Dealing with Sciatica pain

Posted by junebug15 @junebug15, May 1, 2017

Am dealing with pain on my left side radiating down my leg with numbness and tingling, diagnosed as sciatica. MRI showed two bulging discs and spinal stenosis. Ironically, I question whether the sciatica is from the above, but may involve my piriformis muscle. I had this problem in 2009 and my neurologist injected a steroid into the prirformis and I had relief for all of this time. After taking steroids with no relief I asked for a shot in the piriformis (rather than an epidural) and this has helped a little. Am due for another shot soon. I am now also having severe muscle cramping in my groin and thigh upon standing and walking, which is very painful. Would appreciate anyone's input. I am going to look into PT and ART (active release technique). Thanks for your input.

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I think your best bet is with the PT. I have had good results with similar issues: hip flexor, piriformis/sciatica and lower back degeneration. Online, you can look up Dr Jo for those items and find similar movements--but your PT is likely to look at your entire body system and help alleviate things you didn't even notice that affect your lower body. I like the mat stretches best and they can be done in bed vs machines. Water exercise is also helpful.

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