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Lingering dry nasal passageways

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Jan 20 9:02am | Replies (64)

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Yes I have a similar history. Interesting is that I’d had a lab order for bloodwork prior to getting Covid in late July, 2022. It was a mild case and I waited until it seemed like symptoms had subsided but I still tested positive so I waited until I tested negative which took about 2 weeks from onset. So I had the lab work done and there were two tests in particular that were outta whack, both inflammatory indicators:

1. ProBNP was elevated though not extreme, like 265 on a < 125 normal scale and
2. ANA + and titer (titre?) 1:320 with normal being (-) but if titer is (+) and < 1:80 no further testing is required.

The proBNP led my cardiology clinic providing see to jump to a heart failure diagnosis and the ANA leaning toward lupus led me to Rheumatology. Both ended up false. The gagging phlegm started up about a month after Covid but it occurred when the cardiology guy gave me an rx for metoprolol 50mg. Not once but twice I tried taking it but at two weeks the respiratory distress was unbearable and I knew it was linked to the beta blocker, Metoprolol. He would not acknowledge that but at my insistence he took me off of metoprolol and gave me an rx for carvedilol another beta blocker and sent me on to a heart failure clinic where the provider actually listened to me and my detailed history of symptom onset. Meantime carvedilol was causing some bad respiratory distress as well, different trigger but bad. He determined I was not in heart failure and said I had asthma and beta blockers and asthma are a really bad mix. The story goes on and on to further testing, cardiac cath, pulmonary testing …

That said my main relief has also been menthol cough drops and chewing gum although I’m relying on an albuterol inhaler, seldom, but currently back on Symbicort as an asthma treatment. I’m currently waiting to see gastroenterology because the phlegm, SOB, head congestion and extreme dryness is triggered by eating but after pulmonary, rheumatology and ENT I can’t say that I anticipate a miracle ah-ha! diagnosis and cure.

I agree and both pulmonary and rheumatology doctors have agreed that the main cause is inflammation brought on by Covid.

Yep, it sucks but I appreciate those who keep posting updated because maybe, I keep hoping anyway, we’ll figure it out.

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Replies to "Yes I have a similar history. Interesting is that I’d had a lab order for bloodwork..."

Thanks for your info Mimi! Please keep me informed further. I live in a tiny town, and we don’t have any Drs or hospital that has been able to help me find relief, in fact when you mention Long Covid , they roll their eyes and tell you to take a lot of vitamins! I am fed up with spending a bunch of $$ with no results.
But the way.... I also noticed the phlegm gets worse after I eat too....thanks for that info and confirmation that I was not crazy. Again, thanks so much!