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Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Mar 16 11:12am | Replies (7172)

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Hi 19lin. I'm to the point that I can't take this much pain. Surgery or<br />
pills are a waste of time. I've always said , no offense to people that are<br />
suffering with cancer, but after 33 yrs of this I'm backing in to a corner<br />
with no way out. This is like cancer but no dr can tell me how long I have.<br />
I'm now looking into marijuana use in my state. The govener is<br />
decriminalized as of Jan. 2017 and there is a large push to make it legal<br />
for medical use. I want to try it but if my dr tested me I will lose him,<br />
we've had that discussion. I just don't know if it would help, so I'll wait<br />
and see what happens in November when the people in this state will be<br />
given a chance to vote for or against medical use. Both bills won't make it<br />
until Jan. The federal government. has all the the Drs scared because of<br />
the misuse of narcotics. To many people pretend to be in pain just to sell<br />
there medicine, I've seen it add 4 to 500 to there monthly income. This<br />
puts narcotics in the wrong hands. Excuse me for rambling I'm just lost and<br />
don't know which way to turn. briansr<br />

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Replies to "Hi 19lin. I'm to the point that I can't take this much pain. Surgery or pills..."

Hello; there are different forms of Canibus mess ask your Dr. About cannibinoids, they don't contain the Thc, but still have the beneficial effects of reducing the pain in the same way that opioids do, without the addiction side effects. Ask your Dr. about these, stay strong man, I understand<br />
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The problem I have is I already brought up this to my doc. I asked him six<br />
months ago that if they legalize marijuana what he thought about it. He<br />
basically said HELL NO, NO WAY, period.... briansr<br />

Brainsr I know what u mean!! I've seen people in real pain kicked out of the Drs. Office because there pee test came out bad. But how can this be league It seems that if a good dr. Is giving u heavy duty pain pills how can they just stop them??? If I stoped I would get sick. I think I would sue if they just stopped!!! The way I understand it is that if I stop I would go through withdrawal. Is that true. I'm on fentenol 75 mg. and oxyconde 10 three times a day. Sharon. <br />
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Brainsr I believe you are right, not only could you get sick but in some cases it could cause permanent damage or even death. 19lin<br />
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Sent from Windows Mail

Medicinal marijuana is very costly from what I have seen on TV when<br />
they show the growers. I am in 7 to 9 pain and can take no meds, so I<br />
would welcome even a brownie laced with canaibus. has nothing....<br />
ladyjane85<br />

Brainsr you are right to many are making it hard for those with real pain, that is why I lobby for research to develop an approved objective measure for pain. Such a devise should so who has real pain and who is faking. Of course it will not be easy but it needs to be done for everyone’s benefit. Too many good people are suffering needlessly because of a few who are trying to get rich quick. <br />
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I am sure you have tried many alternative pain control methods as have I, most are not effective but you need to try. I still have not tried hypnosis to see if that would work. At Mayo’s a few years ago they tried ECT on me and it did stop my phantom pain for awhile, but not the sciatic nerve pain. I tried it a few times but it had some negative side effects so I stopped it. Some find acupressure helpful.<br />
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There is a good article in the June issue of Consumer Reports on pain and the methods used to stop pain. It just came out so you can probably find it at your library. They review the various pain treatment methods and how effective they have been found to be. Good Luck 19lin<br />
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Sent from Windows Mail

Briansr and all you other souls with terrible pain ....... you just mentioned it Brian, and I was thinking the same thing. Now I'm not a drug advocate by any means, but it does seem that medical marijuana really helps a lot of people. I can't imagine living with the kind of pain some of you are describing. Surely there is somewhere you can go to get an Rx for medical marijuana .... at least to give it a try and see if it helps.

