Husband won’t eat

Posted by ladienrd @ladienrd, Oct 11, 2023

Husband had Whipple 7 weeks ago for lg cyst but had significant complications. Lost 40 lbs in hospital and now lost another 9 lbs. he won’t eat. Maybe eats 1/2 hard boiled egg and bottle of fairlife protein. I am lost of what to do. He said he is full. He goes back to surgeon next week as he still has drain in from infection. Thank you

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My husband’s tumor is inoperable and he is currently undergoing chemo which has really affected his appetite. Some of the things I can get him to eat are baked potatoes, chicken noodle soup, milkshakes. His taste buds change daily so something he likes one day changes the next. I know if he would eat more he would feel better but it’s a constant struggle.


I am sending you positive thoughts. My husband’s cyst was an incidental finding on u/s and told us in the future it would be inoperable. It was huge and was wrapped around vein and artery and they were able to get it and they also found 2 more. They tell us he will be fine but this failure to thrive/malnutrition is going to kill him. We were told about the complications but didn’t expect any as he was in shape for 71 yrs and no illnesses/diseases. He said he has no taste buds anymore. What does he put on his baked potato? Thank you kindly


I am sending you positive thoughts. My husband’s cyst was an incidental finding on u/s and told us in the future it would be inoperable. It was huge and was wrapped around vein and artery and they were able to get it and they also found 2 more. They tell us he will be fine but this failure to thrive/malnutrition is going to kill him. We were told about the complications but didn’t expect any as he was in shape for 71 yrs and no illnesses/diseases. He said he has no taste buds anymore. What does he put on his baked potato? Thank you kindly

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I pile on the butter and sour cream to pump up the calories. He will usually eat about half of it. He has always been a meat and potatoes kind of guy but now he can’t tolerate meat. He will sometimes eat pasta with butter or occasionally marinara sauce. He had a three week break from chemo back in the summer and by the end of the third week he was eating everything in sight. But once he started chemo again his taste buds were gone after about a week. One thing he’s been eating lately is raisin toast with peanut butter. I also find that just giving him small portions makes it easier for him. I try not to nag him about eating but some days are easier than others. He lost 35 pounds before he was diagnosed and lost another 15 after starting treatment which put him at 130 pounds. At his appointment last week his weight was 154 so I take that as a win. We just keep on keeping on and celebrate the small blessings.
I really curious about your husband’s surgery if you don’t mind sharing. We’ve been told my husband’s tumor is inoperable because it’s wrapped around major nerves and surgery would make things worse. But I just can’t help believing that somehow it could be done. His tumor has shrunk with chemo and his CA19-9 is 202. I just keep praying the tumor will disappear.


His cyst was 6cm , the size of an egg, and the biopsy markers said it was an IPMN and was not yet cancer we were told if it was cancer it would be inoperable. I was a nurse for 39 years and the surgeon who performed Whipple only did 2 per year.. We were fortunate that the surgeon was recruited to be head of the biliary hepatic program and did hundreds of whipple. He said it was difficult but he was confident he could do it. His surgery was a success but now he is trying to recover from a surgery and numerous complications. You need to find a good surgeon which is a nightmare. We did not go to Mayo Clinic as we are in NJ.


My husband was not eligible for the Whipple and has survived for exactly one year. He and I know that he probably only had days or a few weeks left to live in this planet. We are both at peace. But I wanted to tell you about Katefarms Standard Sole-Source Nutrition Formula, 455 calories. These are like milk shakes, chocolate or vanilla, full nutrition drinks. These shakes were for a very long time the only thing my husband could eat/drink. Give it a try. You can order on line. We had a case of 12 delivered every week for months. They are expensive but, I think, worth it


His cyst was 6cm , the size of an egg, and the biopsy markers said it was an IPMN and was not yet cancer we were told if it was cancer it would be inoperable. I was a nurse for 39 years and the surgeon who performed Whipple only did 2 per year.. We were fortunate that the surgeon was recruited to be head of the biliary hepatic program and did hundreds of whipple. He said it was difficult but he was confident he could do it. His surgery was a success but now he is trying to recover from a surgery and numerous complications. You need to find a good surgeon which is a nightmare. We did not go to Mayo Clinic as we are in NJ.

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Thank you so much for sharing your husband’s journey. I hope you can find something he will eat. A few more things my husband will eat are activia yogurt, ramen noodles, bananas and protein shakes. Hope some of this helps.


I worked with the hepatobiliary dietician before and after my Whipple. The first part was getting an adequate dose of Creon. That took several months of dosing increases. My usual weight was 145 lb, lost to 120 lb before I started with Creon and continued to lose slowly until I got the dose of enzymes up to 36,000, two before meals. My appetite improved after I started with Creon. I went to surgery at 110 lb. After surgery I weighed 103. I was really quite weak. My doctor mentioned a feeding tube but I started eating by the clock, every 3 hours while awake. Now I can eat more and don't need to eat as often. I am at 113 lb. One type food that has been helpful is nut butters of different kinds. Almond butter, cashew butter, and walnut butter all good. I do have peanut butter sometimes but find it very unappealing. I also eat Nutella, hazel nut and chocolate. I think the dietician helped to save my life


Thank you for your insight and best wishes!


Appreciate recommendations and best wishes to your husband


My husband was not eligible for the Whipple and has survived for exactly one year. He and I know that he probably only had days or a few weeks left to live in this planet. We are both at peace. But I wanted to tell you about Katefarms Standard Sole-Source Nutrition Formula, 455 calories. These are like milk shakes, chocolate or vanilla, full nutrition drinks. These shakes were for a very long time the only thing my husband could eat/drink. Give it a try. You can order on line. We had a case of 12 delivered every week for months. They are expensive but, I think, worth it

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I will have to look into that. I tried another brand of ice cream. Can’t remember the name but it was terrible expensive and tasted awful. Best wishes to you both

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