Enlarged red blood cells (macrocytosis) with PMR

Posted by dallas @dallas, Nov 1, 2023

If you haven’t had a recent blood test, get one- looking for ENLARGED BLOOD CELLS. 50%+ of all PMR patients have enlarged/oversized blood cells; which are causes of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatica and anemia. Enlarged blood cells are caused by vitamin deficiencies.
***Treatment for enlarged blood cells is a daily dose of vitamin B12 WITH folic acid. These two supplements together will help restore blood cells to their normal size.

After 3 years of continuous PMR pain and taking prednisone to mask it, daily doses of vitamin B12 and folic acid have taken away all my stiffness and soreness over just a two week treatment. I am pain free!!! My blood cells have shrunk to near normal levels. Try this simple treatment and get well my friends!!!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Interesting. At my last rheumatologist visit he mentioned I had enlarged cells and had Vit D and B12 levels drawn, both of which were normal. I had been taking extra D 3x a week, as well as an extra B complex 3x a week. I can't say I can associate it with less pain, am currently weaning off a large dose of prednisone from a GCA occurrence earlier in the year. Down to 17mg from 60 earlier in the year and my pain is just now starting to reoccur.


I, too, have enlarged blood cells and am treating that syndrome with b12 and folic acid. My doctor said it is likely a side effect of the prednisone.


Hello @dallas, You will notice that we changed the title of your discussion to better describe what the discussion is about and to make it easier for other members with questions or experience to find. @edwardh posted a link with more information on the topic that explains more about the condition. Here's another interesting reference although it is from 2007.

--- Macrocytosis: pitfalls in testing and summary of guidance: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2043457/


Hello @dallas, You will notice that we changed the title of your discussion to better describe what the discussion is about and to make it easier for other members with questions or experience to find. @edwardh posted a link with more information on the topic that explains more about the condition. Here's another interesting reference although it is from 2007.

--- Macrocytosis: pitfalls in testing and summary of guidance: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2043457/

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I do so hope this works.
Down to 1/2 MG of pregnasone and stiffness and minor pain is the last thing I have from PMR. I already take B12 so have ordered Folic acid to add to it. Keeping my fingers crossed.


I do so hope this works.
Down to 1/2 MG of pregnasone and stiffness and minor pain is the last thing I have from PMR. I already take B12 so have ordered Folic acid to add to it. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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My first time around with PMR I went back and forth between 1/2 mg of prednisone and none for six months before I was finally able to taper completely off of prednisone and have minimal aches when I woke up in the morning until I was able to get up and start moving around.


Hello Dallas.
I found your post interesting. I've noticed that when I do take my B complex , I have better cap refill to my hands and I tolerate colder temps a little better. I break the tab in half and take it every other day because I'll get headaches if I take a whole one or even a half every day. Can't take vitamin D at all without headaches. I agree, the B is probably why I'm in the pain free zone most of the time. Will be seeing my Doc soon and have my blood drawn to see where the markers are at. Another thing I noticed when I started taking the B was that I have an obvious change in the perfusion of blood flow that's reflected in my skin color overall. Pinker; healthier appearance. Glad to hear that your blood cells are normal size now. Thanks for sharing. I can see the connection to how important circulation can be.


My first time around with PMR I went back and forth between 1/2 mg of prednisone and none for six months before I was finally able to taper completely off of prednisone and have minimal aches when I woke up in the morning until I was able to get up and start moving around.

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I took John's advice and took B12and Folic Acid together and my stiffness and minor pain has deceased remarkable. My energy levels have also increased as well as my motivation. I am one step away from declaring PMR over.


I have GCA/PMR and have had increased red cell volume since going on Actemra a year ago.
Taking B12 and folate all along.
So interesting to hear others have this, unrelated to Actemra.


While I did not have any blood cell abnormalities, my B 12 was in the very low, “normal” range and I started B 12 shots right away, before I saw the rheumatologist, from which I noticed a clear improvement in symptoms, esp is the arm with the injection. I have continued the shots as well as taking B vitamins and a spray called Methyl Factors. I still needed some prednisone but the shots really helped. I’d rec finding out your B12 level and if not at least at 50%, of range, treat it. Many doctors like to see high normal levels and I believe the typical USA range has lower normal ranges than in Europe. In remission now. Off prednisone and only took it for seven months though full course of pmr was likely about 10 months.

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