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A month into my diagnosis with PMR

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Nov 14, 2023 | Replies (57)

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Good morning,
Am on the reduction plan and begins Friday from 18 to 15 and had started with 20mgs, so it's finding that sweet spot, we probably are hoping to find. Since prednisone at least at this dose my blood pressure is pretty erratic,
High early morning, after my 1 or 2 mile walk it's normal range, mid-afternoon it's pretty much on the low side and I feel like a nap is a good idea. Of course hoping to wake up from that nap....just kidding. Been working, but don't get a lot accomplished. Working on a dose of blood pressure meds to help stabilize that condition. Beginning 3rd week Friday at 15mg. Tails of a journey.

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Replies to "Good morning, Am on the reduction plan and begins Friday from 18 to 15 and had..."

Good morning to all our family,
Well that was tales of a journey. Not much into proof reading I guess..
Day one on reduction to 15mg and thank God for the continued relief, but unsettled about what going on with my weathered and worn body. Review is a good starter, pain and swelling has disappeared over the course of the last several weeks. That's good. But things are perhaps unnoticed and unanswered my Cpap stuff has improved the numbers that is. Went from 5 thru as high as 9 incidence per hour to .09 is. But the hours if sleep has been greatly reduced to around 6 hours to the previous 8 or 9. Just another health issue to interject of a perhaps weathered and tour old person..
But as I look back to when I had ever been this sick was upon my return from Vietnam. When then much younger was diagnosed with Hepatitis, but much like this diagnosed Warewolf of the immune system not 100% sure...but much like symptoms tired and feel OK for the best of 3 hours of the day. And at the time it just had to run its course.
Point is still diagnosis is not 100% and am in a what appears to be a heath care (holding pattern). The US was the place the world's sick came for answers and treatment, but not so much since Covid, vaccinations, an Paxil treatment.
Back to the Heart of the Matter, still feel like I'm running on empty in the mid afternoons on the 15mg dose. but again in a much improved place than several weeks ago. And really think this Stuff has been with me for some time, but a very slow cheaper. Lost of balance, joint swelling, lack of energy and muscular pain monster both arms and accross my shoulders and hips, fat hands and puffy finger...
Marching onwards and thankful for another day. As the fall colors brighten the dark side of this affliction.
Spelling, grammar, and composition were never one of my favorites nor qualities. Well wishes to all.