I came through the surgery just fine!

Thank all of you for the great support you gave me!

The lidocaine is helping me (lasts three days) so I am fine with OTC pain meds for now.

Doc took a good half an inch around the tumors in all directions so I am hopeful we got clear margins.

Only one lymph node taken that looked normal.

Will get pathology report in two weeks.

Surgery took 6 1/2 hours total.

Can’t believe how tired I am. I am fairly comfortable but very tired.

Thank you all so much, you guys are awesome! Just wanted to let you know the surgery was just fine and I didn’t wake up in pain at all.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


I'm happy for your speedy recovery. Washing my hair for the first time was amazing! Be kind to yourself throughout your recovery, Sometimes it feels like 2 steps forward, 1 step back. You can't see but I have a smile on my face for you.

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Thank you so so much! ❤️❤️❤️

I am so grateful for you and everyone here! I am going to heal up and then move to the next battle of defeating cancer, whether it is chemo or radiation!

Thank you!


Relax. Rest. Allow others to spoil you! Don’t “hurry” your recovery. We watched funny movies on TV and bugs bunny/road runner cartoons, Jim Gaffigan stand up comedy on Netflix. Laughter and love in copious amounts. Best wishes being sent your way!

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Thank you so so much! ❤️❤️❤️

I’m watching old twilight zone shows because it’s October and I want some fun scary stuff to watch!

My kitty Mr. Bobo is upset he can’t be on my lap, but I don’t dare risk him pulling out the drain tubes or blocking them.

Thank you again! ❤️🌹


@msandbreastcancerwarrior I’m so pleased your recovery is going well & you're feeling well. Be good to yourself. Blessings to you.


Thank you so much again Zebra! ❤️❤️❤️

The stuff I think was EMLA or something like that, lasts 3 days or so. Not a pump but some kind of a time release lidocaine mixture? Amazing the technology they have now.

Even with that I did have some pain the first three days and now the pain seems to be getting less each day. I think the lidocaine is all out of my system now, by day five.

I can tell I still need lots of sleep and rest so I am watching a lot of tv and dozing.

Thank you again so much for everything Zebra! You were right, this isn’t so bad at all!


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Oh it was called EXPAREL, the time released lidocaine stuff.


These surgeries are NO JOKE! Allow yourself the time to heal as well as being patient with yourself. So glad you are doing well post surgery!


@msandbreastcancerwarrior I’m so pleased your recovery is going well & you're feeling well. Be good to yourself. Blessings to you.

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Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

I wish you all the best! ❤️🌹


These surgeries are NO JOKE! Allow yourself the time to heal as well as being patient with yourself. So glad you are doing well post surgery!

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Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

I’m resting lots and looking forward to having my drains removed on Thursday (I hope she will pull them out then, 24 hour discharge is under 20 ml on the left now and under 5 ml on the right now) and once that is done I think I will slowly be able to resume normal life, that is, until radiotherapy and whatever else the testing indicates I need.

Wishing you all the best!


Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

I’m resting lots and looking forward to having my drains removed on Thursday (I hope she will pull them out then, 24 hour discharge is under 20 ml on the left now and under 5 ml on the right now) and once that is done I think I will slowly be able to resume normal life, that is, until radiotherapy and whatever else the testing indicates I need.

Wishing you all the best!

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I had surgery for stage 1 breast cancer. I developed a seroma under left arm. It has been a month since surgery. I have had 7 aspirations. Compression and all. As soon as compression off for shower the seroma fills up again. I need second opinion. Docs don't know how long this is going to keep up. No one knows for sure. Do any of you know.?


Who knows about seromas? Mine keeps coming back since cancer breast surgery. I have had 7 aspirations. The compression does not get all the way under arm. When I take off compression bandage for shower. Seroma fills up again so area does not heal because sides are not stuck down anymore the compression is useless between aspirations. Who knows about this?


I had surgery for stage 1 breast cancer. I developed a seroma under left arm. It has been a month since surgery. I have had 7 aspirations. Compression and all. As soon as compression off for shower the seroma fills up again. I need second opinion. Docs don't know how long this is going to keep up. No one knows for sure. Do any of you know.?

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Yikes I am so sorry this is happening to you and I hope it heals very soon.

I wish I had helpful advice.

I hope you heal soon 🙏🌹❤️

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