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You wrote this to perfection, and I wish many doctors would see your post. Yes, the small god syndrome is prevalent. Many as well gaslight their patients. I have learned the hard way to fight like a bull with my health. I have learned, the hard way, that I am my own advocate. My Doctors wouldn't give a crap if they saw my name in the obituaries months from now. Many people have said doctors have narcissistic personalities, and many patients have talked about these doctors in blogs. I almost have a sense of jealousy when someone says they have a great doctor, for I have yet to find one. Food for thought- Misdiagnosis: How Common Are Misdiagnoses? Study Finds 7.4 Million A Year In USA ERs. In the 130 million annual visits to the U.S. emergency departments, the study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality estimates that diagnostic errors end in death for as many as 250,000 patients, while another 370,000 suffer serious harm. This is just the USA alone. How can the Medical Profession be so pompous with ego's to match with this kind track record? This is terrifying. ~I will tell you this though, I would take a white haired 70 year old doctor with thick glasses any day over the young Doctors/Residents today. They have bedside manners, they have wisdom & experience and way past the egomania persona. To justify my distrust in Doctors is it has affected my Family personally, Myself included. Misdiagnosed many times. ~ When we are ill, we instinctively rely on the Medical Field to treat us with compassion, to "Hear" us. They are suppose to be great healers, but yet, that seems to have changed.

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Replies to "You wrote this to perfection, and I wish many doctors would see your post. Yes, the..."

Keep up the good fight; make these little demigods accountable for their abhorrent behaviours, and to do their job. That’s all we ask: do your job, and your job has core elements of morality and ethical principles that require a prerequisite of empathy. Can’t do that? Go take that useless degree wasted on you and mow lawns instead - somewhere totally away from the needs of the people, and I see the current approach devoid of humanity sufficient only to engage with the needs of a medium-large front lawn and a ride-on mower…save you from the fatigue of needing to walk behind one in the instance you just can’t muster the effort.
Thanks for sharing the data - I just reel at the fact that this is even acceptable in society… imagine if a veterinarian was so maleficent and caused death and destruction to animals in the ways that the systems for people cause harm from erroneous practices…I mean, vets’ patients can’t speak, and yet they can treat them with care, affection, and empathy - why is it so challenging for the doctor to do the same? They’re light years behind what we provide in care to animals, so it’s clear they need to bring their heads out from those dark places they’ve stuffed them, and help people (who can speak, and tell them how they can use their skills to help - half the job is done for them already) with some self respect in your profession…while realising you are becoming the most despised amongst us based on your treatment of others.
An open letter to the medical profession, perhaps 🤔
Edit: my good friend has had a problem with her brain where she needed urgent surgery, and now she has a lesion developed over time in a different area; the neurologist DECLINED her urgent referral from her GP, sending it back with a refusal to treat. What kind of (insert tirade of multiple expletives here) does that?? The GP sent it back, saying pretty much you CANNOT REJECT PATIENTS IN NEED OF CARE, with CLEAR INDICATION ON OBJECTIVE TESTS that they need urgent review?
I’m currently trying to help her get urgent up to date scans, somewhere in the state that won’t charge her over $1000 for a brain mri. Well done Australia. How will her kids feel if she has a serious outcome? I want to stand there while that sad excuse of a neurologist explains it all to them…and have a private chat with him away from the kids…