What causes Clicking or Popping in Throat when Swallowing?

Posted by mushroom @mushroom, Oct 2, 2020

I was doing some neck massages a few days ago and then afterwards whenever I swallow, I feel a clicking/popping sensation and sound when my larynx moves up upon swallow. There is no pain at the moment but the popping sensation in my throat gives me anxiety whenever I swallow. Is this the result of the cartilage rubbing on each other? Is it from the hyoid bone rubbing the thyroid cartilage? Are there exercises that can fix this?

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I will try to keep this short but informative. We had a cold run through our house a couple weeks ago. Typical congestion, light coughing etc. I remember my throat being very dry and plenty of post nasal drip from the sickness but didn’t really feel that bad, none of us did. With my throat being really dry I remember swallowing constantly. During that swallowing a popping in my throat appeared. At least that’s when I remember myself noticing the popping.

The popping is at the top of my swallow. At my Adam’s apple/below my chin. It feels like a cartilage or tendon pop. It only occurs while looking straight ahead. Left, right, up or down results in no pop. I also feel no pop while eating or drinking. I have no pain and no trouble breathing or swallowing. I don’t recall any “trauma” to my throat but who knows when you wrestle a 4 and two year old all day.

I did got to my general practitioner a he said it does seem odd but doesn’t feel it’s something to worry over. He recommended me to an ENT to talk to an expert.

This is going on for two weeks now and my anxiety is through the roof thinking I have throat cancer and I can’t seem to convince myself otherwise. I guess I’m just a fatalist. Just turning to the mayo community for some help. Please and thank you.

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I recently developed this problem and mine started with a dry mouth/throat also. Did you end up having surgery or did it go away? Mine has been going on for 3 weeks now and I’ve seen 2 doctors who have no idea what’s wrong with me. Next step is ENT.


stay strong and keep us updated!


Hi everyone. I guess you could count me in as well. I've had a clicking throat for many months now. Along with other symptoms. Although the actual clicking is painless, this is associated with much pain around the throat and it's painful both emotionally and physically. The clicking seems to be on the left side of the Adams apple, as many of you say, but I could be wrong. The lump feeling, and clicking feeling, sometimes changes depending on posture or head turn - but either way, swallowing feels off and tense. I'm waiting for a CT-scan. I'll keep you updated.

I'm intrigued that so many have this problem and that doctors across many disciplines are perplexed. It seems though, when reading this thread that some ENT surgeons you mention have some experience in this and are at least able to suggest a specific treatment.

There are many things to consider here however and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I'm trying to compile a list of sorts that have helped some of you, and then I might go through it and see if anything works. I see no other option. We all share a main symtom but it might have different causes, and thus different treatment options, who knows.

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Hello. Did you get help? Perhaps you could help me too. I have had similar symptoms for many years but doctors can't figure out the cause. The constant lump feeling on my left side of adams apple and the clicking is driving me nuts. I'm so depressed and I don't know what to do


Hello. Did you get help? Perhaps you could help me too. I have had similar symptoms for many years but doctors can't figure out the cause. The constant lump feeling on my left side of adams apple and the clicking is driving me nuts. I'm so depressed and I don't know what to do

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I would love to help, but I’m afraid I have no answer because I still have this problem. Fear and anxiety might be a huge factor in how painful it is perceived. Like everything else of course, but this one in particular because it’s in an area where anxiety often resides the most - the throat - hence the huge problem with globus in general. I’ve thought that this is an extreme version of globus, but I’m fed up with the guess work by now.

It’s still quite painful in periods, but I feel it everyday, more so from stress or lack of sleep. Lately I’ve been thinking of blood pressure and pulse, it it has an impact because it can exacerbate the tension and pain. I’m looking into the connection there. Still no answers. The closest explanation is muscle tension and chronic pain followed from that I guess.

Maybe the clicking is a muscle moving around or pressing against the Adam’s apple or if it’s referred muscle tension from a problematic hyoid bone?

I’m still looking for a solution or relief.

Thanks for reaching out. I hope you find some answers. Take care of your mental health, it will help.


Oh, I forgot to mention some useful things!

I try to do neck exercises every day, multiple times: https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/neck-exercises-dos-donts
And some of them are the same my physiotherapist gave me; an additional step is stretching the throat muscles by pulling or holding the skin on one side of the collar bone and vice versa, to maximize the stretching on each side of the throat.

It seems to loosen up a bit. But pain and tension is back before I know it. I’d like to believe it’s helping in some way. Either way, it’s probably never bad to strengthen your muscles, even neck muscles if you do it carefully.

I still don’t know how to treat the cause. So this is all I got for now.


Did this ever improve for you? I’m going through the exact same thing right now.

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what did yours end up being?


Hello everyone . I am a singer and I deal with this click for 4 weeks now. I am desperate, i feel pain and inflamation , i feel like nothing can touch my neck and this clicking is driving me crazy. Went to 2 ent , abdominal echography , nech echo etc . Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong but I can’t sing, I can’t even speak!! Will i sing again? 😭 please tell me yes
I cry all over the time i feel no one understands me because they tell me it’s just anxiety

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Alex my son is a singer and has the same issue. I'm wondering if you got it resolved? Praying for you. Not fun.


Hi everyone. I guess you could count me in as well. I've had a clicking throat for many months now. Along with other symptoms. Although the actual clicking is painless, this is associated with much pain around the throat and it's painful both emotionally and physically. The clicking seems to be on the left side of the Adams apple, as many of you say, but I could be wrong. The lump feeling, and clicking feeling, sometimes changes depending on posture or head turn - but either way, swallowing feels off and tense. I'm waiting for a CT-scan. I'll keep you updated.

I'm intrigued that so many have this problem and that doctors across many disciplines are perplexed. It seems though, when reading this thread that some ENT surgeons you mention have some experience in this and are at least able to suggest a specific treatment.

There are many things to consider here however and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I'm trying to compile a list of sorts that have helped some of you, and then I might go through it and see if anything works. I see no other option. We all share a main symtom but it might have different causes, and thus different treatment options, who knows.

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hello, did you discover anything? help please. thank you


Thanks! I also agree with you. For folks following along on this thread, I went to the ENT yesterday and he acknowledged the clicking sound. He confirmed it is hyoid bone that is rubbing on the thyroid cartilage. He did a nasal endoscopy and everything was clear, except for excess thick mucus. He wants to try steroids and muscle relaxer medication but I'm not so sure this will work so still thinking it over. I asked if I can get imaging done instead he said first try medication then imaging if it still persists in the next 4-6 weeks. For anyone who wants to connect on this feel free to send me a message and we can discuss ideas. Thanks!

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what did you find out?


Hello. Did you get help? Perhaps you could help me too. I have had similar symptoms for many years but doctors can't figure out the cause. The constant lump feeling on my left side of adams apple and the clicking is driving me nuts. I'm so depressed and I don't know what to do

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what did you find out? looking for help

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