Thanks for your reply.
I had a pneumonia infection 6 years ago, despite being vaccinated against pneumonia. It was caught early and treated successfully. There was a spot detected on the lung too., and I was a moderate smoker.
I gave up smoking and exercised moderately, and within 6 months to a year, the spot had disappeared.
Since then, in my annual CT scans, there have been smaller ground glass opacities that have appeared and disappeared.
I had gone for a long international trip ( 9 month ) outside the USA recently, after being fully vaccinated for Covid. I did have an unspecified infection overseas a year ago. I tried to stay masked and avoid crowds. Nevertheless, there were unavoidable trips to crowded hospitals to help family members.
One of my medicines was switched to Lisinopril on a trail basis a few weeks ago and I started coughing about then, which may be a co-incidence. It's the size of this opacity, and the coughing, which is making me nervous.
Thanks. of the most common and annoying side effects of lisinopril is ...coughing!
Maybe you can talk to the prescribing doc about an alternative?