Lumpectomy vs mastectomy

Posted by lpk28 @lpk28, Oct 6, 2023

Good morning.

I am 34, in the IDC club and up to my eyeballs with conflicting information. My surgeon extremely favors double mastectomy where other doctors have explained there is almost zero factual upside to DMX besides peace of mind placebo.

I would love some personal insight on those who have done either one and if you regret anything, had reoccurrence, had a dmx and found a “surprise” cancer cell elsewhere in the breast that wouldn’t have been found with a lumpectomy, anything to help decide.

If I go ahead with the dmx, I am getting reconstruction.

Also, I am scheduled for surgery 3 months out from my diagnosis date. Is this normal?

Thank you

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Hi. Im a newbie. Invasive Ductal, grade 2 with "Lymphovascular Invasion present" Estrogen and progesterone positive and HER2 equivocal 2+. i'm reading my labs online since the doctors office hasn't called because of the 3-day weekend.
Can anyone tell me if Lymphovascular invasion means I will need lymph nodes removed and if the hormone receptors means that I get hormone therapy instead of chemo?
Also, does anyone here have experience with the mayo clinic in Florida? Have any of you stayed at Hope House? What is it like?
Frankly, Im just not confident in the local docs...they seem behind on all aspects of tech and I'd like to live through this. Know what I mean, jelly beans? Thanks < 3


We all get choices. Some of us less. I did not have to remove my right, but with my genetic component, I did not want to worry if it would return in that side. 2 years after my diagnosis, my older sister has ovarian cancer. Would she have not gotten that cancer removing her ovaries? We do not know. She will not tell us her stage.


My sister had DCIS at your age, she had a single mastectomy and reconstruction. Her reconstruction was she had a saline implant placed during the same surgery and that was back in 1988. She did not have expanders placed. I had lumpectomy and breast reduction and have no regrets. Everyone is different, and part of this process is you feeling comfortable with your choices. If your surgeon is making you question things perhaps seeing another breast surgeon and getting a 2nd opinion is in order.
Hope some of that helps and being here in this forum I hope helps you as much as it helped me.


I wish I had an answer for you. This is such a personal decision and I don't know that anyone can really help you decide but we can share our stories and maybe from there you will come up with your answer. Keep reading others stories and research your type of cancer. You can't do enough research. 2nd opinions are also a good option. This site and so many other online podcasters are a wealth of information and can be so encouraging. It helps to know that you are no alone. I know it feels that way sometimes but we are all here supporting you and sending healing prayers your way. Initially I was told I needed a double mastectomy and they would biopsy the pea sized mass "after" they did the mastectomy. I said no and went for a 2nd opinion. I was Diagnosed 2 days before thanksgiving last year(2022) with invasive Lobular cancer stage 2. I had to wait until Jan 31st to finally have the pea sized mass removed from my RT breast. By that time it had moved to one lymph node. So waiting on our health care providers is quite normal. A TV commercial for a large cancer hospital in our area says "Cancer doesn't wait . . . " but I can tell you that is all I have done since I was Diagnosed. It's very frustrating and discouraging at times so this is a time for a good group of Girlfriends and sisters and family support. Above all you MUST have a doctor you trust and one with a good bedside manner who at least acts like they care. I have had both. I have learned that Cancer is not an exact science because each of us is made so very different and that can change the trajectory of the cancer and the treatment we receive. 2 people can have the same cancer and the same treatment but have 2 very different outcomes because of their differing genetic and molecular make up. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your oncologist and your breast surgeon. Ask them for the studies that they base their decision for your treatment on. Read a book about cancer. You will get your answer. It will come. Even after making up your mind it is natural to wonder if this is the right decision. Be at peace and know that you made the best decision for you. No one else can really make that decision for you. Be good to yourself during this time and know that you will get through this. Lean in to your faith and we will be praying for you to find your answer and to be at peace with it. Hugs!


I had a DBL Mastectomy. Why? Early on i was told my lump was big enough that to have clear margins my left breast would not look right. I was not large busted. Had I had big breasts and no Genetic mutation, I would have had a lumpectomy. There is a lot posted on women who had surgery after a lumpectomy to make both sides match.
Once they started on my chemo to shrink my tumor, I had been told from my genetic test that I had Brca2. This changed my chemo and my left breast, nipple to would be removed. Skin sparing though, so everything looks like me when you look at me. (I will say the amount of bruising was crazy. I wondered if my skin would die) I was assured i looked normal after the surgery. I had an expander put in. I was SUPPOSED to get radiation. That Dr. reviewed all my info and said based on the fact I am BRCA 2 and now HER2 positive, as my tumor changed that from HER2- to HER2+ (I must have been on the border) after surgery, he said i would have a 2% better chance to not get cancer again. With all the info he gave me he sai if I was family, he would tell me not to do it. The side effects could be worse than getting a 2% improved life.
I was to get the other breat removed, then I was found to have a blood clot. From Feb 2022-Dec 28, 2022. I had the end side removed. I removed due to the risk of BRCA 2
Both were skin sparing, both nipples removed ad both with implants on top of the muscle.

