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I had to step back from here for a little bit. Things went from bad to worse and I just don't have it in me to handle this much longer. Without going into a lot of detail, things around here have been breaking and not getting fixed for years now. Some things he and I have fixed together, some things I've figured out with You Tubes. Recently a neighbor offered to come over and look at a couple plumbing issues we've been experiencing. Husband carried on while he was here. "We don't need to spend money on that!" "It quits dripping eventually." It's not dripping that badly." The neighbor left, nothing got repaired. Three separate issues and each just made him angrier. Along with the continuous belching, farting and never ending talking of his favorite topic, condom dispensing machines, add in the arguing with the television - Now he's angry about absolutely everything! In my opinion I think the fact that all of these things obviously need to be repaired and we can actually afford to purchase a couple parts if need be, the neighbor offered to come as a favor....I think he's embarrassed because the neighbor saw the repairs needed and he showed his true self while the neighbor was here.

I've already got him taking Ashwagandha and am considering adding CBD oil to the mix. Can any of you tell me if you've had any experience with either of these? The Ashwagandha did seem to make a difference for several months. The doctor may frown about the CBD oil, I'm not sure, but something has got to give. Help me out with what you know folks, I need something to settle him down. I wake up dreading each day...

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Replies to "I had to step back from here for a little bit. Things went from bad to..."

I wish I could be of help to you with ideas/advice but I’m in a similar situation with my 89 year old mom. Her sweetness is gone and this disease has turned her into a relentless complaining vicious woman. I do have caregiving and that helps me escape for ME time…even if I sit in the park. I hope you have someone who can give you ME time. We all need a respite.

He needs some antispychosis medication. CBD oil won't work for his problem. He has dementia.