A few months ago, a friend gave me a square of his cannachocolate to try. He had a medical card for it. The little piece I ate really did help my neuropathy pain for a few hours. Here in Oregon, Marijuana is legal, both medicinally, and recreationally. Of course, you're supposed to buy it from a licensed dispensary, not on the street corner. Theoretically, the weed is correctly labeled, as to purity and potency. I had to make the difficult decision not to apply for a medical permit. The dispensary brings in a doctor once a month to write prescriptions, at a cost to me of around $200, something that is required annually. The fee for a medical card is also around $200, also annually. Then, the product is certainly not cheap.

Recently, I bought an ounce of Marijuana trim - for $50. Today and yesterday, I made cannabutter, to use in baking and cooking. This is my first try, and I used more butter than the recipe calls for,so it wouldn't be too potent for a first timer. I think I'll make a batch of cookies to see if it's strong enough to ease the pain. I'll either need half of one, or 3 or 4 at a time, not good for the diet. I sautéed an original recipe, with cannabutter, olive oil, garlic, celery, celery salt, mushrooms, some soft canned peach, and a TBSP of a squeeze tube of Italian herb, then cooked a pork cutlet in all of that. No recipe for it. It tasted good. All of the herbs I added covered the cannabis taste.

I never EVER had considered pot until nothing else has touched the pain. I'm a retired minister, with a very conservative church, and pot is probably a bad word. But if it works...and, hey, it's natural. I bet there was a nice patch of it in the Garden of Eden.

Some significant changes need to happen in our health system, so that those of us who know chronic pain will be able to get the medications we need at the necessary dosage. There needs to be a separation of pharmacology and state. It's not something that should be politicized in any way. Maybe we can even begin to accept some of the alternative medications, and alternative treatments. For all of our progress, all of our intelligence, I don't think we've begun to understand all that God created. And we've sure blown the taking care of it part.

I figure that if my battery is getting low, it's time to get off my smartphone. Otherwise, I just keep talking.


@amberpep Abby, I made the cannabutter, at 1/3 strength. 2.5 lbs of unsalted butter, 1.5 cups of water, and I left it in the crock pot for 8 or 9 hours. Strained it through cloth into a Pyrex mixing bowl, left it in the fridge for a day, scraped the butter that had hardened on top of the water out of the bowl with a table knife, cleaned it off, and set aside enough to make chocolate chip cookies (a pound for my recipe), and froze the rest of it in jars.

I made a double batch of cookies and froze most of them. I used 2 packages of chips, but replaced one with mint chips, which I'm glad I did, because it hides the weed taste - mostly. Yesterday, I ate 4 cookies, and discovered that 4 make me incoherent. Today, I'll back off to 3. My goal is pain control, not to get high. Trouble is, buying from an uncontrolled source, there's no way to know what the ratio of THC is to CBD. The pain specialist told me to get the lowest THC I could. He explained that THC is what makes you high, and the CBD is the medical part. I think that what I have is heavy on the THC. I imagine I'm more responsive to it because it's the first time. Long time users would probably want 6 or 8 cookies.

I was able to get the surgery scheduled for the spinal cord stimulator implant, in April, after my wife gets back home from helping our daughter for a month after having a baby - her first. I've also met with a therapist, and will see him weekly. It took me a long time to get an appointment, and my mental health was deteriorating over the past few months. As soon as I said the s word, I had their attention.

My job today is to put in all of the molding in the kitchen that should have been a part of the installation. Things like quarter round under the kick space, cabinet to wall finish trim, trim to cover raw edges of plywood. Maybe I'm just too OCD. The cabinets are beautiful custom work. The people we bought our house from weren't into finishing everything they started. The wood floor in the kitchen was beyond overdue for a fresh coat of varnish, so they'll never look new. I put 3 coats of polyurethane on the floor, and before putting everything back in place, I want to do the trim work. I'm also replacing the face trim on the doors in the older part of the house, which will also mean some painting.

Gotta quit writing and get back to work.


It sounds like once you get the amount you need right, you're onto something that will work for you. Good luck. Now if the rest of the medical community would wake up.