Have Diabetes 2 taking Jardiance for kidney

Posted by franco39 @franco39, Sep 25, 2023

I am an 84 year old male with diabetes 2 - and have recently been looked at by a Nephrologist for my kidney functions . He has given me Jardiance to take 10 mg a day - to help protect the kidneys and flush out sugar through my urine therefore peeing more often. I am on my 10th day and notice peeing more and sometimes an odour with it. So far i have no side effects. Does anyway have this same routine or can tell me more about Jardiance as apparently it can be a life long medication. Thanks Frank

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....sorry you dont feel well tonight... me for different reasons and at emerge clinic today for uti and now on another antibiotic and they dont suit me it have no choice; i don’t know how some people in USA can afford the prescriptions... we have only been to Florida years ago and just loved it there... well yes my spouse does his thing and for his own reasons but I still cant fathom 17 meds... he gets lots of gas but I did a search and seems some diabetics do - but I think its the meds, or could be what he eats... yes good idea to speak to your pharmacist... hope you feel better tomorrow and while “water pills” work, am sure kidneys are in overdrive!


Hi we are in Ontario Frank. I could list the meds he is on, hard to believe he is still walking around. He also has occasional alcohol and smoking. I had to devise a page showing both am and pm meds, the am meds and the pm ones and what was in my opinion critical these days and keep forgetting to mention it on Mayo - if you have a list of medications you carry around may be a good idea , as we have, ,to put down the name of the drug prescribed and also the alternate name if generic or ? It was very very confusing soothing this out and even now saw the list and realized it also has another name (such as mine was Rivotril/Clonazepam and in USA called Klonopin. Even my nurse was going to prescribe another pill from my anti diarrhea one and it was the same medication only a different name... am sure this could lead to confusion in an emergency.

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Are you getting this notice - i have not heard from you for a while - been busy do connect again i am tracing through Mayo clinic what happened to my message to you Oc. 1


Hi @franco39. Well I did get the private message and answered so not sure it gets a bit confusing on here as I am all over the place chatting as I have a lot of illnesses etc. I just asked my spouse about the Jardiance and now he is confused about it all with so many prescriptions - time to sit down with him and sort these meds out and what they do.... he says Jardiance and Metformin were replaced by another single drug - honestly I dont know how he keeps up with it all... so hopefully someone else actually taking it Jardiance alone can answer your question - and maybe dont be worried about asking the doctor who prescribed it about side effects. (Spouse has diabetes 2, had triple bypass surgery, and cancer and both of us ageing forgetting a few things here and there).... I too am lost in the maze! Good luck with everything, J.


Curcumin has been shown to be a powerful agent that kills cancer cells. It's weakness is that alone, it is not bioavailable and is quickly metabolized out of the blood stream. Bioavailability has been remedied by the addition of black pepper extract. I currently take 1000 mg 95% curcuminoids with black pepper extract supplements several times a day.


There are many more scientific articles and studies available.
Ask you doctor for their opinion on this.


Curcumin has been shown to be a powerful agent that kills cancer cells. It's weakness is that alone, it is not bioavailable and is quickly metabolized out of the blood stream. Bioavailability has been remedied by the addition of black pepper extract. I currently take 1000 mg 95% curcuminoids with black pepper extract supplements several times a day.


There are many more scientific articles and studies available.
Ask you doctor for their opinion on this.

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Do you have diabetes - and kidney problems - and what is your age... i will check out your links tomorrow...and have never heard of Curcumin extract for prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. I have had it for 40 years and under control but now aging and things changed - i am 84 years old male.


Yes, which is why I said I was going to post a question about pool temps.

You said this can very for individuals. Did you mean this can vary for individuals?

When I was first diagnosed with type 2, my doctor suggested I not eat until I got glucose level down to 130. On my next visit he suggested 120.

High glucose levels result in high hemoglobin A1c, numbers, do they not? I do understand that at my age a higher fasting glucose level is permissible, but is not a lower one healthy?

