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Getting new Covid booster and RSV

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Jan 4 8:42am | Replies (89)

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I have been reading the posts here now for months and while it is definitely a personal decision, I think there are far more people who have had adverse reactions to the shots and I can’t fathom any reason for risking one’s health just because a doctor “recommends”. There are good doctors, but few and far between, and they get paid to push these shots. Nope, never.

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Replies to "I have been reading the posts here now for months and while it is definitely a..."

I hope the people who react to the vaccine are calling the phone number on the fact sheet to report their adverse reaction. Otherwise, how can we get accurate information about the effects.

Covid stinks... I think everyone can agree on that, sadly.

@seeker4answers, on forums like this one, one can get the impression that more people have adverse reactions to a vaccine or negative side effects from a treatment than those who benefit. Please keep in mind that the people who do not experience side effects typically do not seek out support. They go on with their lives. Millions of people received the Covid, flu and RSV vaccines without adverse reactions. I don't disagree that people sharing here have experienced serious side effects. The impression of numbers, however, may be skewed.

Like you said it is a personal decision. Your decision should include your personal risk factors and an open discussion with your doctor who knows your medical history and the medical evidence.

I came down with Covid 19 Jan 2021. It was just before Jan 6.
I was hospitalized for 11 days. I told the ER doctor I thought I was dying.
On March 14th, 2021, I received the first vaccination. The next day I woke up and it was the Coved never went away the fever the chills. It was like covid never went away. I was lucky I still had my oxygenator. Itw as bad for 6 or 7 days . Told my doctor. No help. I was prescribed an inhaler. my breathing issues subsided. End of April beginning of May.
Everybody heard what they were saying. Get both vaccines even if you had Covid. So on August 8th 2021 I
received the second vaccination. so you say well thing could not get worse. Not worse but deadly worse. I had same side effects as the first vaccine. The first new side effect that happened Thursday morning at 2:30. had trouble breathing and my heart was beating wildly. I thought I was having a heart attack. I did not have the strength to dial 911. My breathing took a turn for the worse and fast. I went to a pulmonologist and did tests and an x-ray, and I was told that I had liquid on the left side of my chest. what they took out of my chest was one liter of fluid. your total lung capacity is 3 liters for each lung. Like driving a 6 cylinder car with one of the cylinders. Does not work very good. No more vaccines for me.
The story does end there. In October 2022 I came down with what I thought was the flu. It was mild but I was tested confirmed that it was Covid. But this one gave what first one did not. Brain Fog. It was so bad the first month in a half that I could not hold a conversation. I still have problems concentrating. 7 heart procedures later. What I experienced was a symptom called Myocarditis. It says its rare with fewer than 200,00 thousand cases a year. Sound like a big number to me. I had no know allergies at the time and I don't if they have the ability to test for it.