Synovial sarcoma: what treatments might I expect?

Hi ,
My friend is diagnosed with synovial surcoma. He is in india .he is planning to come to us for treatment . Can you please provide details about the procedure , duration of treatment and expected charges


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Hello @karthikapuliveeran453 and welcome to Connect. How good of you to be reaching out on behalf of your friend. When you say, "he is planning to come to us for treatment" do you mean that he wants to come to Mayo Clinic?

If so, here is information about obtaining appointments at Mayo Clinic, When you go to this link, you can find information about appointments for international patients as well as information about costs, lodging, etc.

Are you planning on accompanying your friend to the appointments?


Hi @karthikapuliveeran453 - what a difficult diagnosis for your friend, and we're glad you've reached out for more information here. If you are planning to bring your friend to Mayo Clinic for care, you can read more about our treatment process here:

How is your friend feeling about the diagnosis? Clearly they have a wonderful support network in your and your community.


Hi...I was recently diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma. I am wondering what to expect for treatments. My cancer is in my mediastinum. What symptoms has anyone experienced?


Hi...I was recently diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma. I am wondering what to expect for treatments. My cancer is in my mediastinum. What symptoms has anyone experienced?

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I'm tagging fellow members who are living with sunovial sarcoma like @emily29 @winter23 @tynerlisa @rgotto41 @ellengrubb @mywimb569 @phuds01 and @janetamyshapiro1956 to prompt them to share their experiences with treatment.

@everythinglucky, what treatment plan is being suggested for you?


My daughter had a clear cell sarcoma in the palm of her dominant hand, She had the mass removed. Then 25 days of radiation. After recovery from the radiation, she had 2 fingers removed, leaving her with a pinky, thumb & index finger. The index finger will not engage & is unusable. She is waiting for surgery to have the index finger removed.


I'm tagging fellow members who are living with sunovial sarcoma like @emily29 @winter23 @tynerlisa @rgotto41 @ellengrubb @mywimb569 @phuds01 and @janetamyshapiro1956 to prompt them to share their experiences with treatment.

@everythinglucky, what treatment plan is being suggested for you?

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my son's cancer was inhis ankle. the Dr recommended amputation and that was 25 years ago. He later had an amputation that went under his knee. He did not have a recurrence but was having a hard time with prosthetic fitting properly. When the first amputation was done the Dr said the cancer was encased and let him opt for chemo or not. he declined and has never had a recurrence. If I may ask where your Ca is located.


I'm tagging fellow members who are living with sunovial sarcoma like @emily29 @winter23 @tynerlisa @rgotto41 @ellengrubb @mywimb569 @phuds01 and @janetamyshapiro1956 to prompt them to share their experiences with treatment.

@everythinglucky, what treatment plan is being suggested for you?

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My Synovial sarcoma began in my calf in 2021. I had it removed twice, 18 months apart. Had 25 radiation treatments after first removal. After 2nd resection, it had metastasized to my lungs. I opted for no chemo or other chemical treatments - chose quality of life (I’m 75). I was told the cancer in the calf had to be removed before a resection of the metastasis in the lung…and the only way to get it all was to amputate below the knee.
I’ve been doing some immunotherapy, which I believe as slowed the growth.
I’ve been feeling great, living life fully and am happy for the last 9 months. In the last couple weeks, pain is becoming prevalent in the calf, but control it only with Aleve.
At my stage in my life, I believe this was the best decision.
I wish you happy research and that you will feel confident with your decisions.


@everythinglucky, I hope you saw the helpful posts from @ellengrubb @tynerlisa and @winter23.

@everythinglucky, what treatment options are you considering?


My Synovial sarcoma began in my calf in 2021. I had it removed twice, 18 months apart. Had 25 radiation treatments after first removal. After 2nd resection, it had metastasized to my lungs. I opted for no chemo or other chemical treatments - chose quality of life (I’m 75). I was told the cancer in the calf had to be removed before a resection of the metastasis in the lung…and the only way to get it all was to amputate below the knee.
I’ve been doing some immunotherapy, which I believe as slowed the growth.
I’ve been feeling great, living life fully and am happy for the last 9 months. In the last couple weeks, pain is becoming prevalent in the calf, but control it only with Aleve.
At my stage in my life, I believe this was the best decision.
I wish you happy research and that you will feel confident with your decisions.

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My son was only19 years old when he was diagnosed. It is a hard decision to make. he was followed very closely for 5 years. We were told that if there were a recurrence it would be in the lungs. God Bless you Ellen, you sound like you have thought honestly about your treatment. and thank you for sharing your story.

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