I need help finding a doctor who will listen to me.

Posted by evanskim5 @evanskim5, Nov 4, 2023

I had a possible diagnosis of nutcracker syndrome back in January. Now, I can’t find a doctor to help, run tests, etc. they look at me like they don’t believe me with the pain. The pain has gotten to the point where I’m doubled over most days. I have 4 kids. I don’t know what to do anymore.

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I'm very sorry to hear of your agony.

I wish I could offer some helpful advice, but I have faced a similar problem for years. "Take Advil" is what the doctors say, but it's like taking candy.

I hope others can chime in with recomendations.


I'm very sorry to hear of your agony.

I wish I could offer some helpful advice, but I have faced a similar problem for years. "Take Advil" is what the doctors say, but it's like taking candy.

I hope others can chime in with recomendations.

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It’s crazy. I’m also dealing with lung issues and I ended up in the ET. I was asked to choose between me stomach and kidney pain or my lungs (which I couldn’t breathe.). I was then given an anxiety med. apparently I’m just an overworked mom.


It’s crazy. I’m also dealing with lung issues and I ended up in the ET. I was asked to choose between me stomach and kidney pain or my lungs (which I couldn’t breathe.). I was then given an anxiety med. apparently I’m just an overworked mom.

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Your body is telling you in no uncertain terms to back off a bit.

I had a job that drove me to the emergency room more than once. At least in my case I could find another job. You can't exactly resign from yours!

Take care of yourself.


Just don't find a young doctor...........they don't care and go just by the book. I found that out.


I am learning sometimes it is the type of doctor you tell. I originally had pain in the perinium area and went to the urologist. They treated me for prostatsis and performed a surgery to undo blockage from a tump (microwave) surgery for an enlarged prostate. This was 10 years ago and did not work and I learned to live with pain since they thought it was prostatsis which was immune to antibiotics.
I stared having frequency urinary issues and and mor pain in the pelvic area. I went to the urologist and they found I had prostate cancer. I think stress caused the pain to become worse before surgery and my whole pelvic area was inflamed. This urologist since things in medicine over the years immediately recognized it as nerve pain. After the removal of the prostate for cancer where the biopsy clearly showed no prostatsis I ended up with sitting pain and penis pain. I also get very bad pain if tensing sphincter muscles or any pressure.
I am now going down the path of pudendal neralgia. The pain is so bad at times it seems my whole pelvic area is eminating pain and I just want to scream. I am going to physical therapy, pain management, and looking at a nerve block.
While I have incontinence issues after prostate surgery and people want to address this the pain and sleep is the only thing I care about
What I am trying to say is that if a Dr does not understand you go to another or possibly a different type since different doctors knw different things. I think I would have been better off if I branched out earlier. I was always good at tolerating pain but now the pain in my pelvic area emanates down my legs and up into my stomach area when it gets bad. I have had good doctors but in the wrong field. I have learned not to sit and relax my muscles in the pelvic area including stress but this only goes so far.
I needed an adovocate doctor who is pushing me I hope in the right directions. Keep trying to get help from different people.
Wishing everyone to be pain free and happy


Just don't find a young doctor...........they don't care and go just by the book. I found that out.

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Sorry, I'm going to confuse the doctor issue here.
I disagree with mikaylar about young doctors. I have found that some of my younger doctors are better at listening and communicating than some of my older ones. Some of the older ones have given me the impression that they think they know my body better than I do. One doctor scoffed at me when I offered the results of an MRI that another doctor had ordered. I only offered it because the doctor's own associate suggested in my previous visit that the MRI would be the next step in diagnosis.

Just keep trying to get a good doctor...I think the best way is by word of mouth and online information on the doctor's education and affiliations.


It’s crazy. I’m also dealing with lung issues and I ended up in the ET. I was asked to choose between me stomach and kidney pain or my lungs (which I couldn’t breathe.). I was then given an anxiety med. apparently I’m just an overworked mom.

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Hi evanskim5,

Having been an overworked mom myself, I can relate! But that doesn't mean that you don't have a health problem, too. It doesn't mean you do have one, either.

May I suggest: try to make your health a priority for a month or two. Let the house work go. Or splurge and pay for help for a month or 2. Really take care of yourself, write down how you are feeling, what works and what doesn't. Then, go to a primary care physician, and let that doctor decide if it's anxiety/over work or if it's something else. Get some basic blood work done (if you haven't already 🙂

It won't help your kids to allow yourself to be sick or to get sick. I wish I had taken the time to get a diagnosis sooner for my autoimmune disease. I just kept pushing through it--- absurd.

Good luck to you!! (You remind me of me 20 years ago...)


Sorry, I'm going to confuse the doctor issue here.
I disagree with mikaylar about young doctors. I have found that some of my younger doctors are better at listening and communicating than some of my older ones. Some of the older ones have given me the impression that they think they know my body better than I do. One doctor scoffed at me when I offered the results of an MRI that another doctor had ordered. I only offered it because the doctor's own associate suggested in my previous visit that the MRI would be the next step in diagnosis.

Just keep trying to get a good doctor...I think the best way is by word of mouth and online information on the doctor's education and affiliations.

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My primary doc retired and 2 young ones took over the office. Neither of them would continue my Ativan prescripion so I found and older doctor. He was livid and said, "These young doctors won't acknowldge when a patient has something that works for them that they should continue it." I was grateful that he undersood that I didn't abuse this benzo and in the 7 years it has worked for me. I guess everyone has different experiences with doctors. I just worry that some of my long-time doctors will retire.


Sorry, I'm going to confuse the doctor issue here.
I disagree with mikaylar about young doctors. I have found that some of my younger doctors are better at listening and communicating than some of my older ones. Some of the older ones have given me the impression that they think they know my body better than I do. One doctor scoffed at me when I offered the results of an MRI that another doctor had ordered. I only offered it because the doctor's own associate suggested in my previous visit that the MRI would be the next step in diagnosis.

Just keep trying to get a good doctor...I think the best way is by word of mouth and online information on the doctor's education and affiliations.

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I think sometimes it is OUR age that they respond to. I have a personal feeling about using the older doctor apposed to the young one. Some are in the job for a salary and some are there to help and cure. Now, at my age, I see a funny split on their responses. It really has a ton to do with the individual as a doctor. If they suck, move on. You will really feel better just doing that. Remember they do not have access to a magic wand. My world is unhealthy and I have been around the world trying to be well. I have had problems with many and I have outlived my wonderful ones. Even if they are great, they don't know everything. Keep looking and good luck.

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