Anyone Found Help/Explanation for Long Covid Neurological Symptoms?

Posted by robinholly @robinholly, Feb 13, 2022

Has anyone found some help and explanation for their neurological symptoms? Symptoms like tremors, dizziness, difficulty walking, tingling in legs and back, muscles twitches in legs, hand tremors, cognitive dysfunction, ringing in ears, pain and burning in toes and feet. I have these symptoms and more. I have been through MRI of brain and full spine, peripheral nerve testing, muscle function and short fiber nerve tests all in the normal range despite the symptoms. I have been on 900mg gabapentin daily with little improvement, then things got much worse after getting the booster last month. Would love to hear from some that have found help and explanation.

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I have VERY similar symptoms and I have had varying degrees of success with Stellate ganglion block.

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On what type of frequency did you the the SGB, how long until you saw results, and how long did they last. Do you find SGB treatment sustainable long term or has it had a therapeutic recovery treatment effect towards your symptoms? Lastly any side effects of SGB?


I had a total of 8 SGBs over 6 months. The following are the results of each block:
1 - The morning after the tension in my shoulders was TOTALLY gone after 8 months. It only lasted a day.
2 - One week later the second block, again, eliminated the shoulder tension and my internal tremors were gone. That lasted 4 days.
3 - 10 days following I was TOTALLY cured of all my symptoms. It was nothing less that miraculous... seriously. That lasted 4 weeks; I thought I was done with long covid. It came roaring back with some new symptoms: pain on my lower legs.
4 - I had the 4th block about 6 weeks after the 3rd; that did nothing. I think it was a bad block. You should get Hormer's syndrome (droppy eye) and a couple other side-effects that shows the shot hit the spot and was effect . You want to have these side-effects to show it was a productive shot. These side effects only last for several hours.
5 - I went to a new Doc who was more experienced in SGBs (this is important). The shot was effective but no changes to symptoms.
6-8 I got the final 3 blocks in a 2 week period as a last ditch effert forf the SGBs to work. The 1st had moderate effect and the last 2 did nothing.

That was the end of my SGB treatments.
Check out the article below. SGBs are being tested using Botox. I might try the in the future.
Next week I start a yet to be determined med that is used to treat "Essential Tremors"

Bottom line... The SGB is well worth a shot. Good luck.,reasonable%20explanation%20for%20our%20findings

Covid does neurological damage. I’d had long covid for 3.5 years and recently developed Epilepsy. My MRIs are essentially normal except for some microangiopathic change (narrowing of blood vessels) which can explain some long covid symptoms and now epilepsy.,of%20TIA%2C%20seizures%20and%20incontinence.

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