Tapering Effexor but giving up

Posted by ave13 @ave13, Nov 6, 2023

My husband and I want to get pregnant so my psychiatrist told me to get off Effexor in September. For one week I did one day on 150 and one day on 75, then stayed on 75 for two months. I had more anxiety that usual, but it was bearable and I was happy. Then three weeks ago I started tapering to 37.5. I took my last 75 mg dose a week ago, and on Tuesday had the worst anxiety I've had in years. From then on it's been hell. I can't sleep, eat, the nausea is constant, I cry every day for hours, and the anxiety is non stop.
Finally talked to my psychiatrist who said I might have to increase back to 75 mg.

What do you guys think? Has anyone returned to a previous dose and felt better? How long did it take to feel normal again? Will I be able to have kids?

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I tried years ago and basically I experienced the same thing . I weaned off even slower than you did. I didn’t last a week. Maybe it was two I don’t remember. I gave up but i wasn’t trying to get pregnant. I’m 60 yrs old now . Been on 150 for 30 years. I’m pretty sure your doctor should be giving you something else along with the Effexor while you are trying to get off of it.
It’s like trying to get off heroin. It’s the worst.


I tried years ago and basically I experienced the same thing . I weaned off even slower than you did. I didn’t last a week. Maybe it was two I don’t remember. I gave up but i wasn’t trying to get pregnant. I’m 60 yrs old now . Been on 150 for 30 years. I’m pretty sure your doctor should be giving you something else along with the Effexor while you are trying to get off of it.
It’s like trying to get off heroin. It’s the worst.

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Thank you for your answer?
Can I ask how your anxiety is now after 30 years on the same dose?
And when you couldn't deal with the tapering anymore, did you restart the effexor and feel better? How long did it take to get back to normal?


This med is so hard to get off. Started with taking 112.5. ( 75+ 37.5). I’m finally down to just 75 but it took me 10 months I’m going to try to get down to 37.5 and my doc said I may have to stay there. I’m going very slow. I have capsules and only take a few beads out. Best of luck to you !


As a believer in Christ, I resort to the Bible for the toughest questions life throws at me. In chapter one of Luke’s gospel the story of two miraculous births are recorded. There are others in the Bible such as Sarah and Abraham. I can’t answer your questions about whether to have a child or go back to a higher dosage of Effexor but I do know God specializes in tough situations. I’m going through my own withdrawals from Venlafexine, having been on it for approximately 5yrs and weened myself from .75 to .375 in the past 6 weeks or so. It hasn’t been any fun but it’s a decision I’m sticking with although I still feel a bit dizzy at times and like you have the nausea but not so much the emotional problems albeit I’m still lethargic. I’ll be 69 in Dec and my wife says it’s also old age but I’m not swallowing that” pill.” Lol. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite Bible verses. Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and equally as powerful, first John chapter 5 verses 14 through 16. And we know that if we ask anything according to his will we know that he hears us and gives us the petitions we have required.
I’m hopeful this brief exhortation will help you through this tough time. Best Wishes


Thank you for your answer?
Can I ask how your anxiety is now after 30 years on the same dose?
And when you couldn't deal with the tapering anymore, did you restart the effexor and feel better? How long did it take to get back to normal?

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I was on 75 mg effexor for hot flashes since menopause, more than 15 years. I weaned myself off twice, but I was not able to withstand the crushing anxiety which occurred about two months after stopping completely. Apparently, I am now an anxious or depressed person who cannot go without this drug. I am back on the lowest dose, 37.5, as of this week. My doctor says if I am not feeling better in 4 to 6 weeks, I can go back to 75 mg per day; that it takes awhile to become effective. In the meantime, the last two months have been hell: I am shaky inside and out, eat and sleep little. The only thing that really helps is trying to keep my mind busy and my body moving--housework, yard work, exercise, etc.--while I would prefer to sleep.
My heart goes out to you. You have not been off effexor for that long, so you may regain your sense of self sooner? The decision about children must be between you, your husband, and your doctor. I wish you all the best.


First, my heart connects to your journey. Secondly, it's not a question of whether or not you'll be able to have children. It's more of a question of whether or not your brain will heal completely.
The answer is within you. I'm not of childbearing age. I did get off of Effexor two years ago. It was difficult. Please don't underestimate the following of time and true health advice
1. eating well( consider an organic plant based diet)
2. Exercise - walking in nature especially
3. Meditation ( do so during your moments of calmness)
4. Accupuncture
5. Counseling
6. Intention - Intend to get well.

It took two years for my brain to regulate. I experienced all of the things you mentioned along with depression, weight loss and brain zaps and buzzing sensations.

Be kind to yourself and be patient.


Magnesium Glycinate does wonders for helping you to relax and anxiety. The oral supplement
Not the topical spray. Have you tried it?


This will be of limited use (bc I took Effexor so long ago and don't remember having a tough time when I tapered off), but: I remember having a TERRIBLE time when I tapered off of Cymbalta, which came in capsules and therefore didn't give the dosing flexibility of going down by, say, 10% every two or three weeks.

I didn't have insurance, meaning I couldn't afford an additional Rx (such as lorazepam, for anxiety), so I took an OTC motion-sickness med for the brain zaps that was recommended by my pharmacist. *Please* talk to your dr. about an Rx for an anti-anxiety medication.

Also, I concur with @intendtorecover: A plant-based diet with very little added sugar and very few lab chemicals (preferably none) will help a lot. If you have little time to cook, keep in mind that steel-cut oats or brown rice + frozen veg + protein (beans, sauteed tofu, store-bought roast chicken) + seasonings are your friend -- you can put together a meal in minutes if you make a big pot of some grain once a week and freeze most of it.

Please also try yoga -- the breathing aspect will help. You can find tons of vids on YT if you don't have the time/energy to join a class. I also like this 5-min routine:

And, please try to reduce the stress on yourself -- please try to focus on the short term rather than your future goals, such as starting a family. (I know how intense that desire is and I feel for you, but for your own sake please try to stop seeing this current challenge thru the lens of whether you'll ever have a family.) Take care.


And herbal supplements...consult a good herbalist.


I was on 75 mg effexor for hot flashes since menopause, more than 15 years. I weaned myself off twice, but I was not able to withstand the crushing anxiety which occurred about two months after stopping completely. Apparently, I am now an anxious or depressed person who cannot go without this drug. I am back on the lowest dose, 37.5, as of this week. My doctor says if I am not feeling better in 4 to 6 weeks, I can go back to 75 mg per day; that it takes awhile to become effective. In the meantime, the last two months have been hell: I am shaky inside and out, eat and sleep little. The only thing that really helps is trying to keep my mind busy and my body moving--housework, yard work, exercise, etc.--while I would prefer to sleep.
My heart goes out to you. You have not been off effexor for that long, so you may regain your sense of self sooner? The decision about children must be between you, your husband, and your doctor. I wish you all the best.

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I was in Effexor for ten years. I've been off it for two now. It took two years for me to feel normal. My brain went through hell. I took was unable to eat(lost 50 pounds) sleep (would wake up with a jolt as if I'd been shot ) and was depressed.
I went to an acupuncturist and counselor, took most of the sugar out my diet, and used different supplements and herbs.
Like you, I didn't start using the drug for depression. Your statement that apparently now you're a depressed and anxious person hits home.
While I still experience some depression and anxiety it's manageable without drugs.

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