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Hi Ronnie,
I am 68 and just went through the process in July. A 2.1 cm nodule was seen on my 6 month cat scan. It had grown from .4 to .6 to the 2.1 cm over a period of nine months. I also did not have any pain and I was blessed that that cat scans were done. A Pet-scan was done next and it revealed the probability that I had a malignant tumor and I was immediately scheduled for the biopsy. Mine was a robotic biopsy and the result showed it was malignant. The team did a fantastic job, and as was stated in another comment, the only side effect was a sore throat from the equipment that was used to get to the nodule. I went home the same day and resumed my normal life. The next step was to get a cardiac clearance which included a stress test. After I was cleared I was scheduled for my robotic surgery. Due to the size being greater that 2 cm they had to perform a lobotomy and remove the left upper lobe and samples from 25 lymph nodes. I was in the hospital for 2 days as they monitored my breathing and discharge of blood from the surgery. They removed the tubes and gave me the clearance to go home. I did have a problem a week later where I noticed my arm on the same side that the lobe was removed and started to swell and and a crackling sound when I squeezed my arm. Went to the emergency room where a new tube was put in to release built up oxygen. 2 days later sent home again with that issue resolved.
After the surgery I experienced pain in the rib cage area above where the lobe was removed. Medication helped but then I could not get pain meds for 2 months due to every pharmacy near me had these on back order from the producers. Each person will have pain but the length of time and level will vary. I even had to go to the emergency room once because I could not breath without pain. I was given pain meds there and I felt better. At home I would not lift anything more than what a gallon of milk weighed and tried to not bend. I had to alternate standing and sitting. Even today I have some pain in that area. I believe that I would rather have a some pain rather than letting the cancer spread and I am cancer free.
Some tips that I used included putting items in the refrigerator at a lower level so that I would not to reach up to get them. I went around the house and performed the same exercise. I had a tool to put on socks and pants from a back surgery. If you get one of these tools it really helps prevent bending over. I also walked as much before and after the surgery to build up my strength. I was really surprised at how much fatigue I had in my legs after the surgery. I used the breathing tools provided several times a day to help with shortness of breath. I still have some shortness. Finally my girlfriend, family, and friends were their to support me. I bought a dog before I found out I had cancer and she never left my side. I had taught her how to use a stair aid to get onto the bed and I never had to pick her up. I went through some depression due to the limitations and pain but all my support team helped me keep focused on recovery. I also prayed a lot and, even though I still have some minor pain and swelling, I am most thankful for being cancer free. I hope this helps you prepare and gives you some insight what may be ahead. Knowing helps being prepared so Please discuss with your medical team on what to expect during each stage. I was not prepared for the pain and swelling because I did not know what to expect. If you can defeat alcoholism you can defeat this and my prayers will be with you.

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Replies to "Hi Ronnie, I am 68 and just went through the process in July. A 2.1 cm..."

Wow 🙂 you have been through it , Thanks so much for the advice , I am already used to thinking about where I put things to avoid bending down too much because of lower back issues . You are so right having information ahead of times makes things easier. A friends retired service dog recently has been staying with me and he is 11 and mellow and is great to have around , my cat is adjusting to that idea 🙂