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I wish I could offer some useful advice.

Unfortunately, there is no way to predict how long his recovery might take.

My stroke was nearly five years ago, and it doesn't look like I'll ever regain some of my lost movement, especially my right hand.

Other aspects, however, happened pretty quickly. Within six months I could take basic care of myself and was even starting to practice driving again. My speech was initially slurred, but it mostly got back to normal, too.

For the first year or two, I was very emotional -- laughing and crying easily, and very irritable -- but that stabilized. (Don't get me wrong. I still get frustrated and cranky, just not as bad. I'm in my 60s -- what guy that age doesn't get irritable?)

I wish you the very best, and as I said, I wish I had more helpful advice.

What outside resources do you have for help?

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Replies to "I wish I could offer some useful advice. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict how..."

My son hired a patient advocate for us. She is helping me through the hurdles. I feel I need a support group locally. I'm in the early part of navigating all of these horrible changes. He has a long way to go to communicate. I'm trying to just take 1 day at a time. Thank you!