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I feel for you. The 'you look fine' comments make me want to curl up in a ball for a week! I don't know how you manage without either RA meds or pain meds. I'm forever grateful my rheumatologist normalised taking meds with me right from the start. We talked about side-effects in depth but her advice was if you delay meds to the point that your joints are damaged it can be irreversable - and then the pain is much harder to manage. I figured as she was the one who finally diagnosed my problem I'd best take her advice. 🙂 I hope you find something to help out with the fibro pain - it absolutely is debilitating. That kind of ongoing deep-seated pain is exhausting. xx

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Replies to "I feel for you. The 'you look fine' comments make me want to curl up in..."

I don’t go one day without pain in my feet.
Im going to try something recommended by someone on Mayo connect, Susan’s CB salve.
I hope this one will work, because I’ve tried a few others with no relief.

I would like to share my story and the story of a friend. She and I were diagnosed with RA at about the same time eight years ago. I also have osteoarthritis. I take the medicines prescribed by my rheumatologist including Orencia (a biological) and Placquenil. They have worked very, very well. I am active and living and maintaining my own home. Certainly I do have days when the RA is acting up but know that soon, because of my meds, I will be better.
My friend refuses any drug including DMRS or biologicals. She has lots of pain and swelling mainly in her feet and ankles. She is looking at assisted living sites this weeks with hopes to move soon as she is having difficulty even with a walker. She can no longer bath by herself. She imagines she with progress (regress) to a wheel chair soon.

All drugs have side effects But one must choose between life in a wheel chair or life on your feet in your own home. With my examples in mind, I recommend taking the drugs your doctor suggests