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@frances007 Oh, Frances, you sound like you are really hurting, but can’t quite make the final decision to leave your friend. Have you called your Agency on Aging? Or at-risk seniors? You don’t need to tell them the whole story. Just say you have a friend who needs help and you can no longer provide it because of your health. Let them take it from there. And don’t tell her you made the call. Just be her friend. You have done so much over the years! It’s time to think about your health and needs.
Will you think about this?

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Replies to "@frances007 Oh, Frances, you sound like you are really hurting, but can’t quite make the final..."

in reply to @becsbuddy I could call the agency that you have described, however they will not do anything, and even if I did, and someone came out to see Joyce, she would not open the door. The same thing happened when the social worker from Adult Protective Services paid her a visit. She refused to talk to him or allow him inside her apartment. Another facet of her disease: no strangers.
Yes, I have done much for her for many years, including doing her grocery shopping today. I suppose that if I physically felt better, I might not feel as bad about the whole situation as I do presently. With my birthday approaching on Monday, and finding out Tuesday if I am "bad enough" to get another iron infusion, I really just feel like doing nothing. This is certainly not my "normal" and I am afraid it might become my "normal." Not only have I lost Joyce, but I have lost other friends over the past month simply because I have lost some more weight, and people avoid me like the plague. I know I do not look half that bad, as the woman at the optical store told me today that I looked great. Yes, I am a bit anal about how I present myself. "If I look great, I feel great." However, with just 90 minutes of sleep last night, I just don't have much of anything left to give anyone at this point, even a friendship. And to make matters worse, my friend who was my former rheumatologist and who has access to my medical records so that she can help my doctor figure out what is wrong with me, texted me earlier today and told me to stop sending her emails. I sent one about the Joyce situation and I guess she did not want to hear about it, although she has been helping me deal with Joyce for the past 6 months or so. I am baffled to say the least. I know this will pass once I get some long needed rest.

Thank you all for your encouragement.