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Wow, sounds like you have been through alot! Are you happy with your choice now?


clynnford. I will say that based on my genetics, I knew I needed to do the prophylactic on the right side. Because i have Brca2 my insurance never said no. Based on the implants, I went the same smaller size I had always been Noone looking at me would know and I have only told a few trusted friends Skin saving. But there is never a day I do not see that I had breast cancer. Barbie boobs.


I was diagnosed with with DCIS ER POSITIVE and also question myself what's better. One surgeon suggested lumpectomy, radiation and medication while another one was leaning towards mastectomy saying no radiation and sides effects from it , no medication afterwards and their sides effects , no mammograms in the future , no recurrence of breast cancer period . Sounds great but I still don't know what I should choose .... I am 53 . Still one last consult with another doctor . I am on the same boat.... double mastectomy is serious procedure and I rather avoid it I guess but if my genetic results will show mutation..... then I think I need it. Hugs to you and every woman in this group !!!!! Be strong ! Heads down to all of you , strong ladies who went and who going through this HORRIBLE DIAGNOSIS ! I am far away from being strong .....❤️🙏🏻


I wish I had an answer for you. This is such a personal decision and I don't know that anyone can really help you decide but we can share our stories and maybe from there you will come up with your answer. Keep reading others stories and research your type of cancer. You can't do enough research. 2nd opinions are also a good option. This site and so many other online podcasters are a wealth of information and can be so encouraging. It helps to know that you are no alone. I know it feels that way sometimes but we are all here supporting you and sending healing prayers your way. Initially I was told I needed a double mastectomy and they would biopsy the pea sized mass "after" they did the mastectomy. I said no and went for a 2nd opinion. I was Diagnosed 2 days before thanksgiving last year(2022) with invasive Lobular cancer stage 2. I had to wait until Jan 31st to finally have the pea sized mass removed from my RT breast. By that time it had moved to one lymph node. So waiting on our health care providers is quite normal. A TV commercial for a large cancer hospital in our area says "Cancer doesn't wait . . . " but I can tell you that is all I have done since I was Diagnosed. It's very frustrating and discouraging at times so this is a time for a good group of Girlfriends and sisters and family support. Above all you MUST have a doctor you trust and one with a good bedside manner who at least acts like they care. I have had both. I have learned that Cancer is not an exact science because each of us is made so very different and that can change the trajectory of the cancer and the treatment we receive. 2 people can have the same cancer and the same treatment but have 2 very different outcomes because of their differing genetic and molecular make up. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your oncologist and your breast surgeon. Ask them for the studies that they base their decision for your treatment on. Read a book about cancer. You will get your answer. It will come. Even after making up your mind it is natural to wonder if this is the right decision. Be at peace and know that you made the best decision for you. No one else can really make that decision for you. Be good to yourself during this time and know that you will get through this. Lean in to your faith and we will be praying for you to find your answer and to be at peace with it. Hugs!

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This is very encouraging to me as well . Smart advice and great comment ! I have to admit , tears are pouring ..... stay healthy !


I think each person has to make decision that is right for them. I was recently diagnosed with idc & given option of mastectomy or lumpectomy and I chose the lumpectomy so I could continue having mammograms. However, my aunt also had a mastectomy thinking she would not get breast cancer again and it came back again in that same breast. Fortunately, she recovered again. After a mastectomy, she couldn’t have mammograms, so had I not had this family history I might would have chosen differently. You never know what you may face, but my thoughts & prayers are with you all for continued recovery as it seems an impactful process. My surgery is Tuesday & for today I’m at peace and grateful that I have this another day.

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Thanks for your response. I'm still considering a lumpectomy....I keep going back and forth...🤯


We all get choices. Some of us less. I did not have to remove my right, but with my genetic component, I did not want to worry if it would return in that side. 2 years after my diagnosis, my older sister has ovarian cancer. Would she have not gotten that cancer removing her ovaries? We do not know. She will not tell us her stage.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. That cancer is very rough. God bless you and your family.

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