Undecided choice of drugs for Osteoporosis

Posted by peace44 @peace44, Oct 10, 2023

I am 80 years old women and have borderline osteoporosis which affects my entire body. My doctor wants me to take Prolia and the Rheumatologist wants me to take Reclast. I’m unhappy with both choices as the side effects are great and I do not tolerate new drugs well. I am very undecided and am considering doing not taking annty drugs for this condition. I have never had a fracture and I’m very active Any opinions or advice.

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Interesting information. I only see my primary care physician. It appears I need a more specialized doctor. Thank you so much for the " heads up".


Interesting information. I only see my primary care physician. It appears I need a more specialized doctor. Thank you so much for the " heads up".

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Primary care docs seem to prescribe only bisphosphonates or Prolia as front line. I think this is because insurance covers them so they are used to doing that. Yes definitely see an endocrinologist!


Primary care docs seem to prescribe only bisphosphonates or Prolia as front line. I think this is because insurance covers them so they are used to doing that. Yes definitely see an endocrinologist!

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Thank you so much!


My endocrinologist days I can’t stop my Prolia shots after taking 4 doses in the last two years. I hear it can affect dental work (i.e. dental implants). Am I able to use something else. I took Fosamax for 5 yrs for osteoporosis but it did nothing. She said Prolia had helped me. What’s the answer, please?


How long do you have to be on Reclast to “lock in gaines from bone builders?


How long do you have to be on Reclast to “lock in gaines from bone builders?

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@@06111945cc I believe it varies and is decided by monitoring with blood tests. I am hoping for a med break after a year on Reclast, which is what Dr. McCormick did himself. But then again he is not a post-menopausal female!


My endocrinologist days I can’t stop my Prolia shots after taking 4 doses in the last two years. I hear it can affect dental work (i.e. dental implants). Am I able to use something else. I took Fosamax for 5 yrs for osteoporosis but it did nothing. She said Prolia had helped me. What’s the answer, please?

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@violetsteptoe if Prolia is helping you, how long can you continue? Ask your dentist.pharmacist and endo. I have read you can be on it for years, even for life, and the rate of dental issues is low but your dentist or endo might be able to give details. (I have also read most jaw necrosis is among cancer patients on very high doses.)

It is very hard to get off Prolia. There is an abrupt loss of bone density and increase in fracture risk unless followed up by Reclast or another bisphosphonate (Reclast is best) and the timing is crucial. Keith McCormick's book "Great Bones" goes into this transition timing in detail. You can get it in the library or online.

If your bones are in serious condition, ask your doc about Evenity. I have read that Tymlos and Forteo are not good choices for bone-building after Prolia, that they don't work. But don't take my word for it, ask your doc!
Usually the sequence is Evenity then Prolia so I have no idea about the opposite. Evenity is new and my doc says they are lacking data.

Here is info on dental issues from the Prolia site:
Dental and jaw-related side effects
Although rare, it’s possible to have dental and jaw-related side effects from using Prolia.

Symptoms of dental and jaw-related side effects can include:

loosening of the teeth
jaw pain or numbness
mouth infections
One potential complication is jaw necrosis (death of jawbone tissue). This may cause teeth to become loose and need to be removed. According to the American Dental Association, the risk of jaw necrosis increases if denosumab, the active drug in Prolia, is used for more than 2 years.

What might help
Before you begin treatment with Prolia, your doctor should examine your mouth. They may recommend that you see a dentist before starting Prolia.

You should practice good oral hygiene while using Prolia, including brushing and flossing your teeth. This can help prevent dental and jaw-related side effects that Prolia might cause.

If you notice any symptoms of dental or jaw-related side effects while using Prolia, contact your doctor or dentist right away. You should also contact your doctor or dentist if you experience pain or slow healing following dental surgery.

Before you have any dental procedure, be sure to tell your dentist that you’re using Prolia.


I did the Reclast infusion almost 4 weeks ago. Had some headaches, flu like symptoms, fatigue, but the weird thing was a swelling of the inside of my ankles with an almost throbbing ache. The literature I was given at the infusion leaned away from ibuprofen so I was taking Tylenol daily to take the edge off of the pain. I finally got sick of the aching and contacted my doc who said to go ahead and use ibuprofen -24 hrs later I am seeing good progress. Wish I had talked to her sooner. I had also had a knee repair in July prior to the infusion in Oct, and my repaired knee swelled up about 2weeks after the infusion. I guess u never know how the infusion will affect you. Fingers crossed that I don’t have anymore issues and can finally get back to my daily walks for exercise-I’ve gained about 10 lbs thru this ordeal.


Thank for your encouraging reply. I’m 80 and have definitely decided not to take long term drugs. Two doctors trying for prolia and Reclast. I’m going to keep your information and follow a similar plan. I will check out Calciven Thanks for all the research and I am very appreciate.

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I have followed your wonderful advice regarding a natural osteoporosis path. I researched collagen, Calciven, broth plus strength training exercise. I found another product called Algae Cal. I wonder if that would be better than Calciven?? I did have some heartburn from Collagen using one scoop. I’m starting over with one tsp so hopefully my body will adjust. I really want to give the natural methods a try. Since I’m 80 I don’t want to experience some of complications by adding new drugs to my body. I declined Fosamax, Prolia
and Reclast. Thank you for following a natural path.


@@06111945cc I believe it varies and is decided by monitoring with blood tests. I am hoping for a med break after a year on Reclast, which is what Dr. McCormick did himself. But then again he is not a post-menopausal female!

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I have completed a year on Reclast after a year on Prolia.
What blood test are you referring to? I am trying to find out if I have been successful in locking in the gains from Prolia.
I would like to monitor my situation with blood tests instead of having to have another bone density test each year.
Thank you

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