Vagus Nerve: What helped you?

Posted by johnbluffside @johnbluffside, Nov 24, 2022

I believe my vagus nerve is inflammed with IBS . rx , cognivite gut therapy , mediation, accuptunture , anyone have luck with anything?

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I have 3 big pillows and a small memory foam pillow that I sleep with , so I’m sleeping very raised for years . I even have a huge wedge pillow but I found that less comfortable.
I’m practically sitting up .
My body produces so much gas , although I’ve tried everything they make and then some .
Thanks for suggestion .
I’m doing the best I can but honestly it’s tough .

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I am so sorry that you’re dealing with all that…this cancer is so tough as it wrecks havoc on the entire body. I understand completely how tough it is. I try to take things a day at a time but some days it’s more like 15 min at a time. You mentioned gas…I too have horrible gas every day but mostly in the evenings after dinner. It’s embarrassing even though I’m just around my husband and he understands. I absolutely hate it! Is this part of the cancer??? Do you know what causes this? Do you have any remedies? Thank you for sharing…prayers for you and all that are suffering…❤️


My gas is mostly deep wet gut lining tasting belches .
So many one after other and churning gut .
I’ve learned much over the past 10 years, trying everything.
I won’t go into that much as it’s too much to type .
After 6 th Gastro, I’m on an anti depressant ( it’s an old one but not one I’ve tried before ). I started on like a child’s dose and then bumped up to reg adult starting dose recently.
Thankfully this one isn’t giving me horrible side effects.
I’d say it’s helping about 30 percent.
It does not help w/ sleep 💤 as she said it would.
So I still take my 5 mg Ambien when needed .
I also take .50 mg Klonipin as needed ( that’s been for years ).
I’m taking diff supplements as well . I’ve tried them all . I’ve tried everything they make for gut health on Amazon or online .
I Watch everything I eat . Eat healthy at home 🏡.
I’m so sorry 😢 for your cancer .
Can I ask what type ?
I’m going to pray for you .
God Bless …


Has anyone had trouble with trying to swallow and the food just would not go down? What tests did you have done. I had endoscopy about 4 years ago and at that time the doctor could not find anything wrong. It really hurts in the middle of your chest, until it finally goes down. It also causes so much phlem and have to keep spitting it up!


It’s huge amounts of deep , wet ( meaning liquid like that tastes like stomach lining ) belches that are one after other and very harsh . You cannot stop them and my gut is churning non stop at same time and usually making alien 👽 like crazy noises ( that actually wake me up ). It’s also extremely exhausting.
I take Ambien 5 mg to sleep but I only stay asleep 💤 2 hrs on it then up w/ gut and symptoms every 2 hrs all night .
It’s hell . No Dr. Can figure it out and I have no food allergies as I was just tested . I eat small , clean and healthy. Doesn’t matter . Even at 6 am on empty gut , I’m just as bad .
Someone is missing something. Until then I suffer and just do my best to cope w/ it .

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I have this too and am
Completely overwhelmed. It’s been over a year . I don’t know what to do or how to deal with this forever.


I have this too and am
Completely overwhelmed. It’s been over a year . I don’t know what to do or how to deal with this forever.

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It’s horrible ! I know … every thing makes me belch 700 x a day and deep wet . These GI issues are 11 years for me daily !


It’s horrible ! I know … every thing makes me belch 700 x a day and deep wet . These GI issues are 11 years for me daily !

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Oh my goodness and no one ever could find a cause in all that time ????
You must be a strong person to handle that for that length of time.
I hope you find help 🙏🏻


Has anyone had trouble with trying to swallow and the food just would not go down? What tests did you have done. I had endoscopy about 4 years ago and at that time the doctor could not find anything wrong. It really hurts in the middle of your chest, until it finally goes down. It also causes so much phlem and have to keep spitting it up!

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Did to get this issue resolved yet?

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