My friend has had shortness of breath for about a month now.

Posted by briannahope @briannahope, Oct 13, 2023

My friend has had shortness of breath for about a month now, and the doctors cannot find anything wrong with him. The doctors thought it was a b12 deficiency, but it still has not gotten any better. His lungs sound fine. His blood oxygen levels are fine. All his other levels are fine. He is overall a very healthy male who works out and eats pretty healthy. All I know is that he has been miserable dealing with shortness of breath on and off for the last month. He has had this happen to him before. Last time it lasted 4-5 months and went away on its own. I'm just genuinely concerned. Does anyone have any advice or ideas of what it could be?

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Undiagnosed mild asthma, partially paralyzed diaphragm, silent Gerd, among others. Is he, was he a smoker? What about occupational hazards? I had similar symptoms a few years ago along with normal stats … it was adult onset asthma that had awakened in me after a long and serious bout of Covid (doing well now). If your friend isn’t seeing a pulmonologist, he should. I suggest that complete lung function testing is appropriate and I’d ask for a CT scan to rule out serious issues.


Hello make sure he has his spine checked. My SOB was caused by a pinched nerve by a herniated disc at C5/C6.


i would ask Primary to prescribe a rescue inhaler such as Albuteral. Asthma can come and go. Hot weather & humidity caused my asthma (shortness of breath with tightness of chest & pain) this entire summer. Praying for relief for him. Blessings.....


Undiagnosed mild asthma, partially paralyzed diaphragm, silent Gerd, among others. Is he, was he a smoker? What about occupational hazards? I had similar symptoms a few years ago along with normal stats … it was adult onset asthma that had awakened in me after a long and serious bout of Covid (doing well now). If your friend isn’t seeing a pulmonologist, he should. I suggest that complete lung function testing is appropriate and I’d ask for a CT scan to rule out serious issues.

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I agree that a lung function test is appropriate and a CT scan. ALSO check heart!
Two years ago I had slight SOB and went to Urgent Care. They did EKG which was acceptable and a chest x-ray which was abnormal. So I went to a local pulmonologist (first one available). I did CT scan and PET scan which mentioned cancer. I had scans sent to Mayo and got a call within hours that it was not my lungs causing SOB but my heart. Within two hours I was in ER (no chest pain, but elevated troponin) and next day doing Angiogram which found a coronary blockage. I knew I had to do lung biopsy so they did not put in stent. I then had lung surgery 3 weeks later for cancer and did the stent four months after that.


Even though the lungs sound fine I would ask my primary for a Lung Function Test.


Agree with others here. He needs to go see both a pulmonologist and cardiologist asap.

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