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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (6262)

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I thought I joined the group. I get the posts on my email and have responded but never got any replies.
I have has neuropathy more than 15 years and it has gradually gotten worse.
The pain is now next to unbareable at night making it impossible to sleep. nothing seems to help. My doctor is no help. I have tried everything hw suggested.
I wish somone could say how they have help that lets them sleep at night.
I walk with a walker during the day, and somehow get through it.
please let me know if you have found pain relief.
Georgia in Austin, TX

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Replies to "I thought I joined the group. I get the posts on my email and have responded..."

Hello @tgcorin, Sometimes members don't know to click the Reply button under a message and type their reply to a member at the bottom of the screen in the Post Comment box which is directed to anyone following the discussion. When you click the Reply button or type the @membername, that person will get an email notification that someone has replied to their post.

Sorry to hear you haven't been able to find much help for relieving your neuropathy pain especially at night. Wonder if you might find the following discussion helpful:
--- Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/night-pain-2/.

You might also want to look through the list of complementary and alternative treatments listed on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy website here to see if what some people have found helpful - https://www.foundationforpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Complementary-and-Alternative-Treatments-Revised-2020-final.-1.pdf

I’m so sorry you are enduring so much pain. Have you seen a neurologist about your issues rather than a GP? They are more knowledgeable about neuropathy drugs and what works for each person. If not you might want to ask your doctor for a referral. I know when I first got neuropathy I was in so much pain until I was referred to a neurologist in the hospital and my pain went away with his help. I still have the numbness though and that produces a lot of issues as well but pain is not one of them. I hope this helps you. Keep the faith. It will get better with the proper help! Hugs

I usually take a Tramadol 50 mg pain pill around 9-10 pm for my foot pain.
Since I’m a night owl,I will take 400mg of Ibuprofen, around 2:00am before bed.
That helps me sleep,but around 7-8 am I will wake up with pain in my feet, horrible pins and needles, and stiffness in my right hand.
I’ve also started using CBD salve and it helps a little, not as much as I thought it would.