Is it ok to vent a little bit?

Posted by jdnc2023 @jdnc2023, Oct 21, 2023

2 months ago, my rheumatologist prescribed 100mg hydroxychloroquine and 10 mg prednisone, tapered to 5 mg in the second month.

It turns out that he meant for me to take 300 mg hydroxychloroquine, but whoever transmitted to the pharmacy put 1/2 instead of 1 and 1/2. I found this out at my 2 month followup appointment.
My joints have gotten worse over these two months. It's the second time my prescription has been wrong, and also, I had to become a "Karen" when my first follow up appointment was canceled abruptly.
The doctor is very good, but his support staff apparently sucks.
Thanks for letting me vent!

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You have every right to be upset. The staff made some serious mistakes. Going forward I would have the pharmacy call the doctor's office to confirm the prescription but wait the same careless staff is answering the phone. So that won't work. I guess your best bet is for you to write the prescription down as the doctor is saying it. Then you can check it out with you medication when you pick it up. By the way you are getting this info from a real " Karen"...good luck !


Thanks for the advice. I will definitely do that. It's not a good track record so far with three visits and three screw ups!


I am so sorry. We are living in different days with the medical profession with the stress on doctors & staff and shortages. I have wonderful doctors, but, yes, mistakes have been made and they were correctable, but, your case was different. Have you considered and is it possible for you to go elsewhere? Praying for you and God Bless you as you move forward.


The health care system is definitely broken and we all need to be our own best health advocates. I deal with constant issues with my doctors’ offices sending the right prescriptions for me and my son and have to make multiple calls to correct the problems and issues. It can be exhausting and a big waste of time. It can also affect your health and quality of life. I agree that asking lots of questions and clarifying what you heard and need to doctors during visit with doctor is really important. They are human and make mistakes. Don’t let some egos get in the way of getting what you need from healthcare. You pay for medical insurance, deductibles, coinsurance, copays, etc. and spend time/money making and getting to appointments (take time off from work and caring for home/family). We should be treated as customers of the healthcare system and they should care about our experiences and health outcomes. The system needs an overhaul and to be simplified for everyone.


I am so sorry. We are living in different days with the medical profession with the stress on doctors & staff and shortages. I have wonderful doctors, but, yes, mistakes have been made and they were correctable, but, your case was different. Have you considered and is it possible for you to go elsewhere? Praying for you and God Bless you as you move forward.

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I replied to you earlier, but I don't think it shows up
I really like this doctor and I think it's his support staff who messed up and typed in the wrong prescription in the system. He wasn't very happy with these screw ups, so I hope he addresses it with his staff.


Good for you for following up and finding out that you were prescribed the wrong amounts. May I ask if you have considered biologics as an alternative?


Good for you for following up and finding out that you were prescribed the wrong amounts. May I ask if you have considered biologics as an alternative?

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Hi, I haven't considered biologics. This is just the beginning of my treatment. I was only diagnosed officially in September, after being blown off by doctors for over 40 years. It's kind of confusing, because the bulk of the hand joint damage and pain is now in the DIP joints and is erosive osteoarthritis. The PIP joints are collapsing, and the doc said that's rheumatoid. Not much can be done for the erosive arthritis. My feet have rheumatoid and my spine has osteoarthritis.
I'm allergic to NSAIDs and I have been trying Boron. I'm used to the pain, but I'm not looking forward to being unable to use my hands when all the fingers are twisted and pointing upward.
Maybe the doc will mention biologics if the hydroxychloroquine doesn't work.


Hey, "venting" is fine by me! I do it on Connect frquently! LOL! I know how frustrating it can be to deal with incompetent office staff. It is especially frustrating for me, because I was a Practice Manager for a medical practice in my career for years. And, I come across it so often anymore. I don't know what is happening, whether the staff is overburdoned, or if they just don't care? My staff would never have gotten away with some of the crap I have encountered, trust me. I was very kind with my staff, but I kept them in line, and expected their best in their work performance and the treatment of patients. But it just doesn't seem to be the same "medical world" now, that I worked in, sadly.


Hi, I haven't considered biologics. This is just the beginning of my treatment. I was only diagnosed officially in September, after being blown off by doctors for over 40 years. It's kind of confusing, because the bulk of the hand joint damage and pain is now in the DIP joints and is erosive osteoarthritis. The PIP joints are collapsing, and the doc said that's rheumatoid. Not much can be done for the erosive arthritis. My feet have rheumatoid and my spine has osteoarthritis.
I'm allergic to NSAIDs and I have been trying Boron. I'm used to the pain, but I'm not looking forward to being unable to use my hands when all the fingers are twisted and pointing upward.
Maybe the doc will mention biologics if the hydroxychloroquine doesn't work.

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I used Enbrel. My pain was gone in 2 weeks and 20 years later, I have straight fingers. Ask. There may be a reason you can’t take it but it may just be they’re going with older treatments. The worst they can do is say no.


Hey, "venting" is fine by me! I do it on Connect frquently! LOL! I know how frustrating it can be to deal with incompetent office staff. It is especially frustrating for me, because I was a Practice Manager for a medical practice in my career for years. And, I come across it so often anymore. I don't know what is happening, whether the staff is overburdoned, or if they just don't care? My staff would never have gotten away with some of the crap I have encountered, trust me. I was very kind with my staff, but I kept them in line, and expected their best in their work performance and the treatment of patients. But it just doesn't seem to be the same "medical world" now, that I worked in, sadly.

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You are so right!
I’m appalled with the healthcare I’ve encountered past few years now.
Is it the staff, the doctors, or the system?
Doctors are way too busy to help, nevermi d trying to schedule follow ups in a timely manner.
4 months is not a good follow up time when the doctor says I’ll see you in 2 mos.
When I mention to the staff, they tell me that’s all that’s available.
Very frustrating when you have medical issues such as I do.
By the time I get in, it’s been several months, and that’s not acceptable.
The staff in these offices need to do better also.
They don’t get back to you as promised,so u have to make another call to follow up,etc.
I just don’t get it, I was also in the medical profession, and worked in a doctors office, and that would never have gone on where I worked.
My bosses wouldn’t stand for it, and godforbid a patient complained to them.
You’d be questioned for it asap!

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