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A month into my diagnosis with PMR

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Nov 14, 2023 | Replies (57)

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Good morning
A little over a month into prednisone currently at 15mg and all is OK, except the weirdness my body feels.
Question: I have an insect bite sight are that doesn't seem to be healing with normal treatments and time. Redness an some heat associated to the area after a week...so I thinking the prednisone has diminished my body's abilities to heal normally.
My guess I probably need a antibiotic to assist? Just another path perhaps someone's been down or maybe will soon.
Sleep duration has lessen, currently between 5 and 6 hour and feel rested and not needing to return to bed..
Hope everyone has a great weekend, the fall colors here are still pretty vibrant and pleasing to the eye. Best wishes to all.

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Replies to "Good morning A little over a month into prednisone currently at 15mg and all is OK,..."

@jiminmich, Is the red area around the insect bite growing bigger? You might want to use a pen or marker on the edges of the red area to see if it's getting bigger which might mean an infection and require an antibiotic or treatment. I would definitely talk to my doctor if the red area is getting larger. I've used Neosporin on insect bites and cat scratches and it seems to help.

If it continues and starts spreading, you could be developing cellulitis which is a very urgent matter and needs to be treated with oral antibiotics asap.

If it started as a blister it likely is a spider bite, not a tick bite. Spider bites can cause some necrosis and take a long time to heal.
I had a tick bite this past July and sent the tick off to be tested, came back negative for the usual diseases but the bite is still red and itchy; I blame that on prednisone slowing my immune response. Just found another tick today and will send it off for testing. Having had a seriously debilitating co-infection with Lyme disease and Babesiosis 8 years ago I no longer take any chances when it comes to ticks.

Good Morning crew,
I think this system is a sorry excuse for a Broke Back Health Care system. Not putting you folks down, whom are willingly gave up your time to help another old soul on the path going no where health care treadmill. Been waiting for nearly six weeks to hear from the RHEUMATOLOGIST. These folks don't have the time or the decency to call and say find another avenue. Hay I, Just want to confirm what I have and tell me what I have to do to navigate this journey of a old persons Affection. Yep I still have enough brain sense to be Pissed Off.
Thank you all for your advise and concerns and suggested treatment for which I believe was probably a Spider bite. It actually appeared to be a creator when the blister was broken. The heat in the area has subsided, so that's a better place. Been waiting to hear from my nurse navigator all weekend but they to are on the Covid Standard Time, of what appears to be a less than a 5 day week schedule?? For antibiotics scrip. Yep I dare you, don't ever require treatment on the weekend. HOW DID WE GET TO SUCH A DARK PLACE ? That said, Thank you all so much to all whom have contributed.
Back to PMR still on the 15mg of the prednisone and holding till the next reduction and doing ok, because no pain and I actually have a portion of my simple old person life back I actually have a spark of ambition again. But not doing very well on the sleep side of thing 6 hours tops. Blood pressures are a bit high in the am and low in the late evenings, ranges 132/83 thru 98/66 but that said my pause is 10% higher running primarily in the mid 80tys.
So has anyone heard the phrase (dead man walking) is a good analogy from where the journey begun. If we ran our business like this system we would have been bankrupt long ago, kinda like our country, (right)?
Hope everyone has been able to enjoy the fall colors and moderate temperatures, but like all good things coming to the end as mother nature gave us a pretty hard frost last night, 30 as I awaken this morning. Have a blessed week. Please excuse spelling and grammar as my mind was adrift back in the day at school.