be. I am so tired of being in pain all day and all night that my wife and I decided that this is were we are going to move so to be close to the Mayo Clinic.

We are here, we sold our house, we moved to sunny Jacksonville, FL. It has been a year now and I would love to share my experiece now in what the Mayo Clinic can do for you.

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Hi Jim (@jash1057), welcome to Mayo Connect. We are glad you found Connect. It is a great place to share your story, ask questions and learn what others with similar health problems are doing for treatment. I'm sure other members here on Connect would love to hear your story.

Can you share how Mayo Clinic has helped you or what they have done for you?



Please tell us what has happened? Have they helped a good deal?

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Would Love to know what they could do,and have been able to help u..please share.Lisa


Hi my name is Jim and I have had servere chronic pain for over 10 years now. When we saw the ads on TV of how great the Mayo Clinic was, how they take the time to spend with its patients to diagnose the true problems and how caring they are to its patients, we knew that this was the place I needed to be. I am so tired of being in pain all day and all night that my wife and I decided that this is were we are going to move so to be close to the Mayo Clinic.

We are here, we sold our house, we moved to sunny Jacksonville, FL. It has been a year now and I would love to share my experiece now in what the Mayo Clinic can do for you.

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I agree with John ..... Connect has many times being a lifesaver for me. When I thought I was alone - the only one whose ever gone through something ..... another friend (and I do consider them, and you, friends) has had the same thing in their lives. The comfort that brings is undescribable.
Welcome friend,

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