Has anyone had a ERCP to deal with jaundice and nausea?

Posted by brookie82 @brookie82, Oct 23, 2023

I was suffering with jaundice and nausea. I had a ERCP and had good results. But I’m interested to know how you felt afterwards.

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I had jaundice but no nausea before diagnosis. EUS/ERCP included the biopsy that confirmed my cancer and blocked bile duct. A stent was inserted during the procedure to open up the bile duct, which relieved the jaundice and itching.

All seemed fine afterward while starting tons of doctor appointments and phone calls to address the cancer, get a chemo port, etc...

Then, 3 weeks later, boom! Intense abdominal pain and vomiting. Spent 3 days in the hospital addressing an infection. Possibly coincidental, but it occurred the morning after a big meal and then hanging upside-down on my inversion table to relieve some back pain. I suspect some of the bacteria from my lower GI tract may have followed gravity back to the area where tissue was still healing around my stent.

Who knows? It wasn't fun. All healed well after that, and the stent was removed during my Whipple. No jaundice or other issues since then (except return of the cancer).


I have a stent due to jaundice. Have s 4 pancan. I have had issues and ercp..stent can cause buildup of sludge which needs to be addressed.


After initial ERCP stent about 6 months ago I felt much improved after a few days. Jaundice dissipated and gastrointestinal and other symptoms improved. The small diameter stent was replaced about two months later with a larger diameter, uncovered mesh stent by a different gastroenterologist. The second stent became partially occluded two months later due to tissue growth into the mesh stent, necessitating a clean out of the stent and placing a covering over the mesh stent by a third gastroenterologist. So, three ERCPs for me to date... and hoping to finish Chemo and radiation treatments without further stent issues prior to Whipple in January. Also, I began taking Creon about 10 weeks ago. That's helped with GI issues, nutrient absorption, and maintaining body weight.


I had an ERCP a day after the EUS in order to insert a stent to open the bile duct and address the jaundice. I never experienced nausea when having jaundice nor post ERCP, the procedure went smoothly with no post-procedure issues.


In Feb. 2023, after weeks of intense itching (and jaundice, though I couldn't see it), I went to an ER; based on itching + jaundice + bloodwork + imaging, they scheduled an ERCP + insertion of a stent in my bile duct (it was blocked bc of a tumor in the head of my pancreas) + biopsy of the tumor. Diagnosis of pancan followed.

I was slightly sore for about a day or so -- that was it. Wishing you good results.


I also had jaundice and underwent ERCP/EUS, biopsy and stent. I had nausea and pain after the procedure, less than 8 hours but I was just wiped out. Look about 10 days to be back on my feet. It took almost 2 week for my bilirubin to come down enough to start with chemo. This was just enough time to recover enough to start with treatment. The stent fell out and I had it replaced at my second opinion center (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). I had no difficulty afterwards. I had biliary sludge and elevation of my alkaline phosphatase level, it improved with treatment with ursodiol.


I also had jaundice and underwent ERCP/EUS, biopsy and stent. I had nausea and pain after the procedure, less than 8 hours but I was just wiped out. Look about 10 days to be back on my feet. It took almost 2 week for my bilirubin to come down enough to start with chemo. This was just enough time to recover enough to start with treatment. The stent fell out and I had it replaced at my second opinion center (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). I had no difficulty afterwards. I had biliary sludge and elevation of my alkaline phosphatase level, it improved with treatment with ursodiol.

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Thank you so much for your post. In March 2023 I was prescribed ursodiol but didn't know why -- my drs. have generally provided the info I need, but my question about this Rx fell thru the cracks (difficulty in getting an appt. with the dr. who checked the stent in March and then prescribed this contributed). I ultimately stopped taking it, but bc of your reply I realize that I need to ask, ASAP, about resuming it / ask about the risks of not taking it. Thank you again, and best wishes.


@brookie82, how are you doing? Do you feel better after the ERCP?


I had jaundice but no nausea before diagnosis. EUS/ERCP included the biopsy that confirmed my cancer and blocked bile duct. A stent was inserted during the procedure to open up the bile duct, which relieved the jaundice and itching.

All seemed fine afterward while starting tons of doctor appointments and phone calls to address the cancer, get a chemo port, etc...

Then, 3 weeks later, boom! Intense abdominal pain and vomiting. Spent 3 days in the hospital addressing an infection. Possibly coincidental, but it occurred the morning after a big meal and then hanging upside-down on my inversion table to relieve some back pain. I suspect some of the bacteria from my lower GI tract may have followed gravity back to the area where tissue was still healing around my stent.

Who knows? It wasn't fun. All healed well after that, and the stent was removed during my Whipple. No jaundice or other issues since then (except return of the cancer).

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I will say prayers for your healing and return to good health.
22 years ago, suffering with a diagnosis of Sphincter of Oddi Disfunction, I had an obstructed Biliary Duct.
In total I had 3 ERCP procedures. A gastroenterogist who supposesidly was experienced in performing ERCP's during the 2nd ERCP placed a stent in the Biliary duct and perforated the duodenum.
Ended up in ICU for 2 weeks, suffered a bile burn on the pancreas, very ill. (NOTE: This happened 4 months before my daughter got married)
2 weeks following the the ICU hospitalization the stent became dislodged, 3rd ERCP to remove the stent. 2 weeks after this procedure, the gall bladder got infected, Energency surgery to remove the gall bladder.
( You Can't Make this S...T up)
Suffered with horrible pain, pancreatc enzyme abnormalities, pancreatitis. Diarrhea. Lost 40 lbs.
Fast forward to 2023, I have bouts of panreatitis, horrible abdominal cramping after eating heavy meals, can not digest fats, pain on upper rt flank of back.
With rest, diet restriction and acupuncture, the symptoms subside. Most recently had a MRCP and CT Scan everything looks fine.
My question is what were your symptoms with ductal cancer? I have lived with this for so long guess its the body's response to so much trauma.
Good Luck to you and
Take care
Colleen P


Stents don’t stay open or clean for very long. Maximum duration in estimated at 12 weeks before it needs to be replaced. My stents lasted on average 8-9 weeks. Mine moved. Once up
Into my liver, once downward. I had four ERCPs before Whipple. I read somewhere there are expert ERCP stent doctors - I think that’s a great find. In the midst of chemo, the surgeries and stents were not good to deal with but necessary. And ERCP procedures have risks too.

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