Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: tube is plugged

Posted by redhead63 @redhead63, Apr 14, 2020

I am a 65 year old women with Dysfunction of my tube in my left ear. I have no idea why this happen. I tried everything to get this ear unplugged. I always used plugs to wash my hair and shower. I did not have a cold or any other health problem when this happened. This happen on December 25, 2019 and I cannot get to a Doctor because of this Virus. My right ear had 3 tubes and finally I had a balloon inserted into the ear about 2 years ago and now that balloon had collapsed on the same date as the left ear. I had no problems with the left ear in the past. Can anybody tell me if they had this problem? What can I do since I cannot get in to see a Doctor. I cannot get a Doctor even to talk to me because I was told that a Doctor has to look in my ear.

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I am 72 years old and have my first case of ETD. It started with an ear infection. The attending physician prescribed amoxicillan for 7 days which greatly reduced the initial ear pain but after the doses ended, I still have severe loss of hearing in that ear. My primary care doctor has now prescribed prednesone for 5 days and recommended seeing an ENT, which I have scheduled 2 weeks out. My question is: Is there a risk of long term damage if this is not attended to for 2 more weeks?

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So sorry you are experiencing all this. Ugh, no fun. I agree with the other responder that if it is SNHL, you need to be seen ASAP by an ENT who can do all things possible to hopefully get some of your hearing restored.

You are doing the right thing being proactive and advocating for yourself. Keep it up!!


I am 72 years old and have my first case of ETD. It started with an ear infection. The attending physician prescribed amoxicillan for 7 days which greatly reduced the initial ear pain but after the doses ended, I still have severe loss of hearing in that ear. My primary care doctor has now prescribed prednesone for 5 days and recommended seeing an ENT, which I have scheduled 2 weeks out. My question is: Is there a risk of long term damage if this is not attended to for 2 more weeks?

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It's a couple of days later now, and I may have mis-stated my hearing loss based on a self experiment I did today. I took one earbud (used with my iphone) and put it in the bad ear (right) only. I could hear at a slightly lower level as the (good)left ear, but the audio was garbled, almost as if the pitch was higher than normal. But it was intelligible enough that could understand what was being said and identify the song being played. Never experienced a sound like this. Right ear is maybe 6 dB down from left. Since I am still in a recovery phase from my ear infection and on the meds described in my original post, I am wondering if changing ear sounds may be all part of the healing process and not necessarily an "emergency".


I am 72 years old and have my first case of ETD. It started with an ear infection. The attending physician prescribed amoxicillan for 7 days which greatly reduced the initial ear pain but after the doses ended, I still have severe loss of hearing in that ear. My primary care doctor has now prescribed prednesone for 5 days and recommended seeing an ENT, which I have scheduled 2 weeks out. My question is: Is there a risk of long term damage if this is not attended to for 2 more weeks?

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@gliebisch01, you may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: tube is plugged:


I am 72 years old and have my first case of ETD. It started with an ear infection. The attending physician prescribed amoxicillan for 7 days which greatly reduced the initial ear pain but after the doses ended, I still have severe loss of hearing in that ear. My primary care doctor has now prescribed prednesone for 5 days and recommended seeing an ENT, which I have scheduled 2 weeks out. My question is: Is there a risk of long term damage if this is not attended to for 2 more weeks?

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I’m not a doctor but I have ETD and after every ear infection I get fluid in my ear which results in a temporary hearing loss. Most people’s will clear after taking antibiotics or steroids but not mine. I’ve had to get tubes in my ears to get the fluid out. Once the tubes were in my hearing was back to normal. However I would consult a doctor if your concerned about waiting or a sensorineural hearing loss as that should be looked at right away


I am 72 years old and have my first case of ETD. It started with an ear infection. The attending physician prescribed amoxicillan for 7 days which greatly reduced the initial ear pain but after the doses ended, I still have severe loss of hearing in that ear. My primary care doctor has now prescribed prednesone for 5 days and recommended seeing an ENT, which I have scheduled 2 weeks out. My question is: Is there a risk of long term damage if this is not attended to for 2 more weeks?

