Anyone have a polyp in one nostril?

Posted by elizabeth44 @elizabeth44, Nov 8, 2023

Does anyone have a polyp In one nostril ONLY?

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YOU have been the sweetest message I have received which truly gave me strength. Thank you for being so kind hearted . I will keep everyone posted for the outcome.


I am begging for whoever has had a polyp in just one nostril to contact me. This is also key to what is going on. The ENT told me that being on one side only, it is bad news, so I need to hear from others who have had the polyp in one nostril. IT would give me a lot of strength.


Well, he suspects doesn’t mean that he’s correct. I’m sure the wait is giving you anxiety. I would be very anxious myself. But the good news is that they have not made any definitive diagnosis yet.
You have time to let the antibiotics take effect and then they can start treating you.
Blessings on you as you continue on this journey.

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So sweet and encouraging. God bless you. You can't imagine how much strength you have given me. On the 20th is my sinus cat scan and on the 27th my final results for my .............death penalty. I will definitely let all of you know. May the Lord protect you and always keep you safe.


So sweet and encouraging. God bless you. You can't imagine how much strength you have given me. On the 20th is my sinus cat scan and on the 27th my final results for my .............death penalty. I will definitely let all of you know. May the Lord protect you and always keep you safe.

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@elizabeth44 there’s no death penalty! You appear to be a believer in the Lord. You know He cares for you and He carries you in the palm of His right hand. A nasal polyp, even if it is cancerous does not make it fatal.
Put your trust in the Lord Almighty. He will see you through this time of anxiety.
I’m praying that you are relieved of the anxiety that has it’s hold on you. Let it go and let God handle everything.
He knows…


@elizabeth44 there’s no death penalty! You appear to be a believer in the Lord. You know He cares for you and He carries you in the palm of His right hand. A nasal polyp, even if it is cancerous does not make it fatal.
Put your trust in the Lord Almighty. He will see you through this time of anxiety.
I’m praying that you are relieved of the anxiety that has it’s hold on you. Let it go and let God handle everything.
He knows…

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My dear Susan, after reading your message since I am a strong believer of Him, I am convinced that you are sending me these messages through Him. Your words are like balm in my soul. I am Greek Orthodox and believe in His Power and Kingdom. At a time, when I felt I could not handle it, I looked up and said "Please Lord, take the burden and anxiety from me, and put it in Your Hands". I left it at that and will never regret it. You are absolutely right,,,,He knows!


My dear Susan, after reading your message since I am a strong believer of Him, I am convinced that you are sending me these messages through Him. Your words are like balm in my soul. I am Greek Orthodox and believe in His Power and Kingdom. At a time, when I felt I could not handle it, I looked up and said "Please Lord, take the burden and anxiety from me, and put it in Your Hands". I left it at that and will never regret it. You are absolutely right,,,,He knows!

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Thank you Susan for praying for me. I will let you know of the outcome on the 27th November.


@elizabeth44 there’s no death penalty! You appear to be a believer in the Lord. You know He cares for you and He carries you in the palm of His right hand. A nasal polyp, even if it is cancerous does not make it fatal.
Put your trust in the Lord Almighty. He will see you through this time of anxiety.
I’m praying that you are relieved of the anxiety that has it’s hold on you. Let it go and let God handle everything.
He knows…

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I read your email maybe ten times and every time I read it, I felt closer to the Lord. Unfortunately, not many people believe in Him. My name is Elizabeth, I go by Liz. If you ever want to talk, please do not hesitate to private message me. For some unknown reason, the Lord has brought you my way.


I read your email maybe ten times and every time I read it, I felt closer to the Lord. Unfortunately, not many people believe in Him. My name is Elizabeth, I go by Liz. If you ever want to talk, please do not hesitate to private message me. For some unknown reason, the Lord has brought you my way.

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Hi Elizabeth44, Connect is a public forum. To share personal contact information, we recommend using the secure private message function. As you new member, you will be able to send private messages in a few days. You can however receive private messages to exchange phone numbers from older members.


Hi Elizabeth44, Connect is a public forum. To share personal contact information, we recommend using the secure private message function. As you new member, you will be able to send private messages in a few days. You can however receive private messages to exchange phone numbers from older members.

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Thank you very much for trying to protect my identity and apologize for going against your rules.


I am begging for whoever has had a polyp in just one nostril to contact me. This is also key to what is going on. The ENT told me that being on one side only, it is bad news, so I need to hear from others who have had the polyp in one nostril. IT would give me a lot of strength.

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I had a polyp in one nostril and had surgery. This was years ago, in 2004. Before the surgery, I had headaches all the time and also had a lot of sinus infections and antibiotics were not effective. I did great with the surgery and was only out of work a couple of days. One of the side effects of sinus surgery is dry sinuses and boy are my sinuses dry! To manage it, I use a humidifier and Ayr nasal spray daily. Best wishes to you.

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