Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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Kallettla- can you describe the results you have experienced? I did look at the website for the product you recommend. I like that he is a Doctor and a scientist.

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I have just began the journey. He did a lot of blood tests and determined that I am turning over bone and not making it quickly enough. I have inflammation in my body and it could be the reason for the high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and maybe even anxiety. He believes my GI tract is off. He had me send stool into a place for a GI MAP. I have a phone appointment with him on the 10th to chat about it. He has me taking collagen, a calcium mixture, something called osteostim, which are all Ostoenaturals. He daid I could take my own supplements but I am just going with his and a homosistine support mixture. My bones are pretty damaged. He wants me to be on Forteo for two years, then something else for 1 year. He thinks if he can guide me to repair my gut, I may not need to take osteoporosis meds anymore. He tests something maybe PRN? to follow my bone health. I am hopeful!


I have just began the journey. He did a lot of blood tests and determined that I am turning over bone and not making it quickly enough. I have inflammation in my body and it could be the reason for the high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and maybe even anxiety. He believes my GI tract is off. He had me send stool into a place for a GI MAP. I have a phone appointment with him on the 10th to chat about it. He has me taking collagen, a calcium mixture, something called osteostim, which are all Ostoenaturals. He daid I could take my own supplements but I am just going with his and a homosistine support mixture. My bones are pretty damaged. He wants me to be on Forteo for two years, then something else for 1 year. He thinks if he can guide me to repair my gut, I may not need to take osteoporosis meds anymore. He tests something maybe PRN? to follow my bone health. I am hopeful!

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All sounds very thorough! I hope you will post again as you progress.


All sounds very thorough! I hope you will post again as you progress.

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I certainly will. Of course, the causes of my osteoporosis will be different from others, but maybe someone can learn from my journey. I have certalearned from others!


Morning Lashu~
Thank you for your quex.
I chose Codeage, (unflavored) for what it contains and its price. I just ordered another one through Vitacost as they're now offering a 15% discount on it. It lasts me 2 months with its 63 servings. Vital Protein didn't have all 5 varieties of collagen..and was pricey to pay for the TV ads, I would suspect. As long as the animal collagen used is grass-fed..and other ingredients are as pure as we can find...and it fits into your budget. They all now seem to be the peptide kind and hydrolyzed...which makes them more body-friendly and able to work better for you. I'm really seeing the benefits of sticking with the Codeage product...and no...I'm not affiliated with the company or any other one. Seeing the dark spots on the back of my hands, as well as on my face fading and going away totally on my hands..AS well as experiencing rapid nail growth, eyebrow hair as well as pubic hair, and my head hair being stronger and thicker than ever have convinced me to keep taking this product every day. It disappears in my coffee..tasteless...and gee..a real miracle for us aging ladies as far as I'm concerned.
Hope this helps you as well! Enjoy your day!

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Thank you for this information. I’m going to look into this today. I have lost 50% of my hair over the past 5 years and my Endocronologist says it is not my thyroid or related to my bone loss. She’s guessing it is stress related. I have been taking a supplement for hair, skin, nails that’s high in Biotin and it has slowed the hair loss a little, but I would like to try another route.
I am about to start Evenity if my insurance pays for it, but will NOT follow up with Prolia, as I do not want to commit to anything for life. I have so many concerns after reading about these drugs and their side effects and it’s just causing me more stress.


Morning Lashu~
Thank you for your quex.
I chose Codeage, (unflavored) for what it contains and its price. I just ordered another one through Vitacost as they're now offering a 15% discount on it. It lasts me 2 months with its 63 servings. Vital Protein didn't have all 5 varieties of collagen..and was pricey to pay for the TV ads, I would suspect. As long as the animal collagen used is grass-fed..and other ingredients are as pure as we can find...and it fits into your budget. They all now seem to be the peptide kind and hydrolyzed...which makes them more body-friendly and able to work better for you. I'm really seeing the benefits of sticking with the Codeage product...and no...I'm not affiliated with the company or any other one. Seeing the dark spots on the back of my hands, as well as on my face fading and going away totally on my hands..AS well as experiencing rapid nail growth, eyebrow hair as well as pubic hair, and my head hair being stronger and thicker than ever have convinced me to keep taking this product every day. It disappears in my coffee..tasteless...and gee..a real miracle for us aging ladies as far as I'm concerned.
Hope this helps you as well! Enjoy your day!

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Has it helped with your bone density?


I also take Ancient Nutrition Multi Collegan. I really like it and can see/feel difference.

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Do you know if it has made a difference in your bone density tests?


Do you know if it has made a difference in your bone density tests?

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I just had my first bone density test and was told I had osteoporosis in my spine and osteopenia in my hips. I have been taking collegan for over a year so I don't have an earlier test to compare it to.


I just had my first bone density test and was told I had osteoporosis in my spine and osteopenia in my hips. I have been taking collegan for over a year so I don't have an earlier test to compare it to.

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Thank you for your reply. Have a great day!


Kallettla- can you describe the results you have experienced? I did look at the website for the product you recommend. I like that he is a Doctor and a scientist.

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Drummergirl, I bought (and read) both of Dr. McCormack's books so I am not being disrespectful here. Just make sure you know that he is a chiropractor, not a medical doctor. It doesn't make any difference to me, but when I mentioned that to my MD, well the eyeballs rolled!


Appreciate the feedback😊

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