Uneven leg length after hip replacement

Posted by drummergirl @drummergirl, Oct 11, 2023

I was operated on Sept 22, I immediately learned after my hip surgery that in spite of making all the right measurements, I ended up with a 1/2- 3/4 inch difference in my legs. It throws me off when I walk. I have ordered some shoe inserts that have helped, but I wondered if others have dealt with this. What have you done or what have you used to help correct? Did you ever get any improvement over time as you healed?

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I have a real dilemma. It took five surgeries for one hip revision.... The first surgery, the ball slipped off of the cup. The second surgery replaced that one, but I ended up with staff infection and had to go through a third surgery to take all of my hardware out and put spacers in. Could not walk at all for 7 weeks. Another surgery to put the hip products back in. That did not go well, so a fifth surgery was done. I am not young anymore and I'm feeling very tired from all of the surgeries that went from March of 2023 through September of 2023.
The fifth surgery is the final but I have a huge dilemma, in that my foot and knee are pointed straight outwards at 90°. My femur is stuck outward, as well. I am crippled at this point in my left leg. About 2 inches shorter now as well. So much of the bone needed to be cut off to replace the stem over and over again.
The surgeon has sent my information via a recommendation and referral to the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville. But I have yet to hear from them. I have had my back rebuilt and would like the surgeon to help me with that area as well. I'm hopeful they could help me with my left leg
Have any of you ever endured that many surgeries to get it right. And most importantly, have your hip surgeries lead to a foot that point outward at 90°? I am so disappointed. I was a well man before this started

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Eddie Joe- I am horrified at what you have been through. You may want to see Dr Cameron Ledford at Mayo Jacksonville. Just call and ask for an appointment.
I really hope you find the right Dr and the right solution. So sorry for what you have gone through.


I have a real dilemma. It took five surgeries for one hip revision.... The first surgery, the ball slipped off of the cup. The second surgery replaced that one, but I ended up with staff infection and had to go through a third surgery to take all of my hardware out and put spacers in. Could not walk at all for 7 weeks. Another surgery to put the hip products back in. That did not go well, so a fifth surgery was done. I am not young anymore and I'm feeling very tired from all of the surgeries that went from March of 2023 through September of 2023.
The fifth surgery is the final but I have a huge dilemma, in that my foot and knee are pointed straight outwards at 90°. My femur is stuck outward, as well. I am crippled at this point in my left leg. About 2 inches shorter now as well. So much of the bone needed to be cut off to replace the stem over and over again.
The surgeon has sent my information via a recommendation and referral to the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville. But I have yet to hear from them. I have had my back rebuilt and would like the surgeon to help me with that area as well. I'm hopeful they could help me with my left leg
Have any of you ever endured that many surgeries to get it right. And most importantly, have your hip surgeries lead to a foot that point outward at 90°? I am so disappointed. I was a well man before this started

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Get a atty now. Get out of town and find another doc. They are butchers!!! TKR and 29 mo po , swollen and junk inside is too big. Not so revision candidate. Small boned. You have major problems.


I have the same issue the inserts don't help me much either. I also have a disease where I am dizzy so I've had a few falls.


I have the same issue the inserts don't help me much either. I also have a disease where I am dizzy so I've had a few falls.

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Where are you? I'm up for hip replacement and this is one of my nightmares!!!


I'm also dealing with deep tissue pain in hip that was replaced. My thought was damage during surgery; for me it's been 5 yrs since hip replacement and my pain is worsening down my leg to the knee.
A yr earlier I had opposite ankle replacement and surgeon inadvertently severed tendon to my big toe. (But repaired that). Needless to say my balance, gait are way off, with PT it improves, however, I'm looking for some more permanent form of relief for the pain coming from hip replacement.

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I wonder if the replacement mechanism is correctly working? In real life, without the replacement, my hip joint will get painful and then it inflames the surrounding muscle. I take Magnesium, massage the area, use microwaveable heat or cold packs and elevate both legs against the wall for about 20 minutes. I agree it is a lot. If you have an old mattress, consider replacing it and adding a 3", 3lb topper. More support might help.


I have the same issue the inserts don't help me much either. I also have a disease where I am dizzy so I've had a few falls.

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After my right hip replacement on august 29th, my right leg was longer. My surgeon said this could happen, but it may correct itself. I felt I was limping because of the increased length. Physical therapy suggested an insert in my left shoe. That helped. 7 weeks post surgery and I don’t need the insert and I am walking without a limp.
In my case the discrepancy in leg length has corrected itself.
Perhaps in time your situation will improve.


After my right hip replacement on august 29th, my right leg was longer. My surgeon said this could happen, but it may correct itself. I felt I was limping because of the increased length. Physical therapy suggested an insert in my left shoe. That helped. 7 weeks post surgery and I don’t need the insert and I am walking without a limp.
In my case the discrepancy in leg length has corrected itself.
Perhaps in time your situation will improve.

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Thank you Toby! That is so encouraging.


Get a atty now. Get out of town and find another doc. They are butchers!!! TKR and 29 mo po , swollen and junk inside is too big. Not so revision candidate. Small boned. You have major problems.

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Thank you! I will be looking into an attorney. I have moved to Savannah because they have a teaching hospital and an orthopedic surgeon that will take me under his wing. No others were willing to take the problem on, being unwilling across the board with all of them to take this surgeon's problems on. I cannot go back to the previous surgeon. Will not. So I'm very hopeful.
The nurse called and told me that the surgeon will be focusing solely on the staff infection first. First and foremost, and then we will go to, perhaps, another surgery to fix this left leg. I just don't know how much I can endure under the knife anymore.
Thank you for your input.


Where are you? I'm up for hip replacement and this is one of my nightmares!!!

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The surgeries were performed in Americus, Ga.
I have most recently moved to Savannah which give me access to a teaching hospital. I'm about 4 hours away from where I had been living on seven acres with rescue horses and dogs. My heart is crushed that I had to put all of them on hold while I recovered in the hospital and then at a rehabilitation group. Many many weeks went by and I lost some friends. The dogs are very old now because I rescued them 14 years ago. The horses stopped eating for a while, a very unusual thing for those big hogs! LOL. I am finally back with them but unable to do much beyond basics with them. No long walks, but they are all fed well now and very love.
My active life has changed.
Sorry to dump all that on you! LOL
Where are you located, please?


I am so sorry that all of this has happened to you and on top of all the physical stuff the separation from and loss of of some of your loves is heartbreaking.

I'm in Memphis and have access to excellent medical care but that doesn't keep me from worrying that some thing will go wrong. That's who I am.
And, thank God, I have a wonderful husband who loves animals and our babies with all his heart, as do I, so our little ones will have him when I'm in the hospital. I had spinal fusion 3 weeks ago and was in the hospital for 3 days and my husband said the babies wandered around and cried, especially our little girl cat who is glued to me. She wouldn't be comforted but he was there to take care of them.

I don't know how you control your anger about this? Is it possible to have corrective surgery? Perhaps there is a better surgeon who can help you with this.

I'm happy you have the love and comfort of your horses and dogs. You're a good person. Rescuing is the only way.

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