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After a bad virus I developed otitis media with effusion the first week of May. The fluid behind the ear drum cleared in about three weeks but 7 weeks later (from the start) I still have eustachian tube dysfunction. I can hear but hearing in right ear is slightly muffled. I was put on a high dose of prednisone early during treatment that sent me into a major depressive episode. Had bad shaking, tremoring and anxiety. The ENT, who I was not impressed with does not want to see me for 6 months now. I used Flonase and the trigger was constantly malfunctioning so picked up Nasonex. What a horrible mistake. Within three days of using it I had panic attacks several times a day with shortness of breath. I stopped the steroid sprays completely and am using just saline. I bought a Eustachi and have been using it, but I don't know if the right ear is popping or not. The motor suddenly gets loud after I swallow with the trigger on. But each time I swallow normally I still hear "liquid" like sound. Both ears feel slightly full but the right ear is the problem. I just started using pseudoephedrine, because from what I have read it is a superior antihistamine and there is some recommendation of its use for blocked ears. My anxiety over this is very elevated even with taking anti anxiety medication. And I am very depressed having frequent crying episodes. After 7 weeks I feel like this will never go away. Although the ENT told me it could take 2 to 3 months to resolve. Has anyone had a similar experience and have any positive feedback and advice. I do not want my anxiety to be even more increased.


After a bad virus I developed otitis media with effusion the first week of May. The fluid behind the ear drum cleared in about three weeks but 7 weeks later (from the start) I still have eustachian tube dysfunction. I can hear but hearing in right ear is slightly muffled. I was put on a high dose of prednisone early during treatment that sent me into a major depressive episode. Had bad shaking, tremoring and anxiety. The ENT, who I was not impressed with does not want to see me for 6 months now. I used Flonase and the trigger was constantly malfunctioning so picked up Nasonex. What a horrible mistake. Within three days of using it I had panic attacks several times a day with shortness of breath. I stopped the steroid sprays completely and am using just saline. I bought a Eustachi and have been using it, but I don't know if the right ear is popping or not. The motor suddenly gets loud after I swallow with the trigger on. But each time I swallow normally I still hear "liquid" like sound. Both ears feel slightly full but the right ear is the problem. I just started using pseudoephedrine, because from what I have read it is a superior antihistamine and there is some recommendation of its use for blocked ears. My anxiety over this is very elevated even with taking anti anxiety medication. And I am very depressed having frequent crying episodes. After 7 weeks I feel like this will never go away. Although the ENT told me it could take 2 to 3 months to resolve. Has anyone had a similar experience and have any positive feedback and advice. I do not want my anxiety to be even more increased.

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@need2create It might be the pseudoephedrine that is causing the anxiety. It is a decongestant, not an antihistamine and it may be raising your blood pressure. If you already have high blood pressure due to anxiety, this could be raising it even more. Here is some information from Mayo.

I have taken this in the past as Sudafed, and it did kind of cause an anxiety type feeling and raised my heart rate. I wasn't measuring my blood pressure back then, but it probably affected that too. Does it help to chew gum like people do on airplanes to unblock their ears?

From your name on here, it sounds like you might be a creative person. I am too, and that would probably help you feel better if you can distract yourself with something you are working on. Do you like going to museums or taking a walk in nature? Those are recommended by doctors to help with depression, and that does work for me.


After a bad virus I developed otitis media with effusion the first week of May. The fluid behind the ear drum cleared in about three weeks but 7 weeks later (from the start) I still have eustachian tube dysfunction. I can hear but hearing in right ear is slightly muffled. I was put on a high dose of prednisone early during treatment that sent me into a major depressive episode. Had bad shaking, tremoring and anxiety. The ENT, who I was not impressed with does not want to see me for 6 months now. I used Flonase and the trigger was constantly malfunctioning so picked up Nasonex. What a horrible mistake. Within three days of using it I had panic attacks several times a day with shortness of breath. I stopped the steroid sprays completely and am using just saline. I bought a Eustachi and have been using it, but I don't know if the right ear is popping or not. The motor suddenly gets loud after I swallow with the trigger on. But each time I swallow normally I still hear "liquid" like sound. Both ears feel slightly full but the right ear is the problem. I just started using pseudoephedrine, because from what I have read it is a superior antihistamine and there is some recommendation of its use for blocked ears. My anxiety over this is very elevated even with taking anti anxiety medication. And I am very depressed having frequent crying episodes. After 7 weeks I feel like this will never go away. Although the ENT told me it could take 2 to 3 months to resolve. Has anyone had a similar experience and have any positive feedback and advice. I do not want my anxiety to be even more increased.

