Meningioma - I'm scared to watch and wait
Have had a mri that revealed a large structure that is presumed to be a meninggioma associated with the right sphenoid wing.creating mass effect upon the right frontal lobe and mass effect and elevation of the right lateral ventricle by this process. Neurosurgeons have recommended that no effort be expendeded to remeadiate or remove it, nor do they recommend future mri's to observe it's very slow growth. What should I do? To do nothing, as they recommend, scares me. Having a tumor is frightening. Is there a role for future immumology? Help, please. Eleanor Seminara, 85 yrs old.
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Thank you for that information. I have been talking to others locally, who have had gamma knife surgery.
Thank you. I have spoken to others who have had gamma knife surgery and radiation later. Their followup MRI was very good, with very little of the tumor left. I am sure that is the route I will take, when the time comes..
Dear Eleanor,
It's amazing that my name is the same as yours, and I am also a senior, age 86 (87 in January). My reactions on hearing my Meningioma was not curable at my age was somewhat unsettling.....I refused an MRI because this new growth was discovered by a CAT scan at a time when I felt only a bit dizzy. What the CAT scan reminded me of was a similar fearful event 15 years ago when I came down with Diverticulosis and had to be CAT scanned. The scan at that time seemed to identify lots of scary small stuff plus a lump on my kidney, and I was hustled off to see if was Cancerous. The cancer physician wanted me to have another scan within three months to see if it was growing. I was ready to agree, but just had gone thru radiation for a tooth removal, a toe crack, and breast exam. Frankly I thought that was a lot of radiation. So I sat down and wrote a letter to the doctor, telling him about all this radiation, and asked if it wouldn't be better to simply wait a year. In addition, I told him about that CAT scan I had for my kidney 15 years ago (and was lucky enough to dig in my old health file and find a report). I enclosed a copy of the old scan report and asked if it could be compared with the current CAT scan......had my kidney lump shown any growth? And whether we could again discuss the whole business. We met and I was pleased to discover that the growth on my kidney had not changed at all. In addition the physician looked me in the eye and agreed that I had radiation enough and dismissed my case as closed. (I forgot to ever have it Cat Scanned again) and I went on with my life. That was fifty years ago.
This early episode in my life has stuck with me, and now at the age of 86 I feel that going thru additional CATscans or MRI procedures is a waste of time. Why burden my brain and body with further scanning when none of it can lead to a cure? I feel fortunate to have lived until the age of 86, and now am determined to go forward with whatever I have left in this life, keeping my mind on eating right, reducing stress, and light exercise with my eye on what good may lie ahead. I wish you and all the rest of us the power and the courage to live longer and better.
Debb hope you do not mind me asking but have you had any other non related issues like say infertility, ovarian cysts, fibroids, or breast tumors?
I am concerned that the doctors are ignoring your symptoms. I am loosing vision in my left eye too. Having horrible migraines and this just started recently, but just like you my doctors do not seem concerned. Or maybe they just know the risk might out weigh the reward
You can tell when something is wrong with your body. It can be frustrating when you give a symptom and it is not acknowledged
Lady cat you are not crazy.
Me to a tee!!!!! I came on here to see if all of my symptoms were from this tumor they just found. I don't want to live like this.
meningioma size 1.3 x 1.1 x 1.0 just to know last 2 weeks because I was diagnosed firstly with Bels Palsy anyone? Doctor advised me to wait another 6 months to re check if there’s growth, did u heard the same from your doctor?
@mj3428950, not everyone with a meningioma needs treatment right away. If the plan is for you not to have treatment for a meningioma, you'll likely have brain scans at times to assess your meningioma and look for signs that it's growing. This treatment approach is often called "Watch and Wait". I moved your question to this related, active discussion:
- Meningioma - I'm scared to watch and wait
Also see this related discussion:
- Watching a Meningioma Brain Tumor
Members like @ageiswinning @ninha06 @cscmaryann @patbaret @minfromtexas know what it is like to watch and wait. It can be unsettling as the term feels like nothing is being done. I personally prefer the term "active surveillance" which implies action. Your team is actively monitoring the tumor.
@mj3428950, this is a new diagnosis for you. How was the meningioma discovered?
Hi @colleenyoung , first of all thank you for responding my message. I found out I have meningioma when I had Bells Palsy, my doctor had asked to for an MRI scan. I was in shock and don’t know how to react after knowing. The location of my meningioma is found at the petroclival area. I have seek different neurosurgeon opinions and finally I have decided to apply the watch and wait approach as my neurosurgeon advise me to do so. After six months he asked me to go back to him to go for another MRI , this is to check if there is any signs of growth. After knowing all of this, I’m trying to act normal like nothing is happening to me, but it’s hard to focused. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m overreacting to what I’m feeling. My hearing becomes so sensitive, energy level is low, I got easily tired for little things that I do. I feel dizzy at times. I’m scared…