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"Dysregulated" immune system?

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Nov 17, 2023 | Replies (20)

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My symptoms are nowhere as severe as yours. I believe a very stressful situation brought them on. But I found relief by working with a functional medicine doctor. It took about 6 months but I found out certain foods brought on the pain, fatigue, brain fog that just popped up for no reason. I was also diagnosed with Sjogerns. Good luck and many hugs while you try to find an answer.

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Replies to "My symptoms are nowhere as severe as yours. I believe a very stressful situation brought them..."

Hi @cpd54 thanks so much for the welcome and luck and hugs sent my way! I have a friend with Sjogrens and know how difficult it can be. For a long time, I did diet restriction based on food sensitivity testing but I unfortunately also have GERD due to an esophageal sphincter issue (too lax when opening) and IBS-like symptoms as well, that absolutely flare up when having a skin/lymph node flare also. That said, it was hard to tell if diet changes helped, but I'm considering antiinflammatory diet as @seniormed suggested below. I absolutely concur with your thoughts on stress-responses! Thanks again for your thoughts