Research on COVID 19 vax causing Essential Thrombocythemia?

Posted by dressler02 @dressler02, Jul 2, 2022

I’ve seen very little about what causes a genetic corruption that leads to iessential Thrombocythemia. However i’ve been going back and acquiring past blood tests to try and pinpoint a timeline. One thing that seems to keep constant is that my changes in blood measurements did not seem to happen until after my first J&J shot for Covid 19 vaccination. I know the J&J shot had some bad press about causing a rare blood clot in mostly females. That does seem to have some minor relevancy. However, When i ask my Cancer clinic they seem to disregard it as just bad luck and say there are no known studies on it. However something had to cause the gene to corrupt. I cannot find any research on it. Does anyone know any studies in correlation to blood disorders and say the J&J shot? Or any other vaccinations causing this corruption of genetics or any other identified causes?

Thank you,


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I do hope you recovered quickly. I know some people that received the vaccine still managed to get COVID. However, my understanding is that these cases were generally milder and of shorter duration.
I am taking Hydroxyurea for ET and apparently at high risk for COVID and nasty complications (also in my 80’s).My husband is in his 80’s type 2 diabetic and also at high risk. Despite the having all the vaccine recommended, we still were careful about masking, where we went etc. We got through with no problems, managed lunches out at parks, camped with our camper and kept ourselves busy. Missed some family visits but we were fine in most ways.

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I am taking Jakafi for PV so I have a weakened immune system. Got the monoclonal antibody that seemed to help.


I have been recently diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia. My platelet count before the Moderna Covid vaccine was always around 205. I had a severe reaction to the vaccine for 4 weeks afterwards, with symptoms that include fever, increased heart rate, low energy, hives, and unable to sleep. One year after the vaccine, my platelets rose to 349. Now my platelets are 467. I recently had a bone marrow biopsy and was diagnosed with ET due to a CALR bone marrow mutation. I do have an underlying condition of Sjogrens. Could there be a link between the covid vaccine I had, and Essential Thrombocythemia??


That's a great question...since the vaccine is still not FDA approved, only God knows what it may cause.


I have been recently diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia. My platelet count before the Moderna Covid vaccine was always around 205. I had a severe reaction to the vaccine for 4 weeks afterwards, with symptoms that include fever, increased heart rate, low energy, hives, and unable to sleep. One year after the vaccine, my platelets rose to 349. Now my platelets are 467. I recently had a bone marrow biopsy and was diagnosed with ET due to a CALR bone marrow mutation. I do have an underlying condition of Sjogrens. Could there be a link between the covid vaccine I had, and Essential Thrombocythemia??

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The key that caused the diagnosis of ET was likely the CALR gene mutation (not a doctor) which was acquired sometime during your life. The MPN Research Foundation has an easy to read/understand free packet that they will happily send that I found very helpful.


The key that caused the diagnosis of ET was likely the CALR gene mutation (not a doctor) which was acquired sometime during your life. The MPN Research Foundation has an easy to read/understand free packet that they will happily send that I found very helpful.

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Correction...the part in parentheses should have said (I'm not a doctor) ! 😳😉


Correction...the part in parentheses should have said (I'm not a doctor) ! 😳😉

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Thank you for sending me the helpful link and information! It probably was just a coincidence this surfaced at the time frame following the vaccine. As I am so recently diagnosed, I have a lot to learn about ET, treatments, symptoms and causes. I appreciate your response.


I also received all of the COVID vaccines however I still got COVID and gave it to my husband. So it neither stopped the disease or the spreading.

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There are no vaccines that are 100% effective. That kind of certainty does not exist in the real world. I think I read that when the FDA evaluates vaccines, if they prevent disease in 50% of the population, then they will proceed with it. The Covid vaccine is known to reduce the severity of illness if you do get it. If you were not hospitalized and did not die, count that as a win.

My transplant specialist emphasized to me that if I feel sick, see my doctor right away, even if a Covid antigen test is negative. For people in my situation, Covid is worse than for people in general. There are drugs now that can help.

The latest Covid-19 vaccine provides protection against the latest variant. I got it as soon as it became available.


I also received all of the COVID vaccines however I still got COVID and gave it to my husband. So it neither stopped the disease or the spreading.

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As an employee of HHS I often get emails about public health topics. Here is a short video from the head of the Centers for Disease Control about the latest Covid vaccine.


I had the J&J vaccine in March 2021. I’m an avid runner, healthy early 40s female. I felt unwell very quickly after the vaccine (did not have Covid at the time). I had terrible abdominal pain on and off and felt weak. During summer 2021 I started having tingling/numbness in extremities, abnormally higher heart rate when exercising. I thought I was going to pass out after an easy run. Had blood work in Sept 2021 and it came back I had a high platelet count in high 500s (now hovers in 600-700s). Referred to hematologist/oncologist and went through monitoring/testing over several months. Had NGS and bone marrow biopsy confirming ET CALR Type 2. I asked if it could be attributed to the J&J vaccine and I received a shrug. Like it doesn’t matter because I have this disorder and it needs to be monitored going forward. I haven’t lived anywhere where extreme environmental factors could somehow trigger this mutation. I haven’t had any illnesses except for the occasional flu or sinus infection. I’ve had 2 babies. I have a desk job and live in the suburbs. It’s just weird there is no explanation. I opened a case with VAERS and have not heard anything.


I had the J&J vaccine in March 2021. I’m an avid runner, healthy early 40s female. I felt unwell very quickly after the vaccine (did not have Covid at the time). I had terrible abdominal pain on and off and felt weak. During summer 2021 I started having tingling/numbness in extremities, abnormally higher heart rate when exercising. I thought I was going to pass out after an easy run. Had blood work in Sept 2021 and it came back I had a high platelet count in high 500s (now hovers in 600-700s). Referred to hematologist/oncologist and went through monitoring/testing over several months. Had NGS and bone marrow biopsy confirming ET CALR Type 2. I asked if it could be attributed to the J&J vaccine and I received a shrug. Like it doesn’t matter because I have this disorder and it needs to be monitored going forward. I haven’t lived anywhere where extreme environmental factors could somehow trigger this mutation. I haven’t had any illnesses except for the occasional flu or sinus infection. I’ve had 2 babies. I have a desk job and live in the suburbs. It’s just weird there is no explanation. I opened a case with VAERS and have not heard anything.

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I agree, similar history. I am 80 retired MD. I got ET after Covid shot. I had no prior history but after Covid Shots I developed ET. I am presently on Hydroxyurea 1500mg 5 days a week with platelets down to 500 . Will we ever know the TRUTH????

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