Sorry you are going through such rough time. In the States a PCP is a primary care physician, they are the clearing house for all care. One cannot see a specialist, in most cases, without a referral from a PCP. The PCP is supposed to know everything about and coordinate all of ones care.
It's a ludicrous system as one doctor never really knows what another one is doing. I now act as my on record keeper and update all my doctors on anything I or they do, much to their chagrin.
My acid reflux went away when I stopped taking fourteen pills everyday and lost twenty pounds. Doesn't seem like either one of those is your problem. I would encourage you to do your own research. It is upsetting how readily available the information is yet most of the time I am educating my doctor's about the effects and interactions of the medications they are proposing.
Everything I have found comes up on page one of a Google search. From there I review the source material, Google provides links, and try to determine what kind of science supports the information I am reading. I like peer reviewed articles about studies done on humans. Sometimes those are hard to find depending on the topic.
Acid Reflux has been heavily researched and studied. A simple search will yield more information than you can ever get through. I usually have my answers in less than thirty minutes. My starting question is usually "what causes" or "what is", then I chase the "rabbit"
I am cautious of National Institutes of Health or the Food and Drug Administration as they have become what too political. Unbiased academic research is what I value the most.
My family thinks I am nuts. My answer is, this life is all of got (as far as I know) I'm tired of being sick.
In my opinion any system built with wealth creation as its primary objective will inevitably become corrupted. So it is here in the States. I understand it's not so great in Canada either.
Anyone who can read and is sufficiently motivated can acquire more knowledge about their conditions than any health care provider can. Information at least lets me ask the right questions. The more I take control the less I worry. It helps me.
I hope your feel better soon.
Oh OK now I know what PCP is here. It’s called a GP general practitioner or family doctor. Same system can’t see a specialist without their referral and there’s no way they know everything. That’s why they have specialists.
My doctor is away in Europe. The guy who upped my prescription by phone and I just asked the pharmacist, and she said that’s a lot of Dexilant.
I have a phone appointment with a thoracic surgeon next week. I’ll ask him. The problem is now I have more acid reflux instead of less and I’m still not sleeping through the night and you can’t just stop taking it. It’s a dangerous drug right now and it’s not supposed to be long-term. in Canada our services are free ( paid by our tax dollars) I am getting lots of bloodwork, I want to see an endocrinologist, in December. I have a barium movie on my throat and in line for an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, which could take months. Yes, I’m sick of being sick which makes it worse mentally.
I find it hard to find food that I don’t react to unless it’s just bland and plain my husband can’t eat that much chicken and potatoes. And I’m running out of energy and 18 months ago. I was walking 7 miles a day powerwalking totally grateful for everything every step.