Start taking niacinamide (B-3), non-flushing form only today. 500mg 2-3x per day, with food. Spread it out throughout the day. Plus Liquid IV (non-sugar version) for hydration and ensuring actual absorption of all your supplements. Water it down greatly (60-80oz water) and drink it throughout the day. You should feel a difference in a week. I prefer Liquid IV for electrolytes because it also has potassium, other B vitamins and sodium. This will ensure you have what you need for basic metabolic function/processing.
You must eat a low histamine diet and anti-inflammatory. NO SUGAR. I cut out dairy, sugar and gluten just to be sure. (On a temporary basis).
And stop exercising and over-exerting in ANY way. Don't try to run errands, clean your house, walk your dog etc. unless you absolutely have to (ie - go to work). Any gains you make are depleted with over-exertion.
I'm writing up my full protocol, which includes full supplements, amino acids and nervous system care, and will have it online shortly. Wishing you, and everyone here!, all the very best!
I mean it is becoming abundantly clear that dealing with LC symptoms requires an individual plan as I hear and read so many approaches and regiments that work for some and not for others and some that are helpful for some and exacerbate symptoms for others. There are some albeit few general healthy principles that can guide everyone...