I'm not one to put much stock in feelings, but I do feel I have been trolled just a bit.

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@cekkk I apologize for making you feel “trolled just a bit”. That certainly wasn’t my intention. My response to you was mainly fear that you were talking about glucose readings in the “teens and twenties”. (I’ve actually had those and it is terrible!) I missed that you meant 100 teens and 100 twenties. I’m sorry!


Hi @cehunt57 Yes my Nephrologist prescribed Jardiance for my kidneys to be protected with my diabetes 2. It makes you urinate more however it washes out extra sugar. It is 10 mg 1 per day - i also take 2 metformin one in the morning and one at night. Yes i have a Provider for my Diabetes at a diabetic clinic -and my on personal Dr. and they agreed with the specialist. Tonight i am feeling so so tired and lethargic going to take my bp and blood sugar. Also have a bit of a stomach ache with gas not sure this is related. I will go to the pharmacy in the morning and talk to them. I hate new medications but we have no choice.

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@franco39 all medications have side effects. The common ones are stomach aches & upsets also feeling tired, fatigue & lethargy. Have you had a chance to go to the pharmacy and talk to them? If so, what did you find out, if you don’t mind sharing?


@franco39 all medications have side effects. The common ones are stomach aches & upsets also feeling tired, fatigue & lethargy. Have you had a chance to go to the pharmacy and talk to them? If so, what did you find out, if you don’t mind sharing?

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Hi @cehunt57
Yes I spoke to our pharmacist and he confirms and i knew some of these - side effects

Stomach aches/upsets - tired/fatigued/lethargy and peeing more with not so nice odour.

I am told that these will dissapate in 3 - 4 weeks after your body gets accustomed to the medications... i am in my 3rd week now and will wait until i finish a little over a month. I am having all of those symptoms. Fatigue and tiredness are moreso - stomach off and on. I dont want to have to take these for rest of my life with side effects forever lol.

I see my nephrologist on Nov. 3 after having blood tests week of 20th October... and then my own Dr.
Can you ad anything more on this... have you been taking this long?


Hi @cehunt57
Yes I spoke to our pharmacist and he confirms and i knew some of these - side effects

Stomach aches/upsets - tired/fatigued/lethargy and peeing more with not so nice odour.

I am told that these will dissapate in 3 - 4 weeks after your body gets accustomed to the medications... i am in my 3rd week now and will wait until i finish a little over a month. I am having all of those symptoms. Fatigue and tiredness are moreso - stomach off and on. I dont want to have to take these for rest of my life with side effects forever lol.

I see my nephrologist on Nov. 3 after having blood tests week of 20th October... and then my own Dr.
Can you ad anything more on this... have you been taking this long?

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@franco39 I jumped into this discussion because of the Jardiance topic. I know of it as a medication for diabetes but was not aware of any applications for kidney / bladder. I am diabetic and I have stage 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). I don’t take Jardiance. I will be seeing my nephrologist on Nov. 2 after doing my labs the previous week. I’ll inquire about Jardiance. Then perhaps we can compare information?


@franco39 I jumped into this discussion because of the Jardiance topic. I know of it as a medication for diabetes but was not aware of any applications for kidney / bladder. I am diabetic and I have stage 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). I don’t take Jardiance. I will be seeing my nephrologist on Nov. 2 after doing my labs the previous week. I’ll inquire about Jardiance. Then perhaps we can compare information?

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I am not sure Jardiance is for bladder?? per se
but it is now one of the better medications to take with Metformin (if your taking that for Type II diabetes) it protects your kidneys and makes you pee more - however
it cleanses your blood of sugars and that is a good thing...i just learned that from my first nephrology visit in early Sept. and will see in Nov if it is working well for me. I am not one to want to try new drugs - most of what i take i have had been taking for 40 years now...and dont like change unless a necessity. So maybe we can keep in touch on it... so lets do that... Frank

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