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Jennifer, thank you for the reply. As you can tell from my post, my particular circumstances have played out in a drastic way. I was put on 60mg of prednisone for a week with a week taper. That is a very high dose. I had major side effects of severe depression, internal shaking which many get as a side effect and non stop anxiety. Also, the prednisone was being coupled with being put on Flonase, another steroid. Nasonex, which I tried after the prednisone course was over, was even worse than Flonase. I had panic attacks that required albuterol to breathe and lorazepam to calm down. The steroids I am totally done with. I cannot tolerate them. I know the pseudoephedrine is stimulating, but I started it just today at half the normal dose. It is known to be far superior to phenylephrine, and I am desperate to find something that will work to make the swelling in my eustachian tubes recede and dry out. I'm using saline spray several times a day, and use a device called The Eustachi which blows air into your nostril to pop the ear. I use it but am not sure just how effective it is. Perhaps by keep using it over time. If you go to the website and enter the drug Nasonex, you will see that approximately 80 percent of people post that they experienced panic attacks, anxiety, palpitations and changes in mood. I was just hoping someone has been through an experience with eustachian tube dysfunction and could give me hope and encouragement that yes...this will resolve finally even though it may take a long time. I have a fall back appointment set up with another ENT at the end of July, just in case I need to go again.


Hi @redhead63, the stay home restrictions are really challenging, especially as people continue to have health issues. I'm bringing fellow members @stites @upartist @januaryjane and @imallears into this discussion in the hopes that they may have some interim solutions for you until you can get to see a doctor.

Redhead, can you explain the symptoms that you're experiencing a bit more. Do both your ears feel plugged? Is your hearing affected? What symptom is the most bothersome?

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Hello . Could you put me on this thread. I have eustation tube problems.


Hello . Could you put me on this thread. I have eustation tube problems.

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I guess you can opt to follow this thread. I am very new to this so I’m still learning.


Hello all. Well have lost my comment about what happened when ent phoned me March 23... ten minutes of yelling at me (I put on speaker phone half way through so husband could hear)... that he had more serious patients, cancer, operaitons, 18 people begging to see him and son's friend.... when I went to speak he said I was not paying attention....that 30 yrs ago i had tmj etc. That morning before he phoned i had two ocular migraines and daughter had phoned his office to cancel phone call but he didn't get message and when I went to explain my mental state after the 2 migraines at 6 and 7 am approx and awake since four, I think he thought I was asking for help for non-ent issues. I wrote 2 letters to him, tore them up, and then a short one almost apologizing for whatever I did or said to upset him! I think he is stressed out as only 2 ents here. Anyway since then, emerge as had 2 very bad "almost dizzy but worse" attacks early am and eyes would not focus etc., and had 1 milder attack at emerge. Dr. just said take tylenol!!! Anyway I have tinnitus 24,7; pain and pressure in ear "area" and head pain sides and back still... on and off for months but now every day... So daughter phoned dr. at GoodDrs clinic in Ontario and amazing Dr.Ahmed ordered ct scan with contrast to try and find out what is wrong and what can be ruled out. Also a week ago pain in calf and again this clinic emailed me a blood test and positive for blood clots and only small but Superficial Phlebitis right calf and just warm wet cloth on and off... feels a bit better now but this resting in bed all day has not helped in that regard so trying to get up more. psychological as well.
From mild, if can use that word, tinnitus to 24/7 to soft to loud it is the pits and honestly I have found no solution. I leave YouTube piano music on my ipad all night very low, take sleeping pill and managing a few hours at a time which is saving me. I dont doubt that pain around jaw area and neck is not tnnitus but I dont want to start strong pain killers. At same time Dec. and March had 2 molars removed and they were beasts to extract, well been in mouth 70 years! So had all this with sore throat.... I was not a happy camper!
Sorry this is so long but may as well get it all out at once... am trying to get help with light housework maybe some light meals but no one is available plus we are in lockdown re covid but my husband is not feeling best from triple heart bypass last november and covid vaccine last Thursday.... he is my PSW right now although I do have a few hours each day I can do a few things but the pain and being scared of possible Meniers or possible another attack of Vertigo has me scared to death I dont mind saying; I applaud the hundreds even thousands of people dealing with a lot more than this and are coping somehow or the other, but I must admit I am struggling. (oine thing the ent yelled at me was: "fifty per cent of people who have tubes in ears end up with holes in ear drums" not sure if that is true but I wont have it done... maybe he was just trying to scare me, he succeeded!! BEST OF LUCK TO ALL ... SORRY THIS IS SO NEGATIVE BUT ITS HOW I AM RIGHT NOW 🌹🌹🌹

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Oh my goodness Valerie! My heart goes out to you. I experienced similar to you. (No stroke though). I see this is all a couple years ago so I hope you and your husband are much better.
My experience with six ENT doctors was very much the same. I suppose it’s frustration that they really having no treatment to offer. But, come on! That does not diminish our pain. The callous behavior makes me hesitant to even go in. One doctor told me he suspected the nerves in my ears had deteriorated and there was nothing to do but endure. I don’t believe that to be true because my hearing fluctuates all the time.
Anyway, I guess my point in replying is just to say you are not alone. I pray at some point there is a treatment for these hellish symptoms.

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